Art Investment

Grigory Gurkin. Painting, graphics. By the 140 th anniversary of the Master "

In the State Art Museum of the Altai region opened an exhibition devoted to works of renowned artist Altai Gregory Gurkin

State Art Museum of Altai Territory opened the exhibition "Grigory Gurkin. Painting, graphics. By the 140 th anniversary of the master. Altaic famous artist's brilliant assemblage of the first artists of the Altai.

student I. Shishkin and AA Kiseleva at the Academy of Fine Arts, brought up in the traditions of Russian realistic Art, GI Gurkin in his work has always been associated with downhole life of its people, its history and culture that gave rise to admire his creations of more than one generation of art lovers.

Appreciation of creativity Gurkin gave even his contemporaries, who were visiting at the first personal exhibition held in the Siberian cities in 1907-1915 respectively. Noting the bright, original talent of the artist, Siberian press enthusiastically declared: "... in Siberia appeared finally a painter, son of Altai, anthemic dear and beloved region in color».

Jubilee Exhibition The exhibition includes the artist's best works - "The lake in Lazhe" Khan Altai "(both - 1907)," Lake Mountain Spirits "," Nomadic in the mountains "(1910), in which the artist created a clear image of the classic mountain of Altai. That landscape, occupying a leading place in the heritage of the artist, became Gurkin way reflect the philosophy embodied in the myths, legends of the Altai people.

the first time from the exhibition includes graphic artist - from the first drawings that are close the manner of Ivan Shishkin, to the marked technical excellence and national color works in which the artist has developed two themes: landscape and ethnographic.

In ethnographic sketches and watercolors Gurkin presented as one of the first researchers Altai culture. The artist is not just a lot of drawing and writing, but also collected the heroic tales, folk tales, legends, songs, music, and pieces of applied art. Part of the submitted works in the exhibition by the artist completed in the vicinity of the village of Anosov, at the foot of Kai, on the banks of the Katun, where he settled in 1903, built a house and workshop. Other drawings were created by the wizard during his expedition to the Altai, Mongolia, and Tuva.

huge graphic material that are supportive and exploratory nature, formed the basis of his pictorial art.

In the exhibition by an organic looking object Altaic and Kazakh folk art collected by the museum staff in the expeditions to the Mountain Altai in 1970-1982, respectively. They are collected in the same places where there are expeditions GI Gurkin. Altaic wood products, leather, metal, objects of women's needlework, Kazakh embroidery is developed different technologies, originality ornamental motifs, genetically rising to a distant historical epochs.

exhibition will run until March 31.

Source: ab . ru

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