Art Investment

Open 243-и the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — six paintings, seven of the original sheets and three — printed graphics, three works in mixed media and one work in China

the fee from buyers is 18 %.

Catalogue of the Auction № 243

Selected lots of the Auction № 243

let's Start our story is not traditional, with two works that I want to tell apart.

Big oil "Cock and jar" Victor Semyonovich Kazarin dated 2003-м year, actually has an unusually wide double Dating 2003-2018. But there is no error. This winter, the artist selected some of my paintings made 15-20 years ago, reinterpreted them, and then added, immersed in an atmosphere inspired "jazz improvisation" (his own words). Kazarin worked on this new cycle with great pleasure, with the same pressure, with ideas. Enjoyed the dialogue with him 50-летним. It turned out great. By the way, savvy people who saw him winter "improvisation", in one voice say that this was one of the most powerful films of Russian neoekspressionista.

the Only work on porcelain — plate "ACE", made in decal technique in 1990 by sketch Vladimir Nikolaevich Nemukhin the mid-1970-х. It would seem that what is special about it? And especially the fact that this dish (or rather, copies of the plates) began in the China of the sixties. "... the Beginning of the history of porcelain, created by paintings of easel-шестидесятников, lies in the last decade of the twentieth century, First in 1990, in Luxembourg at the factory Villeroy & Boch released a limited edition plates four sketches of Vladimir Nemukhin. <...>

<...> Boards with sketches made Nemukhin in the mid 1970-х years and hanging on the walls of his Studio, saw one of the visitors — the Ambassador of Luxembourg in the USSR. Taking pictures, he organized the production of a series of four plates in the factory Villeroy & Boch, which was released in 1990 in decal technique, faithfully reproducing the sketches, with all their incompleteness. The success was overwhelming. Plates “Tambourine”,"ACE", "Jack of diamonds" and "the Joker" on projects of Vladimir Nemukhin began in 1990-м face-Villeroy &@Boch semicolon at the famous exhibition of new luxury goods... and immediately dispersed to private collections of Europe" (Victoria Petukhova. Porcelain as nepriglyadnoy art or another facet of nonconformism // Porcelain of the sixties: an Exhibition in Romanov gallery. M : Bonfi, 2012. P. 12). The plot of "AS" ("ACE") was the first story in the series (story printed on the back of the plate), so you can say with it and send this unique art — porcelain of the sixties.

And now refer to landscapes.

Opens his large gouache ". Tverskaya street" (1944) Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov relating to created in 1940-х years a vast cycle of landscapes of the city updated the General plan of reconstruction of Moscow of 1935.

Tushev picture "City skyline (with the moon)" Boris Petrovich Sveshnikov created by the finest lines in the style, which is another hypostasis of the creative manner of the author.

As always, bright, dynamic, decorative and recognizable — acrylic "Oil" (2011) Konstantin A. Batynkov.

All mixed up in the genre section of the catalog: "Dead souls", naive painting and Soviet beer 1950-х years! Genre draw the song "Parsley relieves boots" (1923-1927) Marc Chagall — sheet LIX 2-го volume of the book of Gogol's "Dead souls". Our etching — is one of the 96 illustrations made by Marc Chagall in the years 1923-1927 and published in two volumes "Dead souls" by the Paris publisher Tériade edition of 368 copies in 1948.

Canvas "Born 8 March" (1977) a naive artist the Natta Ivanovna Konysheva is almost devoid of the usual for the author of mnogozadachnosti and mnogozadachnosti, but how expressive the eyes of a character!

And another genre sheet — "In the pub" (2016) Oscar Yakovlevich Rabin, printed in the most complex technique, using linocuts and lithographs, picture 1958.

Lithography "Long leg" (2002), the founder of Moscow conceptualism Victor D. Pivovarov — genre and surrealism, which tells the story of a man, strides running to the horizon.

Three of the works amounted to the partition of women's images. The beauty of the female nature you can admire on a bilateral sheet of drawings in charcoal on paper, "Nude from behind / Nude with raised arm" (1910-е) Nicholas A. Stipa. Both drawings relate to the staging of full-scale studies of brilliant Russian painter. The female figure is depicted subtly, gracefully, they are clearly visible individual author's approach to the study of images.

