Art Investment

Open 152-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — is eleven paintings, nine of the original sheets and three — graphics and one work, executed in mixed media

Open 152-е trading electronic trading platform "AI Auction".

Please note that this week the auction ends in normal mode — in the festive Friday 4 November.

Description extensive landscape string will start with two small species studies performed in the first half of the twentieth century. "Rural landscape. Cloudy day" (1900-1910-е) brush one of the most prominent Russian landscape painters of the XX century, Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon — rare work, concerning the early period of the artist. Concise composite and its picturesque means work performed in a free manner, in the technique "a la prima" and is built on a combination and mixture of delicate grayish-голубых, ochre and green colors with an accent of red.

the location of the rural summer view "Evening" (1920-е) Nikolai Petrovich Krymov attracted the attention of the viewer master gear thin svyatogornyj relations, with an accuracy of describing the state of nature at the end of the day.

the Area Minerva French, town where he spent the last years of the Russian artist Gregory A. Pozhidaev, devoted to the bright, lyrical, imbued with a sense of wonder and natural beauty of the landscape, "Autumn in Provence" (1950-е). Almost forgotten for many decades, Pozhidaev — his brilliant theatre work 1920-х, still lifes and landscapes of the Mature years of creativity — now back in Russian art; he dedicate exhibitions, research and publications, his biography and even the name is restored according to archival pieces, and his work often appear in auctions.

In an easy, sketchy, manner nebroskoy in 1974 written essay "Chernoistochinskoe pond. Morning" (1974) Sergei Alekseevich Luchishkin. The expert stressed that the execution style of the landscape characteristic of the later period of the artist's work, many travelled around the country. Chernoistochinskoe pond is located in Sverdlovsk region near the Nizhny Tagil, and in our days he faces a serious environmental hazard. In the study of ostrovtza Luchishkin pond appears to us in its original purity and beauty.

a Compilation of field studies completed by small (24,5 × 35,1) landscape "Summer day" (1980-е) Boris Valentinovich Shcherbakov, developed in the characteristic manner of the artist of 1980-х years. Our landscape, like other works of this period Shcherbakov inherent in the decision of plein air painting tasks, the precision and subtlety of the transmission state of nature.

Description cityscapes begin, oddly enough, with a sketch of theatrical scenery — graphic sheet David Nestorovich Kakabadze, signed by "Underground press" and dated 1944. It is interesting to note that the building shown on the sheet, in its main features resembles real-life house that served as a respectable cover Avlabari underground press, which operated in the outskirts of Tbilisi in the years 1903-1906. On the work of the artist on the composition of the sketch also speaks of a small pencil sketch on the back of the sheet. The sketch is very elegant, noble and beautiful, and to determine what performance it was made and whether staging was up to the historians, art historians, and the new owner.

the Topic of urban landscapes continues this picture of-настроение — emotional andvery picturesque "Landscape with house and large trees" Vasily Mikhailovich Meluka, created by the artist in the style of the Paris school.

the genre of industrial landscape can be attributed to a coloured lithograph "the locomotive" (2014) Oscar Yakovlevich Rabin, printed in Italy by the original, preserved among the artist's drawing 1957. According to legend (everything associated with the sixties, has acquired an incredible number of legends, of fantasies, stories; the participants of the same events have left on them opposite the memoirs, but in this case, the source, as we think, quite reliable), when George Costakis saw the original picture, he so liked the story that he asked Rabin to repeat the "locomotive" especially for myself, but just oil on canvas.

Pastel "Landscape. Black bushes" (1964) Anatoly T. Zverev comes from the collection of the heirs of the writer A. Amalrik and belongs to the cycle of rapid full-scale graphic improvisations of the artist. "The nature of performance, this is a masterful loose, expressive and yet easy, elegant, airy figure, which masterfully transferred to the mood and condition of the motive" (V. S. Silaev). We also add that, in addition to ease and elegance, drawing in its expressive dynamics goes beyond a certain genre and may be perceived as abstract work.

, speaking of abstraction: a classic example of the geometric directions of this genre in the catalog is restrained in form and color graphic "Composition" (1997) Vladimir Emelyanovich andreenkova. The art of Andreenkov, as you know, the special role played by the diagonal, which built many of the author's compositions. The diagonal is the composite basis for our work.

If you try to determine what animal or bird often wrote and drew artists other art, the results of the upper steps of the rating hardly anyone-то surprise. For a huge cock "flocks" in painting and drawing nonconformists not keep up anyone. But behind them will almost certainly be a... cats (cats) on — fish. All of them Victor S. Kazarin gave a generous tribute, we offer our exhibitors a "Cat with fish" (1989), made in the best traditions of kazaryns'ke: ruffled, slightly ironic philosopher, the fish in the tenacious paws.

