Art Investment

The art market in 2011 by the Numbers

Artprice continues to sum up, the auction: the ten most interesting quantitative indicators of the world art market

Artprice continues to summarize and publish the auction, the ten most interesting quantitative indicators of the global art market in 2011.

1) 11.5 billion - a global annual turnover of the auction.

absolute record ... the first global auction sales crossed the bar at 10 billion, as compared to 2010 m, up by 21%. This steady growth continued throughout the year. After a record first half ($ 6.5 billion), the second was equally brilliant ($ 5.1 billion, the second best result for a single semester).

2) 34%- the percentage of unsold lots worldwide.

share of unsold lots in 2008 exceeded 35%. In 2011 this figure fell to 34.8%, while the number of proposed lots has increased by 7%.

3) 57 $ 2 million - the best result of the auction year.

leader was not Pablo Picasso and Alberto Giacometti, and Chinese Qi Baishi, whose work "The eagle on a pine tree" in Beijing May 22 auction went for 57.2 million dollars. And although in 2011 the year the auction can not boast of a new absolute record prices for works of art (in 2010, he was beaten twice: first by Giacometti, Picasso later), but nevertheless a large number of works have achieved very good results.

4) 1688 - total number of results over a million dollars.

world record prices, we have not waited, but 33%increased the total number of seven-digit results. And hardly anyone surprised by the fact that the largest share in this indicator belongs to the national market of China - 774 million results. Even if you take apart the Hong Kong market, we see that the seven-digit results here were more than in the whole euro zone!

5) 69%- percentage of lots sold for less 5000 dollars.

Over the last ten years in the affordable segment, the proportion of work sold fell below 70%only twice - 2007 and 2008. Therefore, given the similar dynamics of the market in 2007-2008 and 2011, it is logical to think that both in 2011 dollars cheaper than 5000 left 69%of the lots. In 2009 and 2010 in the segment was made available 74%of transactions. Reducing this figure in 2011, does not mean that fewer low-cost operations - on the contrary, their number increased by 4.5%, but this increase did not keep pace with the growing supply in the top segment: it is enough to say that the Asian auction sites 19 %of lots were sold to 100 thousand dollars more expensive.

6) 43%- the share of Asia in the global art market.

growth of the Asian art market was overwhelming. After China in 2010 became the first leader of the world art market, in 2011, confirmed that from the art world can be viewed as a bipolar (the art market in the West is still very active). During the year the auction sales of the art market the Middle Kingdom has increased by 38%, other Asian countries are also not far behind - for example, Singapore (22%) and Indonesia (39%).

7 ) 271.795 million dollars - the best overall result of a single auction : Christie's, contemporary and postwar art, New York, November 9, 2011.

This is the best result of a single auction since 2008. But if the count from 2007, the result of the Christie's auction would be only the third. Contributed to the success of the auction house for sale Clifford Still's paintings, and Gerhard Richter. Only 17%of lots were left without buyers, and the lot was 41 million dollars more expensive.

8) on the global art market, France is the 4th place with a share of only 4,5%.

France, which in 2006 was still part of the top three since 2007 lost his seat to China, but she is satisfied fourth position. In 2011, the galls remain fourth, but the proportion of their participation in the global art market has become even more modest, and not much has been done in order to overcome this tendency. Today, the Paris auction site is not only behind London and New York, but missed the next Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai, the art market which in 2011 grew by 21%.

9) 1%of the most expensive of all the proposed lots is responsible for 58.5%of global annual auction revenue in 2011 .

It turns out that the remaining 99%of the lots brought a total of less than half of the world's market turnover. Again, we are not surprised that China accounts for the largest share of that one percent of the most expensive lots (50%), while the U.S. accounts for 23%and the UK - 20%.

10) Update 12,400 personal records of artists.

If we consider only the authors who already have auction statistics, it turns out that more than 12,400 artists set new personal records. Among them are: Qi Baishi (57.2 million dollars in 2011 versus $ 12.5 million the previous record), Clifford Steele (55 million vs. 19 million), Roy Lichtenstein (38.5 million vs. 38 million), Egon Schiele ( $ 35 million vs. 20 million), Salvador Dali ($ 19 million to 5 million) and Gerhard Richter (18.5 million vs. 13 million).

material was prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

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