Artist of the week. Konstantin Khudyakov
Twenty years ago, former chief designer of the Museum of Lenin, and later the party gorkomovskoy "twenty" Konstantin Khudyakov changed the brush and the aerator on the computer and optics. Today, his digital painting is among the hits of the Auction
KHUDYAKOV Konstantin Vasilyevich did Not expect... From the project "Masterpieces of museums of the world." 2009
UltraChrome print on canvas. 110 × 160
AI Auction. 10.06.2016
selling Price: 400 000 RUB ($6 280)
artinvestment.ruKHUDYAKOV Konstantin V. M&M-2. 2015
Metal, seal, varnish. 99 × 149
AI Auction. 26.05.2016
sale Price: 201 000 RUB ($3 578)
Make works by Konstantin Khudyakov for a man raised on traditional techniques of painting and graphics, not just. Digital painting we survives with difficulty. Remember, just a year or two ago we, for the Auction AI, the whole team stood in a stupor, releasing the line the five-foot canvas Khudyakov, printed on a plotter. Well the name is symbolic: "the unexpected". On the one hand, the impressive thing — in doubt. And the people we accustomed to everything. On the other — how do you want to sell? We very often prefer canvas, oil, paper, and suddenly digital print — subscription printing on a professional printer. What will the bidders? Crazy, eh, the organizers gone? Well, after everything went almost classic phases of a collision with the inevitable: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Finally, I decided: let the customers judge. And not lost. Since we have already sold strange paintings on metal and expensive technological stereophile (3D-картины in light boxes, activated by a motion sensor). In optics it was quite unusual, but it's just like serious collectors. So in advance you never know how it will come out.
KHUDYAKOV Konstantin Vasilyevich Battle with Flies [Battle with the flies]. 2015
Metal, seal, varnish. 98,5 × of 179.5
AI Auction. 01.12.2017
selling Price: 200 000 RUB ($3 420)
artinvestment.ruKHUDYAKOV Konstantin V. Three sisters. 2015
Metal, printing, gilding. 100 × 150
AI Auction. 28.07.2017
selling Price: 190 000 rubles ($3 192)
In the biography of the artist there was a lot that was not smooth. In the mid 1960-х a student at the Moscow architectural Institute Konstantin Khudyakov was fascinated by the ideas of the constructivists of the 1920s-х years: cities of tomorrow at home-коммуны, Yakov Chernikhov, Ivan Nikolaev.
His thesis project "city of the future in Siberia" instead of tablets and drawings, Khudyakov has submitted to the Commission in the form of a movie (say, for almost the first time). Made a paper layout of the city and took it from inside a camera of his own design — get the illusion of tenexcourier. The protection was brilliant. For his trouble, for a couple of years before Khudyakov also won a student competition for a new project of the Museum of V. I. Lenin proposing the idea of a gigantic Titan of Cuba, Packed with electronics, the most advanced for that time. Why trouble? Just so smart and progressive, then go-ка on the distribution of the main artist of the Central Lenin Museum on red square. By the standards of Soviet art career such distribution is the essence of a winning lottery ticket, a place of meat. But it's a question of ambition. Who-то say "put in" and who is-то — "put". He Khudyakov in an interview recalled: "After graduation me without my consent "sold" distribution in the Central Lenin Museum, where I never was, eluded him. It was a real catastrophe, comparable only to that two failed attempts to enter the Architectural Institute. Ten years I have worked in the Museum's main artist, the first time almost every day, left work, sat on the fountain near the Moscow architectural Institute, breathed the air of freedom".
the Museum had a lot of projects, routine and their own creative plans had to be postponed indefinitely. "And when recovered, it was too late. A huge amount of time lost, and most precious. In 1977-м I came to the basement of the city Committee of graphic artists on Malaya Gruzinskaya street. After "Voice of America" reported that in exhibitions of nonconformist artists involved the main museums of Lenin and Marx and Engels Khudyakov and Balls, I began to call on party committees, rolled a reprimand to be entered in a personal matter... In the end I left the Museum..."
At the dawn of the "Committee" (sanctioned by the authorities after the scandal with the "Bulldozer exhibition" structures for representatives of unofficial art) Khudyakov was part of the "twenty" — group "Twenty Moscow artists". Recently was thinking about her in the article about Igor Snegur.
After "perestroika" Khudyakov took the commercial gallery M'ars, then took on the duties of a functionary. This is a complex position that implies the status of "home among strangers, stranger among friends" with a lot of open accusations, and talking behind my back. Especially considering that now the honored artist of Russia Konstantin Khudyakov combines a lot of posts — member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of arts, President of the public organization "Creative Union of artists of Russia" and Chairman of the Board Center for contemporary art "M'ars". "My life evolved so that I than-то not so engaged. The Museum, the artists Union. Then the gallery thing got carried away, and it seemed to me that it does not interfere with painting. A tremendous amount of time spent on this community work. Only in the late 1990-х engaged in his own work. But I realized that in many ways already too late: the brain hardened around all ustakanilos, positions and niches were occupied".
Late or not late, but quickly caught up. In 1997, the main instrument of Konstantin Khudyakov was a computer program for three-dimensional modeling, camera and optical equipment. Over time, his signature technique is the use of images and objects of the real world to create 3D-моделей, which are collected in the composition and transferred to the flat carrier. The output is canvas with digital printing, sheet metal, 3D-проекцией or what I think is the pinnacle of credibility, — stereopair with smart backlight. The use of high-tech, team. The artist responsible for the concept, the images, development of 3D-моделей. Who@helps ndashто to find the angle. Who-то responsible for the modern print. Who-то funding and implementing the technology to create recognizable stereophile. The method of production can be criticized as anyone, but it's hard to deny the fact that we have more nobody does.
Technology is constantly improving, but yet, perhaps, the apex of the "digital painting" Khudyakov is the projectAnticipation/ 'Deisis' (2002—2004) — is modeled artistic images of Christ, the virgin, the Baptist, the apostles, apostles and miracle workers. In 2004, the project was shown at the New Tretyakov gallery on Krymsky Val, and later in many important Museum and exhibition venues.
KHUDYAKOV Konstantin V. the last supper. 2007
UltraChrome print on canvas. 110 × 220
Auction PhillipsDePury. 18.02.2011
evaluation of the auction: £15 000-20 000 ($24 357-32 476)
sale Price: £46 850 (76 075). Auction record for the artist
artinvestment.ruKHUDYAKOV Konstantin V. Sacrifice. 2010
, the Light bar, stereo. 70 × 100
Auction PhillipsDePury. 14.04.2011
evaluation of the auction: £20 000-30 000 ($32 688-49 032)
sale Price: £25 000 ($40 860)
the Market works Khudyakov — that the sector mainly to private, unauctioned transactions. With regard to public sales, the first period of their activation occurred in 2011, when it was unbroken and still records on Phillips. Then six-foot "last supper" was sold for a fantastic $76 000 (with this result Khudyakov included in top-100 living Russian artists). In the same year, brand stereophile Khudyakov was sold in London for more than $40 000. But it is rather exceptional cases, on the background of very favorable market conditions and not from us. After the crisis the working range of the auction treatments canvases and metal sheets Khudyakov in our domestic market is 160 000-200 000. Know whereof we speak: from the top-10 auction results Khudyakov seven — is treatments for the Auction AI (the rest — Phillips). And while the record of the domestic market —, 400, 000 — is the price for half meter prints on canvas of "unexpected". That is exactly the job that all of us at one time stumped.
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