Art Investment

The company "Russian enamel" opens the regular season trades

October 11, 2014 will be an auction of Russian and Western European art. In the catalogue of the collection of paintings, drawings, sculpture, icons, works of decorative and applied art

11 October 2014 in the hall of the auction house "Russian enamel" held an auction of Russian and Western European art. In the catalogue of the collection of paintings, drawings, sculpture, icons, works of decorative and-прикладного art. Pre-auction exhibition opens today, 6 Oktyabrya.

Online-каталог auction.

In the variety of paintings included in the auction catalog, stand out of the picture "Mardel" D. L. Bicholim, "the lady with the book" W. A. Tenne, "Tara", "March" and "Bogolyubovo" W O. Kirikova, "Rock", A. P. Sosnowski, "still life with red background" N. , Hotelului, "Pansy" O G. Svetlichny, "March shade" C N. Britovi. The spirit of the age is passed created R R. the Frenz in the mid-twentieth century watercolor "Surrender prematurely bread state", "On elections" and "Hay". Samples of Russian graphic art auction with linocuts I N. Pavlov, autolithography master streetscape T A. Degtereva, aquatint Russian graphics E C. Kruglikova.

a Variety of decorative section-прикладного art. Put up for auction a number of items of the collection level, including the vase in the art Nouveau style of the national firm of F. A. Lorie, silver set for drinks in the Russian style workshop C. O. Ivanov, and set (teapot, coffee pot, milk jug, sugar), created Petersburg silver masters at the turn of the nineteenth — XX vekov.

Among the items of silver also noteworthy shocoladnik work Century. Makarova, caddy, made A. Alexandrov, the tray of the firm M Ovchinnikova.

In the collection of ceramics auction came as a product of the Russian masters (dish tray "Bread and salt" plant I. Kuznetsova, the plate with the image of Nicholas I, the dish "Lesson Plowman")and Western European porcelain sculpture (sculptures from the series "Paris peddlers" and "Italian Comedy" Meissen porcelain manufactory).

Samples of bronze casting presents, in particular, the sculpture "the bronze horseman" and "Cossack on horseback". Among jewelry organizers emphasize brooch-подвеску with enamels and precious stones, brooch with mosaics "bouquet", a pin with diamond and alazemi.

presented at the auction French glass vase with birds of the French firm "Lalique"dish "Anemones" company "Vеrlys") and the Vienna bronze (sculptural composition "Satyr and Bacchante", "Flamingo"). Next to them are exhibited interesting works of Chinese art (plate floral, ladies and children's toiletries and items of Judaica (besamim and kidny stakan).

Auction of Russian and Western European art, will be held 11 October 2014 at the address: Moscow, Gogol Boulevard, 29. Start trading in 14:00.

Pre-auction exhibition is open 6-11 October 11:00-19:00).

Contacts: phone: 8(495) 788-86-16, e-mail:,

Source: press-релиз auction house "Russian enamel"

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