Art Investment


SHCHUSEV, Aleksei Viktorovich

26 сентября 1873 (Chisinau) — 24 мая 1949 (Moscow)

Architect, painter

From the family of the caretaker of the city hospital В. П. Щусева. He studied at the Imperial Academy of arts — Higher art Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (1891-1897) in architectural class Л. Н. Бенуа; the advice И. Е. Репина. In 1895 he received the title neklassnogo (free) artist for architecture, in 1897 — the title of artist-архитектора for the project of the estate and the right to pensioner's trip abroad.

In 1898-1899 — pensioner of the iakh; visited Italy, France, Belgium, England, Middle Asia, Tunisia. In Paris he studied at the Academy Р. Жюльена (1899). On his return he entered the service in the Holy Synod (1901).

Lived in St. Petersburg (1900), Moscow (1913). In 1900-х — the first half of 1910-х he worked primarily as a master of ecclesiastical architecture. Completed projects of the iconostasis of the assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Печерской laurels, Church-памятника on the Kulikovo field, Trinity Cathedral in Pochaiv Laura, Martha and Mary-Мариинской the monastery, the Kazan station in Moscow, pilgrimage hotels in Bari, pavilion of the Russian section at the International exhibition in Venice; was engaged in the reconstruction of the Church of St. Basil in Ovruch. In 1908 he was awarded the title of full member of Imperial Academy of arts, since 1910 — academician of the Imperial Academy of arts.

participated in exhibitions of the New society of artists (1904-1907, 1910), Union of Russian artists (1906-1907, 1909, 1912), World of art (1915, 1917, 1921). Member of the Association "4 искусства" (1926-1929).

After the October revolution along with И. В. Жолтовским led the project "New Moscow" (1918-1925): participated in the development of the General plan of Reconstruction of Moscow. He served as the chief architect of the exhibition (1923). Participated in the design of the first cooperative housing settlement Sokol (1923-1933). Project Shchusev was the building was made of wood (1924) and stone (1930) mausoleums В. И. Ленина. Independently and in collaboration with the students created projects of the sanatorium in Matsesta (1928), the building of people's Commissariat for agriculture (1928 to 1933), Military@Academy ndashтранспортной (1930-1934), Moskvoretsky bridge (1936-1938), the subway station "Komsomolskaya-кольцевая" (opened in 1952) in Moscow, hotels in Baku (1937-1938) and Batumi (1924-1938). In 1935 the project Shchusev was built primarily of the hotel building "Moscow". Made plans for the reconstruction of the Istra (1942-1943), Novgorod (1943-1945), Kishinev (1947) after world war II.

he Taught at MUZHVZ — the Second State of the art workshops — VKhUTEMAS (1914-1924), Central Stroganov-промышленном school (1913-1918, self-employed), Moscow architectural Institute (1948-1949). The author of works on history and architecture.

In 1930 he was awarded the title of honored architect of the USSR. Member of the Academy of architecture of the USSR (1939), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943). Winner of four State (Stalin) prize (1941, 1946, 1948, 1952).

In 1926-1929 занимал the post of Director of the State Tretyakov gallery, 1946 —, the first Director of the Museum of Russian architecture in Moscow (now — State Museum of architecture. А. В. Щусева).

he was Buried at Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Shchusev — outstanding master of domestic architecture of the twentieth century, the representative of neo-Russian, constructivism, "Stalin Empire style". In the early period of activity (1900-е — 1910-е) came from the creative recycling of old Russian architecture heritage, especially monuments of Novgorod and Pskov. After the October revolution the activities of the architect has gained immense range and creative diversity was characterized by appeal to the traditions of different historical epochs in connection with the principles of modern architecture. In their projects seamlessly used the architecture of the Ancient world (Mesopotamia, Egypt), Greek and Roman antiquity, developed the tradition of architecture of the USSR; went through a fascination with constructivism.

the Most significant collection of graphic works of the architect has State Museum of architecture. А. В. Щусева.

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