Дело о погроме на выставке Вадима Сидура прекращено
4 ноября 2016 года активистка Людмила Есипова (на видеозаписях она портит линолеумы Сидура) получила по почте «Постановление о прекращении уголовного дела в связи с отсутствием состава преступления», датируемое 23 сентября 2016 года.
About this defendant announced his Facebook page. Esipenko was accused of damage to cultural heritage sites (part 1 of article 243 of the criminal code) on the exhibition "Sculpture that we can't see" in the Arena August 14, 2015.
But now, almost all over. Because the case was dismissed, and the rest of the participants under the guidance of Enteo at the exhibition of the Siddur has already received and served your punishment.
Sounds bizarre, if not absurd. Once the case is dismissed for lack of evidence, then what is Enteo and the others were serving a sentence? Must be-то one thing: either they were serving an arrest by mistake or breaking the exhibits in the municipal Museum is no longer a crime. So? Then it is necessary to give the Directors of the museums, which have signed a formal appeal with the requirement to take measures and punish the perpetrators.
However, investigations in such cases are in themselves a punishment. Here, in particular, writes about the incident with her Ludmila Yesipova (the quote from her Facebook):
"....— did you know that-за my protest against the blasphemous images of my business and I was in control of the police Department for combating extremism...;
— know that the whole month I, a healthy person, forced to lie in a madhouse with mentally ill people, in a completely closed room, which is not allowed to leave even for walking;
— 5 months I spent under house arrest I was constantly scared of jail, etc., etc.
But what you didn't know: after the case returned from the court again in the inquiry, it was in July 2016, the investigation offered me to close the criminal case under article “Active repentance”. So I was asked to write a letter in which I asked forgiveness for... standing up for Christ and put a stop to the blasphemy!
At me then inhabited by some Church officials and my lawyer. They said it was my chance and that I should offer to accept. If I don't agree, told me Church officials, and then I will sue, they publicly disown me. If I don't agree, I told the lawyer, he will no longer defend my rights on this case.
the Last point which convinced me that their offer can not agree, was talking on the phone with a familiar and respected priest-уранополитом who told me that an Orthodox Christian is not to accept, because I propose to confess that I stood up for Christ, and there is nothing for which one could repent.
then I voiced the inquirer in his decision: he was furious that Church officials stopped me to communicate, and the lawyer said goodbye to me.
In this limbo, I spent about 3 months. Without a penny of money, besides.
And here the day before, the day of the Kazan icon of the mother of God, this good news: I've heard the resolution of the interrogating officer that closed mycriminal case in connection with absence of structure of a crime!.."
About the fate of civil action of more than one million rubles from the government of Moscow heard nothing yet. And in light of the revealed lack of evidence and it is not clear what kind of damage we can talk. One absurdity begets a chain reaction of nonsense.
Source: facebook.com
What else to read on the topic on AI:
"the claim to Esipenko for Siddur was 1 169 802 ruble"
"the trial Begins in the case of the massacre at the exhibition of the Siddur"
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