Freedom of handling (but not picturesque as Kazarin and graphics) is and drawing with markers on paper, "Interior" (1995) of the sixties Vladimir Igorevich Yakovlev.

"the Green shoes" (2011 (?)) and "the Red shoes" (2000-е) modern artist Maxim Antipov exhibited in one lot. They open up a string of still lifes, but they are rather portraits of objects in space, is interesting because they depict not a specific situation or object, and the idea of the depicted forms and their character.

At the junction of genres — between landscape and still life — is the song "Lights 2" (1968) of the sixties Nicholas Evgenyevich Vechtomova. The expert points out that the work is done in the most productive and creative period of the artist — in the late 1960-х years, in the typical style of conventional landscape in which the fantastic material and details are combined, giving the industrial elements organic, almost still life sound.

still life "untitled" (1981) brushes Mikhail Nikolayevich Odnoralova refers to the American period of the artist since 1980 he has lived in exile in the United States. New residence, however, did not change the distinctive traits of still life art artist: our job as a landscape second half of 1970-х, stands firm odnoralova blue background color and draping, as well as speak items setting — this time the subject of, hinting at a new home, made a small totem figure, carefully drawn by the author in the foreground of the work.

Section of portraits (and wider — images of anthropomorphic forms), the final description of lots 152-го catalogue of the Auction, let's start with the lyrical, intimate and very accurate psychologically a pencil portrait of the artist's wife Lydia (1920-е) created Alexander Vasilyevich Shevchenko in a classical realistic style.

Very different, close to surrealism manner peculiar, however, all of the artist's work (especially his metaphysical compositions), made a drawing sheet "Portrait of Nijinsky" (1974) Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin.

By 2013, there is another semi-abstract character — one of the versions of the song "Jack "Marc Chagall"" Vladimir Nikolaevich Nemukhin, made in the complex author's technique — silkscreen, pencil, gouache and collage on paper.

the Two final songs of the catalog, despite the difference in the manner, subject and content of, imperceptibly similar in perception and remind tailored of many small pieces of colorful panels or even a patchwork quilt.

The distinctive aesthetics created "the Game. Composition No. 16" (2016) Vyacheslav Viktorovich Kalinin — interesting painstakingly spelled out many details and characters, is sophisticated compositional and narrative work.

Canvas "Space "I" (1994) a newcomer to our auction, contemporary painter Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Shmagin is perceived, despite all the decoration, not as a composition-действие, but as the song-размышление illustrating the philosophical quest of the author.

Thin, worked out in minute elements, sophisticated color combinations, the work Shmagin very beautiful, but that it wholly belongs to the following statement: either a single monitor never authentic will not give works of art. Color, texture, not to mention the aura of a particular work, the impression from the meeting with her, the monitor is not subject. Good thing he can do at least wishy-washy, and not very good, on the contrary, to embellish (the last one we have, but it is fair to say it's worth). In addition, each person sees and feels by-своему. So come see all the work with my own eyes we have, Gorokhovsky, 7 (only need to call and make an appointment).

Wish you all a good bargain and good shopping!

Fair market price level on the works of the authors represented in the catalog of this auction can be identified in the information database of auction results ARTinvestment.RU.

At the auction AI continues to operate a virtual member of"Reserve price not met". He appears in the final minutes of trading, so that customers have the option to kill the reserve price (for those items where it is). In other words, if you see party "Reserve price is not reached," that is a reason to continue the fight — perhaps the victory is near.

If the latter rate appears accompanied litters "Until reserve was 1 step", it means that making the next bet, you win the auction — unless, of course, who-нибудь, inspired close luck not interrupt your last words. And always a shame when participants traded a few days and especially the last couple of hours excitedly before closing suddenly stop just one step from victory. If you feel that thing — is yours, so take this step!

Attention: fee from the buyer 15% of the final price of the lot.

Selected lots of the Auction № 152

We continue to make paintings and drawings (original and lottery) to our regular weekly auctions. About his desire to put the thing on the auction AI write or call: 7 (495) 632-16-81. Rules of submission for auction AI can show sdes.


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fee from the buyer AI Auction is set at 15% of the final price of the lot. Payment is made in rubles in cash in the office of the Auction or by wire transfer to the account of the Auction. The Auction gives buyers of permits for export outside Russia of goods purchased at auction, and does not guarantee the possibility of obtaining such permits. Sending lots outside of the Russian Federation the administration of the Auction is not possible.


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