Art Investment

Why rogues are not afraid to fake living artists

It would seem, what's the point to offer fake living artist, if he sees it and finds out? Why would-то to risk that? These doubts rational thinking people strongly into the hands of rogues of all stripes

How can you live-то the author? To make a forgery, to provide it with a fake signature, and even to put up for public auction where it can be seen by the artist himself, — is simply the height of arrogance. But the belief that rogues will never dare to be so bold, great lulls the vigilance of inexperienced buyers. Many do so and think: "do Not dare they!" And highly vain. Dare, and how.

Recent the sensational removal of "Shemyakina" with Sotheby's — is only one of many episodes in the problem of counterfeiting of living artists. Over 10 years of experience we have in ourselves ARTinvestment.EN also witnessed. And the fake painting supposedly "early" Valery Koshlyakov, and a re Kazarina, and supposedly Rustam Khamdamov, and the fake Ilya Kabakov and Oscar Rabin fake, and the "left" pastels Vladimir Yankilevsky, and compilations of Vladimir Nemukhin (when the latter two were alive). And I must say that this was at all times. In life, many forged by Ivan Aivazovsky, Vladimir Yakovlev, Anatoly Zverev and many other artists.

the Situation and motives were different. Thus, the same beast, as they say people, not just knew the forgers, but in principle was not against their "business." Why? Perhaps, for him, it could be a kind of game, performance: "Man, you need money — to work under me." In turn buying fake "Repin" pre-revolutionary Odessa "nouveaux riches" were aware that taking a "leftist" in gilt frames. Just thought that externally there is no difference. But if there is no difference, why pay more?

However, these cases — explicit exceptions and nuances. Because for the most part the scammers honestly (pardon the oxymoron) put the network on a regular, inexperienced, frightened buyers. And most of all they love the lazy. Those who "have no time" to verify the authenticity.

not to be deceived, that's the minimum that you need to do when buying works of famous and expensive living artist:

1. Send a photo and question about the authenticity on the website of the artist or his Foundation. Yes, there are authors with whom contact is really hard. But often times first names are greatly exaggerated. In particular, Emilia Kabakov, the rigors of which many are afraid, quite promptly responds to email requests and gives out free certificates of authenticity. And we at the right moment, quickly got by e@-mail response to Olga Koshlyakova on the question of the authenticity of paintings by Valery Koshlyakov. Quickly to such questions are answered by Viktor Kazarin. Yes, many. In fact, in most cases, people respond to such requests normally, and-деловому. You have to be bold and ask.

2. Inspect the ongoing work in the official published list of exposed fakes. With this, it would be better to start. Sections with fakes is not at all, but there is. For example, fake Shemyakin published here, on the website of his Foundation. And forgery Kabakov also have on the website of Ilya and Emilia. Usually in such sections publish the most frequent, typical, clumsy and odious "falshaki".

3. If access is difficult to the author, there is a plan B — to contact the relevant expert directly or in the expert organization. There is a caveat: the experts do not like to give a paper on living artists. But they perfectly understand them and know how to contact the authors. So if correct, the expert said Yes, then you can not delay the purchase.

Cases of counterfeiting should be distinguished from situations where the artist declares fakes your original work. So rarely, but happens. About the motives we can only guess: a fight with a collector, the price paid for what-нибудь old deception, sincere dissatisfaction with the quality of his work, and even just bad memory. But if the artist failed to convince (suddenly there is a photo where he stands with this work in the Studio or at the show), for the owner things it's a pretty bad option. Almost hopeless. If he is a hundred times right, but 1) auctions with such a train work at auction will not accept; 2) the buyer requesting a confirmation by the artist, will likely require money back. Alas. The good news is that such situations occur rarely.

But back to the posed in the title question.

the"Living forge" is in the same row of the myths that "online is cheaper", "on foreign auctions are sold only authentic, abroad cheap because of Russian artists don't know." Neophytes consider themselves smarter than everyone else and fall for that. General advice to buyers: do not believe in any words and do not be lazy. Remember that the crooks are working against you, — subtle psychologist. They will play at all weaknesses: your unwillingness to bother, that money is small, on a subconscious fear to know the truth, kindness and credulity. In the course of going stories that "bought in person from the artist," that "the previous owner — scientist-врач-профессор-приличный man." More "published in what-то directory" and even a "expert saw said everything is fine." But start digging, and it turns out that the narrator speaks from hearsay. Get ready that will have to check all, do not blindly take on faith. But the time and effort spent on the study of the question, then it will pay off handsomely.

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