Art Investment

Presentation of the paintings in the State Historical Museum

Today at the State Historical Museum will be a presentation of paintings by Ilya Repin "Prometheus", a new revenue collection in the museum

Today, 12 March, at 16.00 at the State Historical Museum (Red Square 1) will be a presentation pictures Repin « Prometheus "(the new entry in the collection of the State Historical Museum).

in the collection of the State Historical Museum kept a few work of outstanding literary works by Ilya Repin (1844-1930). These works not only decorate the museum's permanent collection, but also participate in the Russian and foreign exhibitions.

Unfortunately, the museum's collection there are no products associated with the symbolist stage of the Russian artistic life in the 1910-s . The creation of this kind belongs to the painting by Ilya Repin "Prometheus" 1910-ies. Phenomenal susceptibility artist allowed to transmit in this work, the tragedy of time. "Prometheus" is a vivid example of the use of IE Repin's artistic system innovations in easel paintings. Expressive colors and picturesque texture, complex spatial arrangement was necessary to translate the metaphoric conception of the artist. Freedom of pictorial and plastic composite construction pictures close artistic program of a number of works by Repin 1890 - 1910-ies.

painting "Prometheus" was established under the laws of the chosen author of the artistic form "creative experiments". The classic story is filled with cultural and Christian allusions. On the other hand, suffers from an ancient hero was seen in the context of political and social realities of Russia at the beginning of XX century.

acquisition of paintings by Ilya Repin "Prometheus" will fill the need for the State History Museum in the required elements of the new museum - works which reveal important for the beginning of XX century, the theme of spiritual, philosophical and religious quests Russia's intelligentsia of the first world war, the revolutions of 1917 and the Civil War.

In these pictures "Prometheus" attend a composer, pianist and musicologist Ivan Sokolov Glebovich. Subject Repin's work coincides with the theme of Fire - the main work of Scriabin (1875-1915) era symbolism. Lecture-concert reveals the inner relationship of painting and music in accordance with the ideas of arts synthesis beginning of XX century. Will perform music of Scriabin 1910-ies, which, according to Ivan Sokolov, the whole is "a splash of angelic and demonic wings. Ivan Sokolov guessing similarity image Repin Prometheus with Russian geniuses, mystics foreign XIX - XX centuries - Vrubel , Scriabin, Vladimir Solovyov ...

painting "Prometheus" will be exhibited in the hall number 39, the final exhibition of the Historical Museum.

to participate in the presentation must be accredited.

Source: Press Release GMM

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