Art Investment

Auction № 6 Russia. West. East" in the "Antiquarium"

On Saturday 1 November, the auction house "Antiquarium" conducts the auction of paintings and decorative arts № 6 Russia. West. The East". Auction start at 14:00

Saturday 1 November auction house "Antiquarium" conducts the auction of paintings and decorative-прикладного art № 6 Russia. West. The East". Start trading in 14:00.

Online-каталог auction.

the Refined taste and splendor, conciseness and pomposity with a wide stylistic and technical diversity of objects, @there is a way to characterize a collection of almost two hundred lots of the auction of paintings and decorative-прикладного art, which will be presented at auction in two large razdelek.

"Paintings and drawings" is the work of the Wanderers — forest sketches I I. Shishkin in the technique of etching and genre painting I L. Gorokhova "Children reading books, landscapes of Russian painters of the second half of the NINETEENTH century E E. Krachkovsky, a A. Benoit (Horse), u I. Fedders.

to Supplement private collection not only fine art, but also in Eastern rarities genre can-этнографические work in the upcoming auction catalog. The pre-revolutionary period presents full Central Asian flavor paintings — "Mosque and Madrasah in Samarkand" I S. Kazakov, "street of the old town" R Sommer, "East street" S P. Yudin; Soviet East 1930-60-х years is reflected in the paintings of "Foreman" b A. brinsky, "ditch" and "Golden October" V M Petrova.

noteworthy collection of sketches E B. Shcheglova for the magazine "Crocodile" 1960-х years. The master's works of the cartoons are in many museums around the country, published in albums and compilations genre drawings, published in Moscow and rubezhom.

Section "Ornamental-прикладное art", which includes more than one hundred lots, begins a string of Russian silver. Products suppliers of the Imperial court Ovchinnikov and Khlebnikov, and not so famous artists of the second half of the NINETEENTH — beginning of the twentieth century provided the decoration as fashionable and bureaucratic messes. All these cups, shot glasses, mugs, glasses and Cutlery, match boxes, powder boxes, snuff boxes and cigar boxes Russian tradition generously uslashala luxury coloured enamels and refined Chern ornamental.

top-лотов auction — icon of the Lord, the Almighty richly decorated with enamel oklad, portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna — wife of Paul I, the mother of Alexander I and Nicholas I, — performed Kholmogory master in the technique of delicate carvings on bone, as well as products of different genres of the Imperial porcelain factory. From rare snuff boxes with miniature in the technique of "pate sur pate" and classical Palace vases-designed as a new ideology, but preserved pre-revolutionary quality sculpture LFS.

a Special place in the directory take four decorative plates so-called "Military" series. In 1828 Imperial porcelain factory received an order to manufacture 60 plates, painted war scenes, borrowed from the collection of the uniforms of the Russian Imperial Army" and the book "the Russian Imperial Army. The correctness of the image parts of the uniforms he had checked himself the Emperor, and creating murals were taught by the best artists — A. P. Nesterov, V. F. Meshcheryakov, C. A. Head, A. I. Lychagin, N. Kornilov, I. Artemyev, M. C. Hooks. The whole "military porcelain was produced in limited editions and was intended for the Russian Imperial dvora.

In "Eastern" Thong attract the attention of Chinese vases of the mid-nineteenth century with gorgeous images of flowers and mystical themes as well as rich Palace Japanese vase Meiji period with irises and scenes from national life and traditional painting in colored ink on silk with symbols blooming Sakura.

Thrilling eroticism Oriental motifs and mythological themes presented in "fairy stories" porcelain compositions Danish sculptor Henning. This series of figures, as well as the famous picturesque portraits of Viennese cymbals, landscapes and floral painting products of Sevres begin the topic of the West in the directory section of DPI. Continues its selection of lots associated with the figure of Napoleon and his entourage. The embodiment of his image was always one of the favorite themes for artists and sculptors of the nineteenth century, and the column with the doll cast iron under the hat with a cloudy brow," finds a place of honor in the Cabinet business person since Onegin to our DNA.

Pre-auction exhibition is open until November 1, from 12 to 20 hours at the address: Moscow, Savvinskaya embankment 23, page 1. (auction house "Antiquarium" in the building "Art center sawinski").

Source: press-релиз auction house "Antiquarium"

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