Canvas "bathers" (1930-40-е) Russian artists abroad Isaak Pailes has a comfortable collection size (53,7 × 65) and written in powerful, expressive manner. As pointed out by the expert, the work is interesting for its color scheme with a complex combination of Golden-охристых, emerald-зеленых and rich blue, cold tones and rough plastics depicts bathers. All this makes it expressive and engaging.

a Completely different image is created Nadezhda Andreevna Udaltsova large and expressive late work sauce "Peasant woman with a bucket" (1950).

Extensive and diverse theatricalsection of the catalog. It opens with a sketch of the Girl costume wooden shoes (1930) the work of another artist of the Russian Diaspora — Mikhail Fedorovich Andreenko-Нечитайло, well known to scholars in our time are actively returning to the history of national art. The expert points out that this work "perhaps painted by the artist for one of the performances, or is the album art folklore types".

In the late 1930-х — the early 1940-х made gouache Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova "Spanish flu", which, according to the expert, "is distinguished by a subtle color palette and refined decorativism". "the Spanish theme — original card Natalia Goncharova. The first “Spanish” sketches were made in 1916 by order of Sergei Diaghilev for planned and unsuccessful productions of “Spain,” to music by M. Ravel, and “Triana”, music by I. Albeniz. During 1930-40-х years Goncharova performed sketches of costumes and scenery for plays on the Spanish theme of: “Bolero” by M. Ravel (1932) and “Magical love” de Falla (1934), “Gayeski” by E. Granados (1939), numerous choreographic miniatures. <...> Gouache "Spanish flu" with high probability can be attributed to the group of sketches executed during this period".

Sheet Vladimir Nikolaevich Nemukhin "Theater of the figure. Tambourine and the Peak" (1996) represents one of the major works of the artist — card game. Card characters Tambourine and a Peak appeared in painting, drawing, series of porcelain. In our current work, the artist examines how these characters behave on the stage. Run — is free, fun and interesting.

Section of the acrylic abstraction opens the "Composition "counterclockwise"" (2009) artist of the Leningrad school Leonid Konstantinovich Borisov ("Abstraction, minimalism, geometry — guidance in my work. Abstraction — free expression of artistic ideas. Minimalism — sterility of this expression. Geometry — the basis of education of all visual. The Cubists transformed plastic reality in the elements of geometry. Abstraction nonassociative. It is either there or not." L. Borisov).

it is Always interesting to discover new facets in the works of familiar masters. Today, our catalog includes early gouache Valeria Paton of Danica "Composition No. 2" from the series "migration of the worlds" (1980).

Complex colour, dynamics, emotion, power — recognizable elements of author's style Moses Aleksandrovich Feigin, and we see them in the abstract, "untitled (Abstract composition)" (2002).

In complex mixed art is made on canvas "untitled (composition with the tubes)" Yuri Leonidovich Cooper — little work, very decorative and just beautiful.

On the edge of abstraction and, perhaps, still life is a small floral decorative composition "untitled (Pink flower on an orange background)" (1940-е) artist Olga Petrovna Paulinoi, a student of M. V. Matyushin and later his colleagues in the work of the famous and-прежнему relevant (!) the Handbook of color "the Pattern of variability of color combinations" (1932).

Those who are going first to buy a painting or drawing, would be useful to know thatneither monitor ever authentic will not give works of art. Color, texture, not to mention the aura of a particular work, the impression from the meeting with her, the monitor is not subject. Good thing he can do at least wishy-washy, and not very good, on the contrary, to embellish (the last one we have, but it is fair to say it's worth). In addition, each person sees and feels by-своему. So come see all the work with my own eyes we have, Gorokhovsky, 7 (only need to call and make an appointment).

we Wish you all a good bargain and good shopping!

Fair market price level on the works of the authors represented in the catalog of this auction can be identified in the information database of auction results ARTinvestment.RU.

On the auction AI continues to operate a virtual party "Reserve price is not reached". He appears in the final minutes of trading, so that customers have the option to kill the reserve price (for those items where it is). In other words, if you see party "Reserve price is not reached," that is a reason to continue the fight — perhaps the victory is near.

If the latter rate appears accompanied litters "Until reserve was 1 step", it means that making the next bet, you win the auction — unless, of course, who-нибудь, inspired close luck not interrupt your last words. And always a shame when participants traded a few days and especially the last couple of hours excitedly before closing suddenly stop just one step from victory. If you feel that thing — is yours, so take this step!

fee from the buyer is 18 % of the final price of the lot.


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