Art Investment

"The whole world - the theater ...". An engraving from the collection of M. Larionov in the State Tretyakov Gallery

Today the State Tretyakov Gallery opens exhibition of works from the collection of Larionov and Natalia Goncharova, which as a bequest of the artist's widow, AK Tomilina submitted to the Gallery in 1989

Today, 16 February, the State Tretyakov Gallery (Lavroushinsky Lane, 10, Halls graphics) will be the opening of the exhibition from the collections of graphics XVIII - early XX century "The whole world - theater .... Submitted by engraving from the collection of MF Larionov.

Tretyakov Gallery continues to open to the public works from the collection of Larionov and ; this meeting under the will's widow artist AK Tomilina submitted to the Gallery in 1989.

This exhibition will present the collecting activities of the famous Russian avant-garde artist Mikhail Fedorovich Larionov (1881-1964). M. Larionov and Goncharova left Russia in 1915, joining a touring ballet company in Western Europe, Diaghilev, for whom they created the costumes and sets, and forever remain in Paris.

Name of the exhibition - a quotation from William Shakespeare - can be understood literally: the exhibition reflects the interest Larionov to the history of theater, dance, costumes, circus and is working with the world.

An important theme for the master was gathering his professional career as an artist theater, for which the engraving was a source of vivid visual impressions and new techniques.

The exhibition displayed about 300 works - a small part of the collection of printed graphics Larionov, the total amount of which is close to 10 thousand sheets. The range of collective interests of the artist was very wide. Works of J. Callot or Utamaro neighbor in its collection with illustrations of the benefits of close combat, fencing and holding jousting journaling lithography and woodcuts of the second half of the XIX century, fashion pictures, toys, models of industrial design, heliogravire, chromos, etc.

exhibition is divided into sections that reflect the diversity of the collection.

Section "Unusual travel" will acquaint you with posters of the mid-XVIII - the beginning of the twentieth century, printed in various countries and inviting to see different spectacle: circus tricks, theater, dance. The viewer looks "optical type" cities in the world and make a trip "across countries and continents," something like this could be done in the old-boy with the usual fairground.

Section "The whole world - theater "dedicated to the engraving of Western Europe began XVI - XVIII centuries. It introduces the main European engraving techniques, and reflects a theatrical, spectacular nature of European art of the period, manifesting itself in various forms in the historical and religious compositions, landscape and interior design, genre, portraits, etc.

La vie parisienne ( «Paris Life") is represented in the images created by classic French satirical lithographs and woodcuts middle of the XIX century. This scene from the life of actors, artists and circus, opera regulars and inhabitants lies backstage, balls and masquerades, and variations on the eternal theme of "Talents and admirers" - the myth of the bohemian life of the French, created by the French.

Russian art prints given to the section" ... And the smoke of the fatherland ... ". It is decorated with superb series of lithographs by the beginning of XIX century with images of types of Petersburg commoners - artisans, peddlers, vendors. There are a variety of materials on the history lubok: folk pictures XVIII - the second half of the XIX century, as well as options Copyright Lubkov first two decades of the twentieth century: the Old Believers splint, splint in two wars - World War I and the Civil.

«But the West is West , East is East ... ": an ancient oriental culture seen by the eyes of Europeans - artists of the first half of the twentieth century. In this section the lithography friend Larionov and Natalia Goncharova, the English artist Charles F. Winzer (India, Chinese traditional theater) and pages from the album "Kabuki» AE Yakovlev .

Section "... Under the cherry blossom" is a Japanese woodcut XVIII - the beginning of the twentieth century: Playbill " Kabuki, images of actors in different Role and occupants gay neighborhoods, the images of Japanese mythology and literature, landscape and urban genre scenes of court life of Emperor Meiji. Hall decorated catagen - stencils for the application of the ornament on the fabric.

In "Happy New Year, the holiday of spring!" Display Chinese and Vietnamese New Year folk paintings. This auspicious splints, splints, amulets, illustrations of the classical works of antiquity and pictures of scenes from theatrical productions. Here are lithographed popular prints from India and Cambodia.

exhibition is open to the public from February 17 to 26 September 2010.

Source : Press release of the State Tretyakov Gallery

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