For the first time: the paintings of Yuri Zharkikh (Jarki) at auction ARTinvestment.RU
Nearly half of his 77 years Hot has lived in exile. His works are in the collections of the best museums in the world, including the Centre Pompidou, and the number of his exhibitions in the West exceeds one hundred. In the USSR it was not even a small part of such exhibition opportunities
Yuri Zharkikh along with Alexander Refiev Eugene Rohini is in the range of legendary Leningrad nonconformist 1970-х: they organized the resonance of the exhibition, were among the originators of "gazanevsky culture" and been voices of dissent in the historical period, when it again became not bezopasno@
Hot and Rukhin were Zamperini "Shuttle diplomacy" between St. Petersburg and Moscow underground, vivid organizers and "a pain" for the authorities. Both were among the instigators and participants of the Bulldozer exhibition in 1974. In Moscow of three known except that Rukhin " as an artist who is close to the Lianozovo group. But in the city on the Neva all three — this cult figures, they are remembered by-прежнему compose Legendy@
the fates of all three listed nonconformists had very by-разному. Rukhin died in the Prime of a career in a fire at his workshop in 1976. Aref died in Paris in 1978, just a year after departure. Hot, like Aref, 1977-м emigrated to the West after-то time settled in France where he currently lives and works par@
Nearly half of his 77 years Hot has lived in exile. His works are in the collections of the best museums in the world, including the Centre Pompidou, and the number of his exhibitions in the West exceeds one hundred. In the Soviet Union, it was not even a small part of such exhibition vosmojnostei@
nevertheless the brightest pages in the biography of Yuri Alexandrovich Hot linked to the USSR and its practice of persecution of independent artists. Behind him — Bulldozer exhibition in Moscow and display them in DC. Gas in Leningrad in 1974. Then DC "Nevsky" in 1975-м and subsequent attempt of Association of artists of the Association of Experimental exhibitions. In the same year Hot experienced flagrant attempt of physical violence, rare and quite sophisticated even for those times. As he told Alexander Glezer, "in 1975, when he was returning from Moscow to Leningrad, gave him a night in the shoes of a poisonous substance, but is that Hot lain after four months with burned feet." After this hardly anyone could blame him for his decision to leave. What happened in two goda@
In Germany, then in France Yuri Zharkikh was a rather busy schedule of exhibitions — personal and group interest in unofficial Russian artists in the West in 1970-е years was particularly high). In 1984, the artist organized in France a group of "Eidos", which in our country, very little is known. Return the Hot to the Russian audience took place in the late 1980-х, when there was a series of exhibitions. Since then his work in Moscow seemed occasionally on the gallery level. In particular, in 2009, exhibition of his work was organized by the Gallery "vellum". Recently Hot work can be seen in St. Petersburg "New Museum" Aslan chehova and "Erarta". But in General we can say that in Russia the exhibition of the artist not spoiled and acquaintance with the works Hot today, in fact, you can start anew. The doubly interesnie@
And-моему, the most wrong thing you can do before this meet, — it's early critics start and early art historical interpretations of creativity Hot. Otherwise then all will haunt the horror, the sintered mass and "absolute death", mixed according to the recipes of analytical art. Hot all-таки not Filonov, a follower of which he is considered, and rightly so. His work quite independently and recognizable. Yes, his stories are often anthropomorphic plexus, heaps of creatures with transparent skin. But it is rather a stylistic device to transmit its own philosophical ideas. In short, don't listen to anybody, read the Hot sheet, where everything can be dealt with without outside POMOSHHI@
Now traditionally on prices. Auction record for creativity Hot has been registered in 2010: "Portrait of Mikhail Shemyakin" paid $12,75 thousand Earlier, in 2007-2008, at auctions Zurich and Stockholm prices for individual works reached us $4-8 thousand These results can be called more of a "sighting", and the real price levels will be established as the appearance at auction of a larger number of works. And this process until only Nacala@
Hot Picture, which is now presented for the first time at auction ARTinvestment.RU, — this is one of the most characteristic examples of his "Eidos". Comfortable and on subject and size, could become the gem of the collection of the sixties. Let's wait for Friday — posmotrim@
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