Art Investment

The top 12 paintings and drawings in Russian auctions in the 1st half of 2015

A dozen of the most expensive sales in the first half of 2015 provided a total of three auction platforms. The sales are almost equally represented in the work of contemporary artists, representatives of Russian emigre, and post-war unofficial art

Summer ends, more than half of 2015 left behind @the time & mdash; to sum up the interim results of the auction. Primarily for the sake of interest. Because everything is clear: the time was complex, continuous uncertainties. Suffice it to recall that from January 2015 the dollar, starting from 56 roubles, has been on the mark in 69, 49 and 63 of the ruble. Who-нибудь tried in such conditions to align the reserves with the deliverers? In short, the economic situation was not conducive to a good mood — the main driver auction prodag@

But the life did not stop. Auctions have rebuilt: optimized graphics corrected the directories and habitually invited Publico@

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According to our statistics, the whole dozen of the most expensive sales in the first half of 2015 provided all three auction platforms — auction VLADEY, "the office" and the Auction AI. It is significant that three of the 12 lots have been sold at auction, conducted the bidding only online, without the presence of players in the hall. Generates interest and sales structure: 33,3% @ & mdash; the work of contemporary artists, 25 % @ & mdash; artists of the Russian abroad, 33,3 % @ & mdash; the sixties and their predecessors, i.e. the "quiet art", and 8.3 % @ & mdash; Russian classics. For comparison: in 2014 Russian classics was represented by four out of ten (40 %) of the most expensive works, but 2013 and altogether seven out of ten (70 %). However, the year is not over yet, the findings do early. We need to see the whole of the autumn auction season, which in former quiet times had the most interesting prodaji@

Note that for the rating we took only lots from the segment of painting and graphics, sold exclusively on the Russian auctions, and then all prices recalculated into rubles at the exchange rate on the date of sale (VLADEY trades in euros on the day of the auction the Central Bank rate was 57.7 per) and lots sorted in descending order any@

ФАЙБИСОВИЧ Семён Натанович (1949) На добрую память. Из цикла «На пляже». 1987
FAIBISOVICH Simon Natanovich (1949) In good memory. From the series "On the beach". 1987
, oil on Canvas. 90 × 270
Vladey. 02.06.2015. Lot 20
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): €120 000-180 000
Price: €130 000 | 7 501 260 RUB@
ЯВЛЕНСКИЙ Алексей Георгиевич (1864–1941) Медитация. 1936
G. Alexei JAWLENSKY (1864-1941) Meditation. 1936
Cardboard, oil. 25,7 × 17,5
Auction AI. 03.04.2015
Price: 3 750 000 RUB@
ЛАНСКОЙ Андрей Михайлович (1902–1976) Абстрактная композиция. 1940–50-е
LANSKOY Andrew M. (1902-1976) Abstract composition. 1940-50-е
, oil on Canvas. 60,5 x 81,5
Auction AI. 06.02.2015
Price: 2 000 000 RUB@
АЛЬТМАН Натан Исаевич (1889–1970) Мужчина с рыбой. 1960–70-е
ALTMAN Natan Isaevich (1889-1970) is a Man with a fish. 1960-70-е
, oil on Canvas. 58 × 45
Auction AI. 24.04.2015
Price: 1 800 000 RUB@
МАМЫШЕВ-МОНРО Владислав Юрьевич (1969–2013) Предстояние. 2006
MAMISHEV-МОНРО Vladislav Yuryevich (1969-2013) Intercession. 2006
, oil on Canvas. 196 × 146
Vladey. 02.06.2015. Lot 12
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): €20 000-25 000
Price: €27 000 | 1 557 954 RUB@
ШТЕЙНБЕРГ Эдуард Аркадьевич (1937–2012) Композиция. Январь — февраль. 1989
STEINBERG Eduard Abramovich (1937-2012) Composition. January @ & mdash; Feb. 1989
, oil on Canvas. 110 × 89,5
Vladey. 02.06.2015. Lot 28
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): €15 000-20 000
Price: €26 000 | 1 500 954 RUB@
ПОЛЕНОВ Василий Дмитриевич (1844–1927) Крепостные башни на берегу моря. 1900–1910-е
Polenov, Vasily Dmitriyevich (1844-1927) the towers on the beach. 1900-1910-е
Canvas on cardboard, oil. 17,2 x 26,8
the office. On 20.05.2015. Lot 16
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): 450 1 600 000-1 000 RUB@ Price: 1 450 000 RUB@
ТЫШЛЕР Александр Григорьевич (1898–1980) Эскиз костюма к спектаклю «Чапаев» в постановке театра им. МОСПС. 1930
TYSHLER Alexander Grigorievich (1898-1980) costume design for the play "Chapaev" staged theater. DEFRA. 1930
Paper, watercolor, graphite pencil. 50,7 × 33,2
the office. On 20.05.2015. Lot 36
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): 530 000-800 000 RUB@ Price: 1 350 000 RUB@
ФАЛЬК Роберт Рафаилович (1886–1958) Ночной вид Парижа с Эйфелевой башней. Середина 1930-х ФАЛЬК Роберт Рафаилович (1886–1958) Ночной вид Парижа с Эйфелевой башней. Середина 1930-х
FALK Robert Rafailovich (1886-1958) Night view of Paris with the Eiffel tower. Mid 1930-х
Paper, gouache, tempera. 35,2 × 46,7
Verso: Nude in stockings sitting, tucking his feet under him. 1930-е
Paper, gouache, tempera, graphite pencil. 46,7 × 35,2
the office. On 20.05.2015. Lot 41
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): 1 200 000-1 300 000 RUB@ Price: 1 200 000 RUB@
ДУБОСАРСКИЙ Владимир Ефимович (1964) Мандала. 2014
DUBOSSARSKY Vladimir Efimovich (1964) Mandala. 2014
, oil on Canvas. 195 × 195
Vladey. 02.06.2015. Lot 45
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): €20 000-30 000
Price: €20 000 | 1 154 040 RUB@
ПИВОВАРОВ Виктор Дмитриевич (1937) Соне и Андрею. 2006
PIVOVAROV Viktor Dmitrievich (1937) Sonya and Andrew. 2006
, oil on Canvas. 65 × 90
Vladey. 02.06.2015. Lot 25
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): €25 000-30 000
Price: €20 000 | 1 154 040 RUB@
АЛЬБЕРТ Юрий Феликсович (1959) Основные краски. 1987
ALBERT Yuri Feliksovich (1959) are the Basic colors. 1987
, oil on Canvas. 240 × 160
Vladey. 02.06.2015. Lot 27
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): €15 000-20 000
Price: €20 000 | 1 154 040 RUB@

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