Art Investment

Artist of the week: Chaim Soutine

May 8, 2013 painting by Chaim Soutine in the course of the evening auction Christie's "the Art of impressionism and modernism" was sold for $ 18 million. This is a new world record price of his works at public auction

He remembered the reflection of the sun, I admire him as a child before,
What started talking.

M. Herman. Modernism

Chaim Soutine
Small pastry. Approx. 1927
Oil on canvas. 76,5 x 68,9
Christie's. 08.05.2013. Lot 21
Estimate: 16 000 000-22 000 000
Result: 18,043,750 dollars

set a record on May 8, 2013 Chaim Soutine painting "Little confectioner" in the course of the evening auction Christie's « Impressionist and Modern Art "was sold for $ 18 million . The result - a new world record for the value of his works at public auction, and he put on Soutine 5 th place in the ranking of the most expensive works of Russian artists (if we operated only post-crisis sales, then this ranking Soutine would have risen to the third step).

Portrait of Soutine. 1955

Chaim Chaim Soutine was born January 13, 1893 in the town of Śmiłavičy (today - the settlement Chervensky district, about thirty kilometers from Minsk) in a family of tailors. In the first years of life is nothing but his own desires, no signs of it, the tenth of eleven children in the impoverished family, the future somehow associated with the arts. As a boy he served as a tailor's apprentice, and eventually, if his life goes well, he was destined for a career cobbler, and ideally - a clergyman. Moreover, in the ultra-violence Soutine strictly adhered to ban the image of man, so the young artist was forced to hide his enthusiasm for the visual arts. There is even a legend that leave Smilavichy, he was allowed to money paid to his family the family of local rabbi after his son, butcher, beaten to a pulp by Chaim for "blasphemy", finding him behind the attempt to draw a portrait of the rabbi.

In 1907, 14 years old, Chaim Soutine went to Minsk and gets a job at a local photographer - retoucher.

Two years later, Soutine comes to drawing school JM Kruger. In classes at Kruger Soutine met and became friends with Kikoin , which did not lose touch all their lives. In 1910, Soutine and Kikoin from Minsk moved to Vilna (now Vilnius), which comes to art school. The training lasted three years and, in addition to artistic skills, gave him another important acquaintance: During his studies, he became friends with the artist at the beginning Pinkhus ( Paul) Kremin . So, in Vilna Chaim Soutine studying at art school in I. Trutneva again moonlights as a retoucher in the company P. and M. Kremen Kikoin wants to go to Paris (for the unknown, not encumbered by any means of livelihood, almost did not know the language of artists in practical terms, it was much more real than to get on a long and expensive St. Petersburg or in Moscow).

dream came true in June 1913. Upon arrival in Paris, 20-year-old Soutine settled in the famous "Hive" - ​​dorm artists in Montparnasse, in the studio of his countryman O. Meshchaninova , and recorded in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in the studio of Fernand Cormon. Soon, however, he changes the academic hours in classes Cormon at regular visits the Louvre, where most of his creative interests Courbet, Chardin, Ingres. Especially strong was the influence of Rembrandt - his passionate brushwork, thick, dark shades of colors clearly impressed by the artist.

Being in the artistic circles of Montparnasse, Soutine meets Marc by Marc Chagall , Fernand Leger , Robert Delaunay, sculptor Constantin Brancusi, A. , Henri Laurens, Jacques Lipschitz , Alexander Archipenko , and many other representatives of the School of Paris. In 1915 J. Lipchitz in one of the Montparnasse cafes introduces him to Amedeo Modigliani, and this knowledge gives rise to a friendship that lasted until his death in 1920.

HAIM Chaim Soutine
Landscape. 1918
Oil on canvas. 54 x 65
Macdougall. 01.12.2011. Lot 31
Estimate: 600 000-900 000 pounds

Modigliani, Soutine acquaints with L. Zborowski, whom Soutine in 1918 (according to other sources, in 1919), the contracts: five francs a day Zborowski has exclusive rights to all created during the contract sutinskie work. At the urging of Zborowski Soutine and Modigliani go to the south of France, in the region of Nice, Vence and Sulphur. In Vence, he met with the artist Syurvazh , and Sulphur is practically his home until 1921 (according to some sources, 1922) year.

In 1921, on his return to Paris, Soutine participated in exhibitions of "47 artists in the cafe" Parnassus "," "Blow," etc. It is strongly misery, despite the best efforts of Zborowski, his work not sold, then he has to live with Meshchaninova, then shoot the studio with Modigliani. The articles about him can even find stories about how he bashed nights at the doors of their neighbors in the "Hive", requiring at least a piece of bread.

