Art Investment

Fakes of mass destruction

Rougher, made clumsy forgeries, as improbable is the accompanying story, so ... it is easier to find a buyer among novice collectors or even an unprepared public, prone to speculation

devil is not so bad as he is painted. Scandals counterfeiting of exceptional quality, over which puzzled even savvy people, and which are removed teledetektivy precisely on such "works" now and will be discussed. Profitability of operations with them is not high - attackers get about 600-2000 dollars to work. But the trouble less, and customers have more than enough. And this tactic works. Online fraudsters often come across customers who mistakenly and confidently believe that:

1) in overseas auctions to buy safe, because there are some of the expert selection and scammers do not have the heart to use to deceive the channel;

2) on the Internet everything is always sold cheaper, and often the sellers simply do not represent the true value of the proposed items (for example, foreigners do not know who the Klyun , , Mashkov , etc.);

3) in abandoned attics and sheds are regularly works of Russian avant-garde, in Grandfather's coffers are captured "Dutch", and nearly all those leaving for Israel is very unwise to leave the deposit of the masterpieces of art random people;

4) they are the first who guessed to look at the trading floors of the Internet" undiscovered masterpieces ».

But after the first deals with the hapless speculators eyes open. It turns out that examination of the scruffy, small auctions safely hide behind the very short warranty period (one month the buyer did not have time to prove or back). Online auctions are teeming with low-grade imitations. Finds on attics entirely "old wives' tale or romantic debut fraudulent combination. Mysterious "trophy masterpieces" often belong to the category of aniline rugs. And for stóyaschimi things that appear on the Internet and small auctions, watch hundreds of eyes experienced dealers - against which the beginner has no chance.

catches the eye of at least two channels of penetration of the shaft of low-grade fakes on the market. The first - the massive network scam: letters from the "prisoners from Israeli jails," now left needing a lady from America. " There's one hand, a low level, about a dozen of standard themes - fraud is calculated easily. Itself is a scam designed to "entrepreneurial spirit" of a victim who does not miss a chance to crank out a good bargain. For example, a person receives a letter delivered to him "by mistake". From which it is aware that in Chernigov, for example, may be warning in advance and for 2000 euros to buy and resell it already "warm" the buyer is 10-20 times more expensive. As a result, would-be businessman, bought for 2000 euro (or other money) worthless fake. A letter such fraudsters send out bags. And people have suffered a lot. Schemes are described, for example, here and here , and one more thing here . Distributed counterfeit sometimes called "Chernigov" probably in honor of nursery places. In fact, their geography has expanded significantly.

A common plot a series of low-grade imitations: the alleged Birshtein, allegedly Cluny, allegedly Corinne allegedly Altman ... A common plot a series of low-grade imitations: the alleged Birshtein, allegedly Klyun allegedly Corinne allegedly Altman ...
A common plot a series of low-grade imitations: the alleged Birshtein, allegedly Klyun allegedly Corinne allegedly Altman ...
Actually - variations on the theme" Model "Ilya Mashkov of timing. Source: Forum AI
Ilya Mashkov Model. 1918 Ilya Mashkov Model. 1918
timing - a source of "inspiration" for many low-quality fakes. Source: Forum AI
Another common plot a number of low-quality fakes with different signatures: Lentulov, Lanskoy, Samokhvalov, Ulyanov ... Source: Forum AI

Another channel - launching falshaka by small and global network auctions. There range of diverse and more creative. Are already compiling, trying to match the style of the artist. In general, too, everything is pretty clumsy, but at least no one arm. But the final one: from purchased fakes buyers began to dispose - and went "Mashkov" yes "Larionov" walk yourself through a market in search of new "art connoisseurs».

By and large, events with low-grade knockoffs resemble disease of dirty hands. To avoid falling into primitive blende enough for beginners to observe basic hygiene rules:

1) to gain sufficient competence - to refrain from buying products at online auctions (including the largest and most famous), and also refrain from absentee rates at small auctions, which do not produce long-term guarantee of authenticity. Not portte your mood. The fact that in conventional auctions almost never fakes - is also misleading;

2) carefully examine the signs of mass forgery in a specially built theme of the forum AI « Beware of fake paintings! ». There are all characteristic Marochko, birochki, inscriptions - them at different times shown on the forum suffered from all parts of Russia and Ukraine;

3) to place photos and descriptions of the proposed purchase on the AI ​​forum topic « prices, valuation, attribution », to obtain a spectrum of opinions on the work of experienced people;

4) to refrain from shopping in a hurry, in a dubious field of "chain letters. Fraudsters usually provokes a victim to the version of "strike while the iron is hot, so people do not really have time to consult and make an informed decision;

5) remember that the availability of securities (expert opinions, etc.) does not guarantee the authenticity of the subject, and be able to read these papers: first, the documents are also being counterfeited, and secondly, lime work may well be accompanied by a genuine paper obtained legally (for example, the conclusion of technological expertise that is not proof of authorship of work) ;

6) to make purchases from dealers and galleries with a good reputation for giving the guarantee.

