Art Investment

«Another Mythology» in NCCA

National Center for Contemporary Art presents a new project, consider one of the most vivid and interesting trends in contemporary art - the artists to mythmaking

Yesterday in Moscow an exhibition entitled «Another Mythology», continues to exhibit a number of conceptual projects of the Center for Contemporary Art. Visitors can see works by artists of AES + F (Tatiana Arzamasova, Leo Evzovich, Eugene Śviack, Vladimir Fridkes), Vadim Zakharov , Oleg Oleg Kulik , Yuri Leydermana, Igor Makarevich , Elagin Helena , George Ostretsov , Leonid Leonid Tishkov , Tony Matelli, Jonathan Meeze Tony Ouslera, Jake and Dinos Чепмэнов.

This project examines one of the most vivid and interesting trends in contemporary art - the artists of mythmaking, to work with strong themes and characters, endowed with qualities of mythological heroes, magical, wonderful and fantastic properties.

The project aims at the theoretical and methodological synthesis of the experience of the art world the second half of XX - beginning of XXI century. This approach allows us to present at a variety of areas of contemporary art and articulate the development of new forms of visual creativity.

examines trends have deep roots in the world cultural heritage: the religious painting, academic historical painting, Art Nouveau era offers various methods of interpreting and the visual embodiment of classical myth, «on the creation of the world», of gods and heroes, the nature and purpose of human . In the XX century in connection with radical change in the aesthetic and ideological paradigms mythmaking becomes a trend, one of the major forms of artistic consciousness. I get a notion of «other» mythology, which is the conscious design of a new myth, the creation of new pictures of the universe, utopian systems, aimed at rebuilding the world.

In the second half of the twentieth century Russian avant-garde vizionerstvo replaced by reflection on the revelation of Velimir Khlebnikov, , Vasily Kandinsky , Filonov Paul , Vladimir Tatlin .

Contemporary Art deliberately uses images of classical mythology, and modern myths (artistic, political, epistemological) to create a «holistic experience and interpret reality through sensual visual images that are considered separate phenomena of reality» (from the philosophical definition of myth , «newest philosophical dictionary »).

In the development of modern culture associated with the transformation of the global socio-political system, the philosophical foundations of change, the collapse of old values, new scientific discoveries, and as a consequence - the transformation of value system, mythology becomes an important component of art.

first experience in the creation of «other» mythology in the interest period can be attributed to the 70 th years of the twentieth century - the time of the Moscow Conceptualism and sotsarta. Mythmaking Ilya Kabakov , Pivovarova , Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid based on the ironic reflection of contemporary reality, an effort to «irrefutable facts of life» (AF Losev) mythical , the magical properties. «Mifopisanie» of this kind has been continued in the artistic and literary practice Andrew Andrew Monastyrsky and a group of «collective actions», and then in the association «Inspection Medical hermeneutics "», «cloudy Commission», «Fence-light». Mifologizirovalos very artistic community, which was given the status of a political party or even a separate state. Traditions «Moscow Conceptualism» found its development in today's art of such artists as Igor Makarevich and Elena Elagina , Vadim Zakharov, Paul Peppershteyn , Yuri Leyderman.

parallel the trend in the art of Russia mifotvorcheskih there are a number of concepts related to the creation of poetic utopias and eschatological «revelation», ironic and Provocative systems that demonstrate the work of Leonid Tishkov, Oleg Kulik, AES + F group, George Ostretsov etc. reflexive experience of tradition and modernity leads to attempts to create and describe different models of the universe. This line of modern mythmaking close to trends seen in the international art scene. My options «myths» created and presented in the exposition of such famous masters as Marina Abramovich, Jonathan Meeze, Tony Matelli, Tony Oursler, Chapman brothers

As part of the exhibition to be holding master classes and round tables, video screenings and lectures from the «new myths», created by artists from around the world, for one reason or another are not included in the exhibition.

is preparing the exhibition catalog, which includes the texts of the artists.

The exhibition can be visited before the March 1 and 3, 10, 17 and 24 February at 19.00, in the small hall of NCCA will meet with the exhibitors and discuss the project.

February 3, Tuesday, 19-00

George Ostrecov, AEC + F

February 10, Tuesday, 19.00

Igor Makarevich and Elena Elagina, Leonid Tishkov

February 17, Tuesday, 19.00

Oleg Kulik (TBA)

February 24, Tuesday, 19.00

Vadim Zakharov

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