Art Investment

Picturesque and antiquarian auction house "Kabinet"

26 and February 27, 2014 Auction House "Kabinet" hold picturesque and antiquarian auction

26 and February 27, 2014 Auction House "Kabinet" hold picturesque and antiquarian auction .

« Russian paintings and drawings XIX - XX centuries »
Auction number 23 (68). February 26. Beginning at 18:00
Top lots
auction catalog

« Old and rare books , prints, photographs »
Auction number 21 ( 69). February 27. Beginning at 17:30
Top lots
auction catalog

auction exhibition runs from 18 to 25 February at the CHA ( room number 1) .

Auction « Russian paintings and drawings XIX - XX centuries », which will be held 26 February , includes 165 lots. Among them are works by prominent artists of the XIX century - Ivan I. Shishkin , I. Levitan , Nikolai N. N. Dubovsky , Bogolyubov , Yu Yu Clover , Klodt , Nesterov , as well as masters of the XX century - P. Krymova , R. R. Falk , Benoit , N. Goncharova , A. E. Yakovlev , etc.

Visually collection, presented at the auction , looks like a single collection - works selected small chamber size , framed in a vintage frame .

Traditionally, experts and the auction house "Kabinet" carefully researched the provenance of works proposed at the auction , which made some astounding discoveries . For example, item number 18 - Etude " Seascape " famous marine painter , professor Bogolyubov turned out that the work itself , which is mentioned in the will of Bogolyubov in 1896 as intended as a gift to the Russian Consul in Paris AI Kartsova , as evidenced by the inscription on the back confirming the picture .

Another work with interesting , documented history of existence - one of the best kinds of impressionistic brush Petrograd night N. Dubovsky « Night . Fontanka " ( item number 47). The painting was exhibited at the third exhibition of sketches , sketches, drawings Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions in 1916/1917 respectively. Impeccable provenance traced on property documents heirs of the artist . Due to the high artistic quality , excellent safety and documented history of existence , the picture Nikolai N. N. Dubovsky « Night . Fontanka " rightfully can decorate any significant collections of Russian art .

curious work presents Robert Falk ( item number 96). It is a reversible temperature with gouache , dating from the 1930s . On the one hand - " Night view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower ", on the other hand - written a few years earlier "Nude in stockings sitting tucked her feet under her ." Work previously unknown to art historians , enter the catalog raisonné - graphic works Robert Falk , on which the expert works Julia Didenko .

highest skill of the artist - watercolor shows a huge , almost five-foot watercolor " Fallen Tree " Nicholas Perelygina ( item number 16). Work was appreciated by contemporaries and critics . She exhibited at the XV All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibition in 1882 , which was first introduced to the art department , demonstrated the achievements of Russian art .

Equally big picture K. S. Vysotsky « Erstwhile fun . ( Hunting zyryanina olonchaka - bear ) "( item number 50). Hunting plot and Russian flavor works so liked by the audience that the artist had to create three versions of this copyright web. One option was purchased by famous philanthropist NP Riabouchinsky the other belonged to the Riga society hunters .

Highest preliminary assessment of these auctions - 6-7 , 5 million rubles - the sketch Nicholas Roerich from the series " Lad ord " 1918 ( lot number 51). From the works of a series of "Ladoga" 1917-1918, he went to Sweden , where he organized his first overseas exhibition and artistic life began in exile , where the artist came international recognition .

set for trading traditionally rich string drawings , cartoons , illustrations of the greatest masters of Soviet graphic - A. Radakov , N. V. Talkers ( D - MI ) , K. Eliseev , D. S. Moore , Kukryniksov , M. V. Dobrokovskogo , A. F. Sofronova , I. Puni , K. P. Rotova . Particularly noteworthy Suprematist drawing Udaltsova ( item number 48), designed theater sets N. Goncharova ( lots number 75, 76) and three drawings C. Telingater ( lots number 84, 85 , 86) , whose works are almost never occur in the antique market .



