Art Investment

The Ministry of justice wants to eliminate the Confederation of unions of artists

The main assets of the successor of the Union of artists of the USSR are the Central house of artists, Podolsk factory of art materials and a large collection of paintings and graphics

Unhappy scenario described in the article "Life after the CHA", alas, is gradually being implemented. Monday "Kommersant" reported that the Ministry of justice appealed to the Supreme court with the claim about liquidation of the public Association "international Confederation of artists unions". The claim will be considered on Thursday, July 6.

the Confederation was formed in 1992 inherited a portion of the assets of the Union of artists of the USSR, including the collection of tens of thousands of paintings and drawings that is procured from the artists. There Pimenov, Nissky, and other first names.

It sale at Sotheby's of a number of the best works (including "Over the snow" Nyssa nearly $3 000 000) is considered by many reason, one that has attracted the attention of the authorities to the economic activities of the Confederation. Suffice it to say that during the auction, the Minister of culture Medina received the submission of the Prosecutor General. However, there are reasons and serious. The CHA divides the building on the Crimean Shaft with the Tretyakov gallery. And not only that she had not enough space (although that is very important), but also in the fact that there are irritating the feds the door. With a single login — high art, turn on Serov and distinguished guests, and the other — Commerce. The fair, the salons. And not always about books and paintings, but it happened that about the honey and about coats. However, no one is hungry fed.

the Main asset of the Confederation — CHA — is of great importance for the Russian art market. This is one of the few (if not only) venues where artists and gallery owners can organize exhibitions for a reasonable price. In addition, CHA — historic venue of the International antique salon, the main showcase for the art market over 50 years. However, while there are sufficient grounds to assert that the claim will lead to a sharp change of status of CHA. You need to wait until all the procedural steps and skilled positions lawyers. The review will be in three days, on Thursday.


What to read on the topic on AI:
Life after the CHA;
of the Ministry of culture asked for the removal of the picture of Nyssa.

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