Art Investment

Russia at the Venice Biennale

Today in Venice opened the 53rd International Biennial of Contemporary Art. Russia presented the project “The victory of the future”

Today, June 7, Venice opened the 53rd International Biennial of Contemporary Art, which will last until 22 November. The most famous, and promising young artists from all over the world will present their projects at the national pavilions. At six months of history will merge with modernity: the narrow Venetian streets and complete tourist area, canals and old palace turned into one big playground for the most daring artistic experimentation. The authoritative international jury will select and premiruet best of the best, and the world will learn what trends are shaping contemporary art in the following years - until the new Biennale. Russia this year will be presented to the project «The victory of the future».

Victory as a phenomenon has an infinite number of philosophical, cultural, social, ethical and artistic interpretations. «Victory over the Sun» - famous futuristic opera Michael Matyushin , Alexei Kruchenykh and Kazimir Malevich , has been written in 1913 in anticipation of future disasters, the beginning of the twentieth century. In the early twenty-first century crisis paralyzed the company is not so much economic stagnation, but the fear of the future.

Based on personal experience and art is deeply rooted in contemporary Russian art traditions of Russian avant-garde, the Russian pavilion Paul Peppershteyn , Kallima , George Ostrecov, Andrew Molodkin , Anatoly Anatoly Zhuravlev , Irina Corina, Shekhovtsov problematiziruyut and metaforiziruyut theme «victory over the future», creating their own art worlds.

The brilliant representative of the Moscow conceptual Peppershteyn Paul School, known for his paintings of landscapes absurdistskimi future, at the Venice Biennial presents a series of paintings in which the rigid elements Suprematist sprout through the vague contours of a future mega-cities. Russian avant-garde utopian energy instilled in odryahlevshy on the barrel of modern civilization, in the hope that a new spiral in the spiral of history, this vaccine will provide a viable escape. The hall will sound authoring rap artist, with fitful «Rite of Spring», written by Igor Stravinsky in 1913.

  • ANATOLY Zhuravlyov Black dyry. 2009

Anatoly Zhuravlev works with the problem of historical memory. Hundreds of historical personages the twentieth century, one way or another, influenced the course of history, from Gandhi and Einstein, from Churchill to Picasso, the miniature pictures 1 centimeter in diameter placed in a chaotic abstract black blob, which, like black holes, fill the space of the room from floor to ceiling . Playing with scale, texture and texture of the photographic material has a particularly acute and piercing, raising the issue of the future through the past.

Andrew Molodkin presents a multimedia installation that includes two glass sculptures with hollow silhouettes of Nike of Samothrace - a symbol of victory. One sculpture will be filled with black pulsating fluid - oil, the other red - blood. At the sculpture designed camcorder. The projection screen combines two images with one another. Black and red pulsing flows inside ozhivshey Nike of Samothrace, symbolizing the ambivalence of any victory.

Alexei Kallima creates huge fresco with the stands filled with fans of football matches. They besnuyutsya of joy of victory and the despair of defeat. Frescoes painted fluorescent colors appear only in ultraviolet light. Sensor, turn it off ultraviolet light, reacts to the approaching to the fresco and is triggered at some point, leaving the viewer in the white emptiness. Man is required to experience this emptiness as an inevitable consequence of the victory euphoria. Project Title - «Theorem rain» - refers to the theory of chaos and virtually impossible to predict either the outcome of sporting events, or history.

Irina Korina - an artist who works with flickering invoices and conditions, articulated the gap between memory and anticipation. Her huge fountains made from old color kleenok resemble strange biomorfnye forms filled elastic turgorom.

Sergei Shekhovtsov outplay heraldry Russian pavilion, built by the great Russian architect Alexey Shchusev in 1914 . He makes the installation of the foam on the facade of the pavilion, watching the transformation of characters in a new era of heraldry.

George Ostrecov an installation consisting of a suite of abandoned rooms, at the end of the table sits a mechanical mannequin - designer, working on sketches of its future projects. Artistic activities as the production of works that are the creator, in itself is a victory over the future.


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