One of the main themes of the auction « Old and rare books , prints, photographs », that the auction house " Kabinet" hold February 27 , can be considered the history of World War I , the 100th anniversary of the beginning which now recalls the whole of Europe . Private auction string (42 lots) constitute popular prints of the First World . This propaganda sheets on the topic of the day , with stylized , deliberately simplified representations of war actions and short explanatory inscriptions, calculated on the "wide" as we might say today , often uneducated reader early XX century. Here and propaganda sheets "Feat Don Cossack Kozma Kryuchkov " (lot number 236) and the " heroic deeds and death of the famous aviator - Piece Captain PN Nesterov " (lot number 272) , and lyrical sketch "Letter to the homeland " (lot number 232) , and outright "popular" mockery " Damn nurses her son from Berlin " (lot number 244) . and call for the participation in the war loan 5 ½%with the slogan " Everything for the war , everything for victory " (lot number 268 ).

most rare posters - from the series "Today's splint ." It is known that in the first months of the war avant-garde artists K. Malevich , Larionov , V. A. Lentulov , D. Burliuk , I. Mashkov , Chekrygin , headed by G. Gorodetsky created the group "Today splint " revive the ancient tradition of a battle splint XIX century. In the series was published at least 23 sheets , mostly with verses V. Mayakovsky ; besides he painted several broadside sheets , particularly " Merge cossack for Rod sees Germans yes rod rod. Only in the Battle of Sokal Germans rode Seret "(lot number 242 ), submitted at the auction .

course adjacent to this avant-garde thong edition 1914 « Mystical Images of War "- album lithographs Natalia Goncharova ( lot number 275 ) , the last work of the artist created before the emigration . As usual, rare editions of Russian avant-garde, futurism and symbolism are well represented in the auction , " the Cabinet ". It is more than 30 lots - « Jukebox » Elena Elena Guro ( 1909 lot number 204) , one of the first avant-garde works in lithography Natalia Goncharova : 6 figures to the verses of the poet Churilina Tikhon (1912 , lot number 217 ) , textbook work Kruchenykh and Velimir Khlebnikov " Game in Hell » ( 1914 lot number 224 ) and « Buch Lessin » ( 1913 , lot number 225 ), « Vozropschem » ( drawings Olga O. Rozanova and Malevich ) ( lot number 205 ), « Lacquered tights » ( 1919 , Tiflis, " 41 degrees " , lot number 307 ).

Among rare autographs - a collection of poems by Alexander Blok " Yamba " (lot number 309 ) with its inscription poet Valery Bryusov , autographs Konstantin Balmont , Andrei Bely and Konstantin Stanislavsky .

auction organizers note that the February book collection this time is almost a textbook of Russian literature, only a selection of classic texts extremely rare and first editions of his lifetime . Among them - the first and only lifetime edition of the poems of Basil L. Pushkin , uncle of the great poet ( 1822 , lot number 26 ), the first and only lifetime edition banned by the poem " Voynarovsky " Decembrist Kondrati Ryleev (1825 , lot number 30 ), " My trinkets " one of the first publication of " Poor Liza " Nikolai Karamzin (lot number 14) and " Fables and Tales " AE Izmailov (lot number 27 ), the first edition of "Woe from Wit " Sir.doc 1833 (lot number 39) , lifetime " Fables " Krylova ( item number 40) and lifetime edition of Gogol's " The Government Inspector " in 1841 ( item number 50). Creativity first Russian poet presented the second edition of the poem " Ruslan and Lyudmila" (1828 , lot number 34), the two "Eugene Onegin" - the first separate edition ( 1833 , lot number 41) and the last miniature lifetime editions (1837 , lot number 45 ) as well as individual contributions to periodicals - in the anthology "Snowdrop" (1829 , lot number 35 ).

Continuing the theme of Russian literature in the collection of the auction - the first edition of " Imaginary Geometry " Nikolai Lobachevsky ( item number 37), in which the great mathematician graphically explains the existence of non-Euclidean spaces , filing rooms of the oldest newspaper of the Russian Empire " Moscow News »: № 53-70 in 1767 (lot number 5 ).

The most expensive lot , and one of the oldest editions of the auction - Chamber St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences Library and Kunstkammer , which presented plans, elevations and sections, attributed to Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess and the ruler of All Russia ( 1741 ; item number 7). This monument of Russian art book has a collection , historical and museum value . In the entire history of Russian trade books before the revolution and in our days , in one source does not mention the second described a similar instance , only known copy of the proposed auction "Kabinet ».

Source: Press release the Auction House "Kabinet »

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