Art Investment

The St. Petersburg Museum of Theatrical Arts handed 841 exhibit

One of the world's finest collections of Russian theater and decorative art 1880 - 1930-ies collected Nikita and Nina Lobanov-Rostovsky was entirely donated to the museum

Nikita and Nina Lobanov- Rostov
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Yesterday Sheremetev Palace ceremony of transfer Konstantinovsky Foundation donated the St. Petersburg museum of Theatrical Arts world-famous collection of Russian theater and decorative art , 1880 - 1930 - ies collected spouses Nikita and Nina Lobanov-Rostovsky - said to .

The collection came exhibit 841 - mostly costumes and scenery for plays Russian theatrical enterprises in the West , including the ballets famous Diaghilev 's Russian Seasons . This period in the history of theater and decorative art known fact that the theater began to cooperate most prominent painters of his era : miriskusniki Leon Bakst , Alexandre Benois , Mstislav Dobuzhinsky , as well as other outstanding artists : , , Marc Chagall , Nicholas Roerich , Zinaida Serebryakova , Sergey Sudeikin and dozens of others , including Natalia Goncharova , Sonia Delaunay , Tatlin , and even the author of the sculpture " worker and Collective Farm » Vera Mukhina . All of them are presented in the unique collection , 90 percent of which is precisely theatrical graphics and only 10 per cent - magnificent author posters .

As the general director of the International Charitable Foundation " Constantine " Gennady Yavnik , in 2008 , the Fund purchased 810 works once , and in 2010 - 31 more . The collection was first deposited with the Theatre Museum and placed in the Museum Chaliapin on the street. Graftio . And then, the Fund has decided the donation to the museum unique collection .

Theater Museum Director Natalia Snowstorm stressed the importance of the fact that the collection is assigned to the State Museum , that is none of the items in the collection will not disappear as there is a state. Snowstorm also recalled that she entrusted the museum has its origin in private collections , including the emperor , such as collection of musical instruments Alexander III. So that the flow of the museum collection Lobanov- Rostov - continued a great tradition , supported by Constantine Fund .

Now collection Lobanov-Rostovsky be able to see anyone. Chief curator of the Museum of Theatrical Art Tatiana Vlasova assured journalists that although , as it happens with most private collections , its exhibits are unequal in value , disband its museum is going. So in the next few years it will be exhibited in the mode of public funds in the same Chaliapin House , where she lived until now .

Recall that the collection of Russian theater and decorative art Lobanov- Rostov was first exhibited in 1967 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art , and then visited the exhibition halls the UK, France , Germany, Italy , Greece, Japan, the United States. Residents of both Russian capitals were first introduced to the collection in 1987-1988 .

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