Art Investment

The museum of the German city of Emden found two counterfeit Yavlenskogo

Experts found counterfeit work "Manola with purple cape" and "View of Oberstdorf" from the collection of the Art Museum of the city of Emden. Until recently, they were considered works of expressionist Alexei Jawlensky
Art Museum Emden
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Art Museum in the German city of Emden found two fake work Alexei Jawlensky . Painting " Manola with purple cape " and " View of Oberstdorf " were purchased in 1970 Kunsthalle Emden founder Henri Nannen (Henri Nannen) and were subsequently transferred to the museum. Doubts about their authenticity arose before. Scientific examination carried out on the eve of a major exhibition Alexei Jawlensky , confirmed : fakes. Exhibition of the 150th anniversary of Alexei Jawlensky ( 1864-1941 ) will be held at the Art Museum of Emden in 2014 .

Alexei Jawlensky - one of the most expensive Russian artists on the art market , and his work on international auctions to buy and sell for hundreds of thousands - millions of dollars. While price rating works Yavlenskogo headed " Shokko in wide-brimmed hat »: at Sotheby's auction in February 2013 it was bought for 9.4 million pounds .

in the commercial success has a downside : a lot of fake artist . For example , this summer in six German cities were seized about 1,000 works of art , and in the including many counterfeit works of Russian avant-garde - Vasily Kandinsky , Kazimir Malevich , Natalia Goncharova , Mikhail Fedorovich Larionov the same Alexei Jawlensky .

prepared by Mary Onuchina , AI

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