Women and generation Y – a new hope art-рынка
To such conclusion sociologists of the company's US Trust, which analyses consumer behavior of the wealthy families of America since 1993. The researchers noticed increased activity of new groups of art buyers and the shift of audiences online
US Trust, about the report which the site says Artnet.com is a unit for managing capital Bank of America. Their new study focuses on the changing lifestyles in almost 900 families of the rich. It is about US. But in General, these findings are if not now, then in three years can be extrapolated to other countries. Yes, and they have nothing so sensational that do not fit into common sense. What there have been scientifically verified? The growing role of women in decision-making? No doubt about it. Or that older "young lions" who are not afraid to buy art online-аукционах? Yes-другому and could not be. But the pace of change – Yes, it's interesting. And just in these two groups – women and youth – the propensity to purchase is increasing most rapidly.
For starters retell about the behavior of American "Millennials" @generation - Y, that is, buyers 1981-2000 year of birth. It turns out they are now between 18 to 37 years. Well, let's say, 18 years earlier, but 35-37 – it is the right age for first purchases of art. At this time the horizons and life experience is enough to reasonably implement the accumulated financial reserves. However, it is one thing to have the opportunity, and another thing to want to use it. And Millennials, according to research, just want. And buying more. Over the past year the number of buyers of art among the Millennials grew the most – by as much as 8% @- and reached 36% of respondents in this category. I.e., 36% of respondents US the Trust of generation Y representatives have mastered the art. Another 31% are interested in buying in the future.
In contrast to the largest group Mature collectors traditional views of the generation "55", American Millennials, as sociologists have found, is more pragmatic. They do not hesitate to consider buying art as an investment. Among their motives – the need to profitably present itself in an intellectual environment, in a decent society. For them, art is a means of demonstrating their status (and for whom it is not?). In addition, Millennials are not shy of speculative transactions is not "stuck" to their meetings. When successfully turned up the case, they are without any doubt sell their works, if the deal promises a good profit. "Old" in this sense, behave much more conservatively. And, of course, Millennials are the Champions among all groups of buying art on the Internet. In 2017, online buying 69% collectors generation Y, and in 2018 already 78%.
Now, about women. According to estimates of US Trust, the proportion of women among all collectors from wealthy American families is 36%, and the proportion of men @- 64%. But it is women who in recent years began to buy more often and more boldly. In particular, they were actively to replenish the collection through the Internet. Online in General has greatly advanced over the past year: the number of purchases of art on the Network increased by 43%. And that women have become the fastest-growing group of buyers online. Among the interviewed collectors women over the past year, online shopping has made 36% — 20% more than in 2017-м. For comparison, the proportion of men doing the Internet-покупки for the year has grown only on 3%. American researchers emphasize thatthe customer became the real driver of the art market (including due to the growth in the number of purchases of DPI on the Internet).
And what we have in Russia? Research on this subject I do not know (if ever were). But some-какое idea of the audience and buyers of the Auction I have. If you look the age structure of the website and the auction, more than 70% of visitors (according to the Yandex metric) is an audience 35 . Of Millennials, compared to 25%. 30% @- this is the age of 55 (the generation of "baby-бумеров") – that is the most conservative and the most buying. If we talk about AI Auction, the core of buyers – collectors at the age of 45-60 years. And women the real buyers quite a lot. But not 36% as they have in America, where-то so 15-20%. Buy actively, competently and prudently – a pleasure to look expensive. But the customers aged about 30 years – on the contrary, one. And "y" for 18 years and does not remember. Who-то argue that young people are not interested in what-то "mossy" classics of the sixties and contemporary art, which we in AI Auction infrequently. I can only answer one thing: would demand – would be exhibited permanently. But it is not. Yes, of course there are advanced young children in our country who buy close to them the actual art, but they are few and not very helpful. From the side it's hard to believe, given that the country recorded Museum boom, are biennials, present an exhibition of blockbusters. We see that the audience, many of whom are Russian young people, standing in long queues at the museums. It's fun and fashionable. But this is a well-known paradox: fashion in art poorly converted into fashion for the purchase of artworks.
Source: news.artnet.com
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