Art Investment

The sixties by Boris Kocheyshvili — 75

At the beginning of April in Moscow of the sixties, the artist and poet Boris Kocheyshvili said 75-летний anniversary — exhibition and poetry evening, all as expected

In the beginning of April Moscow sixties, the artist and poet Boris Kocheyshvili noted 75-летний anniversary — exhibition and poetry evening, all as polojeno@

Despite the proximity to the "other art" and informal culture, Boris Kocheyshvili was not an underground artist-нонконформистом. Yeah, he was accepted in the circle (even poetry in the sixties Kocheyshvili began to write under the influence of his friend Eduard Limonov), but it was not a confrontational way. A year after finishing school "Memory 1905" he began exhibiting in 1963 he participated in the Moscow Exhibition of prints in the Pushkin Museum to them. A. S. Pushkin. Just two years after College, in 1964 became a member of the Union of artists. And then ten years he worked at the Moscow experimental Studio of. Ignatius Ignatievich Nivinsky. So everything came without sudden UPS: outstanding graphic skills achieved by long study and trudom@

But now work Kocheyshvili enough to see once, continue to accurately determine the hand of the artist. The secret is simple: its language and style, formed in 1960-х, the artist carried almost unchanged through five decades. Changed equipment, changed the palette to the chart and the traditional "flat" painting in 1990-х added branded "copper" paintings and plaster reliefs. But the overall style and character has remained the same — one of those yet Bremen@

Now the name of the artist at the hearing. Since about 2007, his solo exhibitions follow one another, the openings are sometimes a few times a year. The resonance exhibition @. "Boris Kocheyshvili. Simple summer" — took place in 2013 in the Russian Museum and the nearest jubilee exhibition "ACOEM" closed in Moscow gallery "Here" literally dnah@

But not always. Just ten years ago Kocheyshvili was almost forgotten by the public. This is a fairly common situation for individuals who avoid art associations, neglect based on external driving forces, and then for some-то personal reasons at the time physically fall out of the exhibition process. It happened with Kocheyshvili. In the mid-1980-х years, after several successful exhibitions and fairs (Group exhibition of works by twenty-three artists from Moscow (1981, Moscow, CHA), Chicago International Art Fair (1985, Chicago, USA), "the city and the world. Graphics of Moscow artists" (1988, Moscow, CHA)) Kocheyshvili suddenly dropped everything, closed up shop and moved from Moscow to the village for a few years. And time has just begun — year was three. What happened next, you can learn from the story of the artist on the site "On his return to Moscow was that the train has left, life has changed a lot over the years. There are private galleries, work Natasha Nesterova, with which we started side by side, were popular, and everything about me forget". So remember, it took a while and of course the element vesania@

a Few years ago, the official representative of the artist has become the art critic Tamara Vachova (owner and art-директор gallery "Here"). The organization of a series of exhibitions, a presentation at the salons, the publication of catalogues and collections of poetry Kocheyshvili, a considerable increase in market artist — it is in many respects its merit. Now the interviewer is working on the stabilization of the price situation. But it's not easy. The proposal works on the market now it is impossible to control: in the hands of collectors there is a fair number of paintings, and drawings, and reliefs, quickly sell them a snap: the artist is known in auction oboima@

database ARTinvestment.RU recorded more than 30 auction events for works Kocheyshvili — at auction in Russia, UK, France. With the exception of the most expensive transactions (16,2 thousand dollars at Bonhams in 2013), all other paintings from the top were sold in our country. Moreover, during the past year (since March 2014) most papers Kocheyshvili were sold on our auctions — nine works, including five scenic. And only for the first four months of 2015 auction ARTinvestment.RU sold 5 pieces Kocheyshvili@

Statistics of departures is very good. Still, the auction price is now extremely affordable. Price targets early 2015 auctions AI — 20-30 thousand rubles for the graphics and 60 to 90 thousand rubles for the painting. A great option for a wide range of collectors with small budgeta@

In the gallery market more choice, but the prices are higher: from $ 800 for graphics and about 3 thousand dollars for the painting and reliefi@

the cost of the work, published in catalogs, is in the range of 8-10 thousand dollars. Price imbalance with auctions Tamara Vegova explains: "on the one hand, it is the result of successful PR-компании Another — looming over the country's crisis creates some panic among people selling art. At the moment, the gallery is unable to control this process, and I sincerely advise everyone to purchase works Kocheyshvili at auctions, use this unique chance. The flow of good things at the auction inevitably runs out, and the prices of works Kocheyshvili on the market will never happen again".

well, the scenario is quite likely. Besides, it is worth considering that the most of the spectacular work Kocheyshvili — black-золотая paintings, polychrome and monochrome plaster reliefs — these are things that are created mainly in 2010-е years. That is, new work, on their hands and a little on the market they take nowhere, except from galeristom@

the artist's Works are in the Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum, State Museum of fine arts. A. S. Pushkin, the art museums of Russia, the Museum of Peter Ludwig (Germany), in private collections of George Kostaki (Greece), Christina Burbano and Alberto Sandretti (Italy), Arina Kovner (Switzerland), Michael Alshibaya (Moscow) and others Kollektsia@

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