Art Investment

Художник недели. Константин Горбатов. 1876–1945

Знавший успех и в России и в Европе, Константин Иванович Горбатов провел последние годы в бедности и опасениях за жизнь в столице фашистской Германии. Он умер в мае 1945-го в освобожденном Берлине. Картины из мастерской отправили в Россию

this was his last wish. The will Gorbatov found and handed over to the authorities of the Soviet officer who moved into the former apartment of Russian artist. What-то miracle in the postwar turmoil of posthumous request Gorbatov was executed by the government of the GDR. And today the largest collection of his works is in the modern suburban Museum "New Jerusalem". There until August 25, 2019 the best of the paintings Gorbatov can be seen in the national team of the exhibition "the Other shore. Artists of Russian abroad". In the exhibition, they are combined with works by George Pozhidaeva, Filipp Malyavin and other "Russian Parisians" and "Russian Berliners".

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25 August 2019 in the suburban Museum "New Jerusalem" will conclude the exhibition "the Other shore. Artists of Russian abroad". The exhibition presents the works of Konstantin Gorbatov, the largest collection of which is in this Museum. Below - examples of auction records and other sales of works of Gorbatov on the open market PHOTO 1 Gorbatov Konstantin Ivanovich Flowers on the porch. 1917 Canvas; butter. Of 98.1×106,7 auction: $150 000 - 250 000 sale Price: $540 000 the Sotheby's Auction 21.04.2005 PHOTO 2 Gorbatov Konstantin Ivanovich Bay. Canvas; butter. At 145.5×218,5 auction: $335 000@500 000 ndash sale Price: $446, 000, Christies Auction house, 02.06.2014 PHOTO 3 Gorbatov Konstantin Ivanovich Naples. Canvas; butter. 73,5×93 evaluation of the auction: $38 214 @50 952 ndash sale Price: Lot not sold Auction Bonhams, 05.06.2019 PHOTO 4 Gorbatov Konstantin Ivanovich In Venice. Canvas; butter. 90,5×110 sale: $88 750 Sotheby's Auction. 06.06.2017 PHOTO 5 Gorbatov Konstantin Ivanovich the square at the Gostiny Dvor. The old city on the Volga. 1906 Carton; butter. 11,5×28,8 sale Price: $750 2 AI Auction. 13.11.2015 PHOTO 6 Gorbatov Konstantin Ivanovich Trinity@Laurel ndashСергиева. 1923 Canvas; butter. 85,5×109,5 sale Price: $421 000 the Sotheby's Auction 15.04.2008 #humpback #konstantirovat #prices #auctions

Publication of artconspectus (@artconspectus)

Konstantin Gorbatov are prized by collectors. His landscapes are distinguished by a very characteristic and recognizable style. The Russian classics of the XIX–XX centuries is a rather delicate point: not every viewer will immediately recognize and distinguish the author of one landscape from another, many wrote it seems. And in the case of Gorbatov all the way. There is no need to have a high nasmotrennostyu so you immediately know: this is — Gorbatov. Large stroke, light — are all special. If in the winter forest or other "land" landscapes of the eye still can fail, with the advent of water — no question remains. Gorbatov was particularly fond of the types of Russian rivers, boats, sailing, schooner, sea, and seaside towns. In one of the publications about him was found the phrase "river soul" — better not say. Work Gorbatova usually very light, even those that are written in difficult periods. And the time the artist knew different, and luck and sorrow sipping the full.

Konstantin Gorbatov was born in 1876, in Stavropol-на-Волге (now Togliatti) in the family of the pharmacist. He studied at the art school in Samara. In 1903 he entered the The higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts in Saint-Петербурге. Trained in the workshops of Alexander Kiselyov and Nikolay Dubovsky. In the years of study did cartoons for magazines "Tip" and "summer lightning".

In 1911 Gorbatov — already a Mature artist — is leaving to work in Europe in the status of a pensioner of the Imperial Academy of arts. He paints in Spain, Italy, staying with Gorky in Capri. In 1913, the artist returned to Russia, travels through the province, says a lot of Russian landscapes with their favorite rivers, churches. His work of the mid 1910s-х directly radiate the love of Russia and its history. At this time, the artist has historical, epic and dreamlike symbolist subjects using a distinctive, partly impressionistic techniques. The picture Gorbatov participated in several exhibitions of the Wanderers, won awards on international platforms, they are well bought by collectors not only in Russia but also abroad. His works are reproduced on postcards, were printed in the magazines "Niva" and "Lukomorye".