However, it's the right decision - to begin to understand yourself in your theme to the view outside specialists merely adds to your own point of view.

Fiktivny Fake stamp "approved to be exported from the USSR »
It is often used to legitimize a fraud, especially for imitations of works by artists of the sixties. It is noticed that the fake stamp papers are usually very nice, unlike the paintings of this stamp. Source: Forum AI
samples are located stickers samples are located stickers" Bureau of Museums of Fine Arts Narcompros, which often occurs on the back of fakes. Source: Forum AI
clumsy "Serebryakov" labeled "Bureau of Museums of Fine Arts Narcompros. Source: Forum AI
Stamps with the inscription "Inventory by class, frequent on forged papers. Source: Forum AI
Example handwriting characteristic signatures at the speed of massive fraud. Source: Forum AI

Vladimir Bogdanov, AI


Well, what if you already happened: already bought a fake? Frequently unlucky owners of Isis forgery take an innocent look and try to sell his "sorrow". ARTinvestment.RU always advised not to do so. Place a fake - in the closet. In a sense, is the fee for the lesson. There's nothing to be ashamed of. And almost all mothers collectors have a closet that houses the "errors of youth". Attempts to sell a fake may cause other trouble. Much more serious. About them, as well as ways to reduce risk in transactions ARTinvestment.RU asked a specialist - an expert in legal issues of trafficking in works of art.

AI: Situation: A man learns that in before it is a false thing, and trying to get rid of it, resell, hiding that fact. Are his actions fraudulent?

Expert: Yes! If a person knows that he has a fake Anatoly Zverev, and sell the painting as a work of Anatoly Zverev, he deliberately confuses the buyer. And aim at all - to benefit. So this is a classic fraud (Art. 159 of the Criminal Code).

AI: sometimes unscrupulous vendors, forcing a fake, argue it this way: "I'm not saying that this is the Zverev, or exactly the Larionov. Little did the world of other artists with such names? "Can a seller to avoid liability by resorting to such arguments?

E.: Many of the names (and sometimes a combination of surname and initials) are fairly common, so the sale of paintings of well-known, but the common name will allow the seller to avoid liability, unless in the instrument of transfer of the picture is not clearly indicate the name and surname of the artist, whose work had intended to purchase the buyer. That is, executed contract and the act of acceptance-transfer (transfer certificate), stating that the seller sends the buyer a specific picture of the artist. The documents indicate the artist's name entirely, but if for some reason, specify only the name or surname and initials, must be supplemented by their reference to the years of the artist's life. The more precise in the treaty and the act will be determined subject of the transaction (the part that interested buyer), the harder it is to avoid responsibility unscrupulous seller.

AI: A common situation: the market is invited painting, painting is a copy of the famous artist, equipped with "byline" - for example, an amateur copy of museum work Stozharova signed Stozhar. Type "and the signature is also copied, because it is - part of the composition. Can I treat the sale of such paintings as cheating? Can we say that the presence of (fake) carries a copy of the signature pattern in the category of fakes?

E.: If you sold a copy of the amateur, which "copied" the signature of a famous artist, the seller is obliged to inform the buyer that this is an amateur copy. This should be clearly stated in the contract and transfer documents. That is, in the contract and the Deed of transfer shall be required to specify details about the authenticity of any of the copy: sent the true picture or copy Stozharova Stozharova painting by an unknown artist.

AI: What do you recommend a buyer to take documents from the seller that in the future (in case of fraud) to go to court?

E.: Here, the most important thing, again correctly to make the contract and transfer deed. And in the contract, and in the transfer instrument shall be accurate and detail painting. According to paragraph 1 of Article 161 of the Civil Code, transactions between citizens in the amount of more than 10 times the minimum wage should be made in writing. If this form is not met, then in case of dispute the parties can not rely on witness testimony (paragraph 1 of Article 162 of the Civil Code), but can lead written and other evidence. Therefore, when purchasing patterns required a written contract, as well as an act that shows exactly how the contract was executed. If the picture does not conform to the contract, the buyer must sign a certificate.

AI: Is the handwritten receipt for the money to the court document?

E.: To make such a receipt is proof that confirms that one person received from another person a certain sum for a painting by contract, must comply with the following conditions:

a) must make reference to the contract (with the details and the subject of the contract);

b) In addition to signature- « squiggles under the receipt of money the recipient must personally write his name and patronymic completely.

latter is very important, since many of the short signatures contain enough material for examination. And if the seller decides to challenge the authenticity of such signatures, it will be difficult to catch in a lie. But if a receipt is a normal pattern of free handwriting seller, the latter hardly dare to assert that it was not his signature. And even if you dare , then it will only create additional problems in his future.

Ask An Expert asked by Vladimir Bogdanov, AI

"The Art of Deception» Alexander Khabarova and «Cultural deception » Boris Sobolev. Both films came out in a series of "Special Correspondent" on channel "Russia 1. From the relative new products - the film «Errors or scam» production of "Triumph Media Group».

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