Art Investment

Moscow named the fourth city in the world in number of billionaires

Many believe that such a high concentration of very rich people inevitably creates an adequate demand in the domestic art market. Alas, the scale of purchases of paintings in Russia is not directly proportional to the amount of personal wealth

Moscow in top-5 the number of persons (registered or as-то still related) owners billions dollar state — is the assessment of Wealth-Х given in another report The Billionaire Census 2019. According to their census, Russia has occupied 4-е place (after the U.S., China and Germany) in the number of billionaires. In the group of countries where the situation has improved billionaires from all over Europe joined Russia, Britain and France. In Wealth-X we counted 102 richest man with a total fortune of about $355 billion Of which 70 billionaires live, according to them, in Moscow. And on this indicator our capital also took 4-е place in the world, second only to new-Йорку (105 billionaires), Hong Kong, and surprisingly San-Франциско, where he lives 75 billionaires. Surprise number two: Moscow, according to these statistics, ahead of London, where he lives "only" 65 billionaires. It is not known which one include X-Wealth, but it seems that some of the London billionaires — is the former Moscow.

Why? A few days ago RBC told about ranking British billionaires the Sunday Times. According to their calculations, the top ten richest people in Britain includes three Russians: Roman Abramovich (almost $15 billion), Alisher Usmanov (also almost $15 billion) and Mikhail Fridman ($14.2 billion). And all three of them for the year increased his fortune and improved position in the ranking.

Publish both ratings once again confirms that between the number of rich people in the country and development of the local art market if there is, it is not straight.

the Amount of money people have absolutely not necessarily lead to purchases of art in General, and even in your own country even more. Moreover, disparities between concentrated capital and the art market could be absolutely enormous.

for Example, take only the auction market, no gallery, so you can count. In new-Йорке where there are 10 billionaires in 2018 according, on the auctions has sold art for about $5,77 billion And in Moscow, where he lives 70 billionaires last year, according ARtinvestment.RU, on the auctions has sold art for less than $6.6 million In 874 times less versed Person I must say: what a distortion! In new-Йорке not only buy the local billionaires, but also rich people from around the world. Spend there the most prestigious auction Sotheby's and Christie's. Russian billionaires are buying there. No doubt. But this is not the only explanation for the difference in market volume in 874 times. New-Йорк't come from nowhere. Hundreds of years before that the capitals of art was quite other cities. But gradually the centre has moved overseas. Perhaps rich people are attracted to security, respect for the right of ownership and a favorable investment climate. Ask tear if there is, for example, 5% of each resale of the painting (the right route) or whatever is the situation with import of-вывозом? Sustainable business comfort gradually tightens to itself all the rest: the most exclusive items, the best service, as a result the most expensive of the transaction.

In our case, the situationcompletely different, and the desire to improve her "top" is not felt. On the contrary. Skeptics like to blame on the heavy legacy of the Soviet power (well, not in dashing the nineties). They say that the main problem is that there is no material, little masterpieces: for 70 years, there are more-менее significant paintings from private owners was requisitioned and expropriated. It's true. The deficit is, and even large shipments of Russian art from-за abroad in the period 2003-2008 was not able to fully compensate. However, how can one blame? The deficit of Russian classics absolutely does not explain why in 10-15 years we have, for example, has not formed the market of the first names of world art. Why our auctions for-прежнему no Picasso or Warhol or Richter or Basquiat. Yes there Picasso — Shishkin and Aivazovsky, no! Any items more than $100 000 at public auction a rarity. Expensive transactions take place only in the quiet gallery rooms. And it is also a symptom. And another striking thing — lack of success in our market of the Western galleries. The last salons of-за the turn came a matter of units. And before that tried many. I remember back in the late salons MWFAF (after Bouvier) we asked foreign participants as they assess their chances of sale. All with one voice answered: "this oil-rich country must be a lot of rich people who need art." Mmmm...

thus, what happens. Billionaires are. Fashion on the culture there. Happen even some successes. But in General, national market art by-прежнему neither here nor there. And yet the only theory that explains most of the major symptoms of our art-рынка, — distrust of government. Distrust in the broad sense. The unpredictability and expense of all: from the introduction of new taxes (quasianalog 5 % of sales already entered, and there, perhaps, about the "luxury tax" do not lie), the actual ban on the export, to strengthen the confrontation with the West, the war of sanctions and the General political future. So the competition for billionaires — separately, and the sale of art — separately. With one another not very connected.


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