Art Investment

Winter auction «Opus 5." Pre-auction exhibition opens today, November 25

On December 7, Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel held fifth anniversary auction firm "Znak-Art." In the catalog - Russian paintings and drawings, decorative and applied art XVIII - XX centuries, a few dozen old folios

December 7 Hotel Marriott Royal Aurora held fifth anniversary auction firm " Znak -Art ." At the auction will feature the works of masters of Russian painting and graphics, objects of decorative art XVIII - XX centuries , as well as dozens of ancient tomes .

Hallmark and pride auction collection «Opus 5 "is a collection of paintings and graphics. At the auction will be exhibited works , Rufina Sudkovskogo , Julia Clover , Kryzhitsky Constantine , Nicholas Dubovsky , , Apollinaris Vasnetsov , Philip Malyavina , Ivan Puni , Erte , Nicholas Stipa .

event of the antique market will be the appearance in the auction collection " Znak Art" works outstanding Russian painter of the second half of the XIX century . Deserves special attention , " Portrait of the daughter " ( 1897) - Preview the artist's daughter Olga. Surikov finely caught the mood of women , emphasizing expressive eyes and smile. In the picture given all the characteristics of brushwork master: color, built on shades of umber and pearl-gray , almost vibrating pictorial surface , written out fine textured strokes. Two other well-known portrait of Olga Surikovoj today in marriage Konchalovskaya stored in the collection of the artist's heirs , and from where the auctioned work .

undoubtedly attract attention and etude "Crimea . Ai-Petri "written Surikov during one of his trips to Ukraine. The painting is a beautiful example of the master and landscape of exceptional rarity for both Western and domestic auction trading .

SURIKOV VI Portrait OV Surikov. 1897
Oil on canvas. 30,5 × 21
Base Price: 3 000 000
Znak Art . 07.12.2013 . Lot 11
Source :
 VI Surikov Crimea . Ai-Petri. beginning of the XX century.
SURIKOV VI Crimea . Ai-Petri. Beginning of XX century .
Oil on canvas. 29,6 × 42,1
Base Price: 4 000 000 rubles
Znak Art . 07.12.2013 . Lot 10
Source :

in the " Fine Arts" also will feature works of small plastic forms in style Art Deco - statuettes of dancers , fine small-format genre compositions executed in hrisoelefantinnoy technology ( combination of bronze and ivory ) . A special place among the items for sale is occupied by works of the famous sculptor Dmitry Chiparusa organically combine the best traditions of bronze casting and filigree decoration .

Section decorative arts organizers pay attention to the public on rare silverware, old icons , colorful Easter eggs and refined dishes of the Imperial porcelain Factory .

Top-lot section is silver ladle Russian jewelry firm "F. Lorie A. " - a rare beauty , form and decoration jewels majestic dimensions : height bucket is 36 cm, length - 50 cm, diameter of the base - 30.5 cm , weight - about 6.5 kg. Currently the world's known silver buckets units comparable to the present size and artistic merit .

Bucket . Russia , Moscow . 1908-1916 . Firm " FA Lorie " Master Yegor Cheryatov
Silver , pearl, stones ( amethyst, lapis lazuli, rhodonite, beryl , jasper , quartz ), chasing, casting , enamel on filigree , gilding
Height: 36 , Length: 50 Diameter Founded: 30.5 , weight: 6453 g
base price : 15 000 000
Znak Art . 07.12.2013 . Lot 261
Source :

interesting custom gift album with pictures of employees ' Associations of the Nobel brothers . " Item made ​​for special order as a gift for board members of the partnership , the first comes from a family dedicated to owners and Russian oilfields Nobel brothers . Made of silver, wood , leather and paper using casting , embossing , electroplating, engraving , this vintage album is considered to be a timeless art luxury .

Order gift album with pictures of employees ' Associations of the Nobel brothers . " Russia , Moscow . 1899-1908
Silver, wood , leather, moire , paper , molding, stamping , electroplating, engraving, upholstery .
Album : 40,2 × 55,6, Case : 59,0 × 45,0
Base Price: 3 000 000
Znak Art . 07.12.2013 . Lot 266
Source :

addition to traditional firms " Znak Art" directions at auction «Opus 5 " will debut antiquarian section . Interest in old books did not fashion trend (although a similar trend to deny it would be wrong ) , and the natural human desire to literally touch the pages of history . At the auction will feature approximately fifty books , limited edition no reprints. Of particular interest to connoisseurs of antique literature present the first edition of the album with views of St. Petersburg ( 1815 ), the first edition of the novel IAGoncharov "Oblomov" (1859 ); podnosnogo copy of the book " Good Russian bookplates " UG Ivask (1905 -1918).

auction exhibition opens today , November 25 , and will run until December 6. The exhibition is open on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00 in the office at the address: . Kuznetsk Bridge , 21/5 , 1st Entrance , Office 5000 ( tel. /Fax : (499) 400-10-88 , (495 ) 626-07-52).

Read the auction collection can be provided in the catalog as well as online on the website www.znak-art. ru .

auction is scheduled for December 7 at 12:00 in the hotel «Marriott Royal Aurora» ( Petrovka , 11 ).

Source : press release auction house" Znak -Art »

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