Art Investment

Alexander Rumnev — artist, who discovered the talent of Anatoly Zverev

A report on the role of personality in history: how the eye of an artist and a keen understanding of painting had a major influence on the history of Russian postwar art

Started with the fact that the auction along with works Zvereva in the us ARTinvestment.RU had an unusual pattern, originating from the famous Moscow collection. Signature — AR. 1959. Author — Rumnev. As Rumnev? Is it the same actor Alexander Rumnev — discoverer Zvereva? Can't be! And here is may.

in General, this is an amazing story. The works of Alexander Alexandrovich Rumneva never-before-exhibited at the auctions. Nothing is known about its exhibitions. Do not be surprised if your own eyes saw them only a few dozen people — friends and art historians. Rumnev, who studied when-то Ilya Mashkov, was held not primarily as a painter and as a theater and film actor, choreographer, teacher. However, it was his artist's eye, his subtle understanding of art Providence has had a major impact on the history of Russian postwar art. Because that's what the artist Rumnev fate was entrusted to become the discoverer of the talent of the artist Zvereva and Creator of his legend.

  • Александр РУМНЕВ  Слепые. 1959

Rumnev — alias. It is believed that Alexander Zakin (January 24 / February 5, 1899 — on 12 October 1965) took it in honor of the estate Romna, which belonged to his grandfather, the participant of defense of Sevastopol (

In 1917, the graduate school chose between a career artist, medicine and dream about ballet. In the end, he threw all the forces to dance classes, after 2 years, he entered the ballet Department of the theatre school, and in 1920 joined the troupe of the celebrated Chamber theatre of Alexander Tairov. There he was held as a leading actor, MIME artist and choreographer. In the late 1920-х — the early 1930-х Rumnev worked as a Director of-балетмейстер in the theater named Vakhtangov, Nemirovich-Данченко, Stanislavsky.

In the early 1940-х Rumnev first appeared on the silver screen. He has an extensive filmography. Remember our "Cinderella" in 1947 with Stepmother — Ranevskaya? Black-белый film not so long ago painted and were more likely to show on TV. Now choreographer in this — Rumnev. He is the performer of the role of the Marquis PA-де-труа ("What to do now? — to Dance, of course!"). After the first battle kinosbornika in 1941 Rumnev was often inherited the role of the thoroughbred enemies. Type this: strict face, sinister facial expressions, non-Russian traits. Nothing I wrote in "Ivan the terrible" (1944) Rumnev — Foreign Ambassador. "The Guy from our town" (1942) with Kryuchkov — colorful fascist. Anatoly Brusilovsky in his "Studio" mentions that Rumnev starred in the famous "Alexander Nevsky" (1941), also probably played a-нибудь dog-рыцаря. In the credits his name there, but then it was par for the course. There was also "Anna on the neck" (1954), now also colorized the film. And even in the cartoon "the Princess-лягушка" (1954) in the original is the voice Rumneva (restored and dubbed don't look).

From mid-1944 Rumnev worked at VGIK, taught plastic culture actor, was head of the Department of pantomime. He is considered a pioneer of this discipline. It is a curious and important point. Rumnev was the ideologist of the synthetic effect, relied on the all-round development of the artist. As an artist, an important part of the upbringing he considered it fine art and music, not only acting, but also dancing skills. At the end of life, three years before his death, in 1962, Rumnev theatre created "Extemism" — experimental theatre pantomime. (The innovative theater productions in Moscow was a rumor for two years he visited almost the whole country, everywhere was a success and, of course, was closed "as alien to the Soviet people" because of "lack of principles".) Rumneva theoretical works about the art of pantomime, published in 1960-х years, still is a reference book of mimes.

the Teacher of VGIK Alexander Zverev Rumneva fate in 1954, 11 years before the end of life. Zverev was then 23 years old. The history of their acquaintance known for the story of Zoya Popova-Плевако, published in the book "Anatoly Zverev in the memoirs of contemporaries". In short: the sister Rumneva led children's art Studio in Sokolniki, and Zverev as-то nailed him, so to speak. The talented, unsettled, needy, him, many tried to help. One day my sister brought Rumneva drawings Zvereva home, showed Alexander Alexandrovich, and he was interested. Thus began years of friendship, the first steps to fame, and more time training and mentoring.

I misspoke. according to the memoirs of contemporaries, Rumnev was not for Zvereva solely by the promoter (which later became Costakis). Yes, he did Zverev known in the circle of intellectuals, used his connections, virtually introduced the fashion for Zverev gave a strong start of his career. But he also took on the role of mentor and teacher. Rumnev had sufficient taste, knowledge, and authority to evaluate the work Zvereva, to reject a failed product, to guide them in the right direction. Memories of Polina lobachevskaya is, in particular, this snippet: "...And behold, one after the other arise five portraits (commercials for 2 hours-3 work) — are all different, unexpected, beautiful. My Bathrobe was transformed into a variety of clothes. By the end of the session comes Alexander Rumnev and all five portraits... zabrakovanie! Anatoly and didn't blink. “Tomorrow I'll paint some more”. It is with a humble view to hear the views of Alexander Alexandrovich, did not make any objection". That is, in the early stage of creativity next to Zverev was the man who did not hesitate to tell him when it was bad. And then that person disappeared, and we remember that it was-другому. To recognize whether Zverev Rumneva as teachers? The very similar. Rumnev Zvereva were not taught to draw, and developed him as an artist. Alexander Zverev has told me a lot about art, develop the horizons. It Rumnev suggested Zverev go draw animals at the zoo (now a cycle of these quick sketches is a masterpiece of early work). Rumnev began to develop Zverev-пейзажиста, Zverev plein air in Kolomna — is also to his credit. Rumnev made up a story with illustrations Zvereva to"The Golden ass" of Apuleius. Rumnev and ran a rare career Zvereva order the book "I draw at the zoo."

Zverev would Become a famous artist without Rumneva? For sure. Would he in the creative plan of who he was, and is, in fact, a legend? Now we can only guess. Meeting with Zverev Rumney — is like meeting zdanevicha Pirosmani or meeting works with Mayakovsky — striking illustration of the philosophical problem of the role of personality in history.

Sometimes Rumnev Zverev painted and together. Here's how it remembers Zoya Plevako: "As-то in the summer of 1955 Roofing was Romney. At this time, from the country brought a bouquet of white lilies. A single flower placed in a bowl of water, and Roofing with Romneys got to work. Each-своему began to write a flower. Tolin Lily glowed white-желтым lights on a dark background of water. She was so good that Alexander copied it and on the back of the sheet wrote that this is a copy of Alexander Rumneva with watercolor Anatoly Zverev. The original is probably the one-то preserved, if not disappeared in the turmoil of life." As the water looked. Where are those drawings of the artist Rumneva? Are any-то and for half a century waiting for its audience.

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