Art Investment

Investment ideas on the art market. Thought number 3. Investments in the work of Nicholas Vechtomova

Another article ARTinvestment.RU offers ideas for collecting and investing in the art market. The publication focuses on the work of Nicholas Vechtomova

Vechtomov Why? The artistic value . Nicholas Vechtomov historically is among the first names in the cohort of recognized artists Sixties. His assignment to the «second Russian avant-garde» convincingly on almost all items: the presence of works in major collections, participated in a landmark exhibitions of unofficial art (club «Friendship», in 1967, Pavilion «Beekeeping» to VDNKh in 1975, «Other Art» in the Tretyakov Gallery in 1991), references in the literature and scientific publications, Lianozovsky belonging to the group and even the inclusion in the «list Grobman» (there are those for whom it is especially important). But despite all this, the status of the artist during his lifetime and has not been converted into a huge commercial success. Of course, it knew, valued, loved. But the name has not been thundered. As if pushed aside. And when the best squad ( «great», as collectors call them) the representatives of «other artists» become a regular set auction records, Vechtomova was not among them. Neither work nor indicative of sales or records respectively. I remember that in the 2006-meters - early 2007-th, during the lifetime of the artist, the price of Vechtomova gives gallery barely concealed confusion. Naturally: objective guidance is lacking. Was known except that a positive external background - intermittent increases in the prices of works of the sixties, the characteristics of the boom. But more were predominantly domyslivat to work on some very personal feelings and sense of the place and role Vechtomova in the history of Russian postwar art.

What was known about the artist? Name Nicholas Evgenyevich Vechtomova (1923-2007) was associated with a conditional Lianozovsky group (whose members were, in particular, Oscar Rabin , Vladimir Nikolaevich Nemuhin" Nemukhin , etc.). Conditional - because, according to legend, the term «Lianozovsky Group» izmyslili in MOSHe for credibility as a symbol of criminal association, which invented the phrase to exclude from the Union of Artists Yevgenia Kropiwnicki. What else? Front-line soldiers, guerrillas, the hero of the war, escaped from captivity, and by a fluke is not got a rink postwar Stalinist repression. Unique genre style of the artist was not yet established a common definition. Talk about biomorfnom surrealism, and the decorative kosmizme, and lyrical expressionism, and abstract character, and even about the game beznaturnyh structures and forms in space. And all true. And yet precisely.

original work Vechtomova (realistic landscapes etyudnogo quality does not count) is very recognizable. So it is enough to see once - and almost more than wrong, despite all the quaintness and variety of images. Memorable form in his compositions - «blades», amorphous mass, heavenly landscapes, often combined with figurative elements (the serpent, the monastery is more than). Especially good his striking work, with its fascinating contrasts to rezi in the eyes. In some recent things felt particularly rigorous and Crafts thoroughness of work - accurate geometry of a line, exactly like the spray equipment, filled the plane. Not everyone is like, the scenes, viewers are accustomed to see more spontaneous. However, experts do not see in a specific craft care problems. Many of them, on the contrary, a pleasure to deal with things vechtomovskimi made professionally flawless. Sixties usually preferred to work quickly and painstaking approach is not abused, so the special collectors love to work Vechtomova not difficult to understand.

Investment potential and prognosis ARTinvestment.RU . Vechtomov died in April 2007. Most likely coincidence, but almost immediately his good works have appeared in foreign bids. Not much, but something. According to the results of the first sale was the first time we can speak about the objective of market prices over the past season - 25-60 thousand dollars for oil and about 4-5 thousand dollars for a good time. However, you should be aware that, most likely, this is only start, a foundation for further movement. Observers expect the rise in prices for paintings Vechtomova grade above the average in the range of 80-120 thousand dollars. A high probability of such a development shows analysis of commercial quarry Sixties other comparable class. Similarly, one can expect that this does not happen now. Perhaps in the upcoming fall auction season, sellers of high-quality, sensing capability, but fear prodeshevit will ostorozhnichat, wait. This means that the level of investment in this season, in all probability, not a lot, and only at around 50 thousand pounds (100 thousand dollars). So what can be expected to slow down, then telling a few good-sales and price jump - a steep increase proposal at the high price levels. And from that moment, when all are more or less defined, the annual price increase of paintings Vechtomova is likely to be normal for the informal segment of the post-war art of 20-25 percent per year.

investment risks. Tips for investors . During the period of price uncertainty (which is still not completed) is a natural risk of overpayments for the work. But, as we know, this is not the risk of catastrophic and generally a problem in a series of «Time heals». Scud imitations under Vechtomova also not yet seen, and it is unlikely to begin: the artist is technically difficult to fabricate, many experts, and in general there are more easy ways of weaning the money from the population. For works that appear at auction, experts ARTinvestment.RU advance indicators of investment risk posed ... What remains of the risks? Is that a trap magic name. The point is that statistically Vechtomova works on the market quite a lot. But here, as they say, «not all yogurts are equally useful». See what kind of work? Endless Oka, Priluki, many village realistic landscapes etyudnogo size 1960. Price them - kopeck in market day, or rather, about two thousand rubles for the landscape in the prices of domestic profile auctions. Investment potential in these scenes is not realistic. And substantial value, too. Although the authorship all honestly - Nikolai Vechtomov, the same. To have this work in the collection that can be developed to complete the presentation - say, is that the landscape with Okoy and this song biomorfnuyu painted the same artist?

appreciated, as we know, are totally different things Vechtomova - original, innovative, memorable and heavenly, even when the images of them trivial, and understandable, particularly biomorfnye abstraction, bright picture with memorable motifs ( «blades», extraterrestrial landscapes, etc.). Pay attention to subjects Vechtomova from the 1970's, to which he returned on a new technical level in the 1990's - are all valuable things. Do not overlook the bright and graphics artist. Last year, nearly meter gouache «protection» (1972) from the collection of Alexander Glezera have sold nearly 28 thousand dollars. The case, of course, exceptional, because the schedule Vechtomova is much cheaper and you can buy a good job for 5 thousand dollars.

Acute question: where, indeed, take Vechtomova? At the auction of his work period, there are precious few, and little by little, and we speculated that this trend for some time proderzhitsya. There are galleries. There is more. And the market is not yet «cleaned»: you can still find good work and not on the cart prices. Price is expected to jump only, and the time to invest is now profitable. A number of very good fortune smiled, and you met a remarkable thing, you probably should not be afraid to even overpay. Will still grow, will not denetsya. A work of the highest quality are the property grow faster than the market.

Biography Nicholas Vechtomova website ARTinvestment.RU .

Statistics auction sales for the work of Nicholas Vechtomova site ARTinvestment.RU .

What articles to read?

B. Kalmykova. Nicholas Vechtomov: producing the space //Truth and Life. - 2006. - № 5.

Alekseev. Colin war or Happy Star partisan Vechtomova //Nezavisimaya gazeta. 29 April 2005.

B. Alekseev. Under the shadow of Space and «messershmitov» //Novaya Gazeta. May 10, 2007.

A. Panov. Died artist Nikolai Vechtomov //Time news. April 20, 2007.

Vladimir Bogdanov

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