Art Investment



March 11, 1835 (s Uktus Perm Province) - October 18, 1894 (St. Petersburg)

Painter, graphic artist

Son metallurgical peasant. Initial artistic skills obtained by copying the icons under the direction of sexton Church of the Transfiguration in Uktus; some time studied drawing at the Mining School teacher in Yekaterinburg FS Knyazev. He studied at the IAH (1857-1863) in the class of historical painting in PV Basin, F. Bruni, A. Markov. During the period of study was repeatedly awarded small (1858, 1860) and large (1859, 1861) silver medals. In 1861, for the painting "A drunken father of the family" was awarded a small gold coin. In 1863 out of IAH among the fourteen competitors in the big gold medal by refusing to paint on a given subject by the IAH, was promoted to the class artist of 2 nd degree.

In the same year was one of the founders of St. Petersburg Artel artists, long time - Treasurer Artel. In 1865 his picture "Wake at the cemetery" was promoted to the class artist 1-th degree, in 1870 for his film "Return of the City" won second prize in the promotion of the Society of Artists in 1868 for his film "Return to the rural fair" given the title of academician. Since 1893 - Member of IAH.

lived in St. Petersburg. He worked in the field of genre, portraits, religious paintings. Participated in exhibitions in the halls of IAH (1860-1893, with interruptions), the Moscow Society of Art Lovers (1872), the international exhibitions in London (1862, 1872), Philadelphia (1876, gold medal), the World Exhibitions in Vienna (1873), Paris (1878), the All-Russia Exhibition Art and Industry (1882) in Moscow. One of the founders TPHV, but announcements of association did not participate. Founding member (1875) and exponential (1877-1882, intermittently) the Company's exhibitions of works of art in St. Petersburg.

worked on paintings in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow (1876), the Ascension Cathedral in Elets (1879), Riga Cathedral (1883), Vladimir's Cathedral in Chersonese (1891). Served icons.

taught at the Drawing School of the Society for the Promotion of Artists (1864-1871).

In 1894, in St. Petersburg held a posthumous exhibition of the artist.

KORZUKHIN - one of the greatest masters of genre painting in Russia in the second half of the XIX century. In his work was close to the Wanderers, his genre paintings characterized by ease of living, narrative, often - the socio-critical orientation.

Korzukhina works are in major museum collections of Russian art, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum and the Kiev Museum of Russian Art, Odessa Art Museum, Perm State Art Gallery and others.

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