On — 1917-й. Russia was not up to the radiant Russian landscapes and fairy tales. Lived in Petrograd Gorbatov first years after the revolution some more-то time participated in exhibitions, including "Community of artists". But, in today's language, it quickly became clear that their counter-revolutionary churches, Russian landscapes, he desperately got into the political agenda. It was clear that life will not let him.

In 1922, the artist went to creative trip overseas and decided not to return. At first he worked in his beloved Italy, and in 1926, together with his wife moved to Berlin. There is by that time formed a colony of Russian Berliners, which included the artist's friends at the Academy, in particular Ivan Myasoedov and others. Things have Gorbatovich at that moment it was just envy. The German fans and collectors warmly welcomed the artist. This is the emotional testimony of Igor Grabar, who met with Russian Berliners in the late 1920-х. Igor Grabar spoke of his colleague and almost the same age so: "Academics, age 55, working "Russian landscapes", — exclusively with churches, the abyss of churches... Has success with the German public, everywhere doing shows, a lot (more than all together) sold and continues to sell." Indeed, the exhibition was a series. Not only in Germany but also in Italy, the UK, throughout Europe. The family lived in abundance, almost in luxury. Gorbatov was to travel more. After the coming to power of the Nazis, he went on a long journey to Palestine, in 1935, was in London. But always returned to Berlin. Where it 65-летнего Russian, and found the war. Man with a Soviet passport, Gorbatov had to report regularly to the authorities. The worst was avoided, but about the exhibition and the orders had to forget. Survived as best he could. By 1945, the war was already a very sick man, waited for news of the end of the war, but before the end of may did not survive. The widow of a month walked around the empty apartment, then took his own life. Next thing you know.

the Creative legacy of Konstantin Gorbatov is large and diverse. Due to early emigration, and lifetime success abroad, a large body of work has sold inprivate collections. So today work Gorbatova not uncommon on the market. Lovers have plenty to choose from. That, by the way, an important and positive thing for collectors. Painting and drawing Gorbatov can be found in Moscow galleries and Russian and leading foreign auction sites. One of the drawings exhibited, by the way, AI Auction just this week.

That costs of? 10 years ago, at the peak of the market for Russian art, the best painting by Konstantin Gorbatov large size on the most expensive foreign auctions cost more than $350 000. Record — $540 000 — was established in 2005 to "Sotbis" for meter-long canvas "Flowers on the veranda" (1917). But now the information on past prices is a purely theoretical interest. From the height of the two crises, it is clear that a record of the things were bought with a huge overpayment. In particular, the meter "Trinity-Сергиеву Lavra" (1923) in 2008 on "Sotbis" bought for $421 000. And 10 years later exhibited in London with the lower estimate of $150 000 and even with that "discount" still have not been able to sell. Although to the picture no complaints — is very good. And it's not a-то very much an exceptional case. Dollar prices since then have corrected significantly downwards. As almost all the Russian classics.

But there is a silver lining. Collectors are able to buy Gorbatov falling prices. Today paintings by Konstantin Gorbatov small format (class 25 × 30) can be purchased in the neighborhood of $8,000 to 15,000. Closer to the meter — $30 000-50 000. Large canvas, more than a meter, with water, with an interesting plot, sometimes sold under $100,000, but not often. The pages of graphics — gouache and watercolors with a side of about 30 cm — in recent years at international auctions demand in the range of $3000-5000.

As often happens with a popular and expensive, the market of painting Gorbatov quite contaminated with fakes. In the database of auction results frightening to look falshakov not just a lot, but a dime a dozen. As usual, the range of fakes often err a little-known foreign auctions, selling without examination and with a hopelessly short period back guarantee. You need to be careful. However, safety precautions with Gorbachevym not differ from the rules for other famous artists: 1) buy only in places that you trust; 2) to verify the authenticity of expertise; 3) learn to understand yourself and trust your intuition.


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