The turning point came in 1922, when the famous American collector Albert Barnes purchased from Zborowski for his collection of over 50 paintings by Soutine. By 1923-mu has sold more than 200 works by the artist. In 1924, the magazine "Art Paris" creates the first article about him, written by Paul Guillaume. In 1927/1928 in Paris with great success hosting the first solo exhibition of Soutine, and later Paul Guillaume organize a special exhibition of landscapes Sere, Soutine painted in the early 1920s. In 1929, in Paris, Eli Frome wrote and published the first monograph on Soutine. In the 1930s, his show one after the other going to New York and Washington. By 1937, the world-famous Soutine, completely furnished, has a stable income and a comfortable apartment in a villa "Sera».

Chaim Soutine
Red staircase at Cana. 1923
Oil on canvas. 73 x 54
Christie's. 18.06.2007. Lot 48
Estimate: 2 500 000-3 500 000 GBP
Result: 3,283,333 pounds

With the start of the Second World War changed all that. Soutine several times trying to go to the front as a volunteer, but he always refused because of his poor health. Later, when the nationwide persecution of the Jews, he is forced into hiding by friends and live in other people's documents. In 1943, in Soutine acute gastric ulcer, friends secretly brought him to Paris and stay in the hospital. August 9, 1943, he died of peritonitis. The last way to Montparnasse Cemetery escorted him only P. Picasso and Jean Cocteau, for the rest of his friends is extremely dangerous.

Today Soutine - one of the most famous and the most interesting representatives of the School of Paris. He's not a hero legends like Modigliani and Picasso, did not seek to make a revolution in art, as other members of the School of Paris, he just painted - landscapes, still lifes and portraits - as he saw them. More than a quarter century, he worked passionately original and, apart from the contemporary art that without it could not have become what it became.

remembers that he was a complex character, he was the soul of the company, or just a sociable person. He never learned to speak passable and write in French, but a lot of reading - could shock the interlocutor quote from Baudelaire. Soutine did not leave behind a diary, a few letters. Many of his paintings he himself had destroyed (it is known that he took them with friends and even bought a few pieces) - for example, did not like the whole period in Sulphur, despite the popularity of the buyers of these landscapes, painted them in large numbers in 1920 -ies.

Art him too much tells us nothing about the external events of the author's life, but - power, hidden restless energy, the internal dynamics are pouring on the viewer in his life (not to mention landscapes and portraits). How many members of the School of Paris, Soutine is readily obtainable with the form, proportions portrayed, without losing their essence and characteristics (which is most noticeable in portraits).

Chaim Soutine
Trees in Auxerre. 1939
Oil on canvas. 73 x 60
Christie's. 03.05.2006. Lot 406
Estimate: 000-600 400 000 dollars
Result: 553,600 dollars

early landscapes and still lifes Soutine close to Cezanne in color and composition - the same distortion of space, construction of the composition (plans), and the sponginess and work with paint bring them closer to Van Gogh. He writes is always fast, energetic, broad strokes of green, yellow, red, brown, purple, and then, by the end of 1920, color spots become larger, dominant becomes blood red, which is adjacent to a bright blue, sometimes purple, and in the end 1930 Sutin prefers green color. But in any period are the color of his thick, dark, strained to the limit and clears up a few precise strokes of white paint.

Soutine developed a tendency aesthetization all, any subject (and people too), no matter how mundane or imperceptible it may be (continuing the tradition of Baudelaire's still going). Hence - the desire to leave for eternity, to show the viewer in its powerful expressive manner of the little that a rich man (and these are the people primarily interested in art) in ordinary life is not given to see. The artist makes stop and peer - in the face and hands messenger or a baker, a drop of blood on stynuschie just gutted carcass, eating the poor - a few herrings, which dry and shrivel on the chipped plate. Peer and feel.

Talov artist, who lived at one time with Soutine in his studio, recalled how he wrote a still life with herrings: "Before you eat edibles brought out of the shop, he was taken as still life and tormented, torn by famine, devouring her only the eyes, not allowing himself to touch it until it has finished. He became a raging, drool running down his thoughts for the upcoming "royal dinner" ».

And he drew their carcasses in the central market of Paris, where certainly produced a strange impression on the butchers. One wonders what made Soutine write and write skinned carcasses, making the nature of his still lifes of dead in the literal sense. Perhaps because he freed himself from the images of small-town childhood hunger. There may have been other motives.

Chaim Soutine
Fish and tomatoes. Approx. 1924
Oil on canvas. 61 x 81,3
Sotheby's. 08.02.2012. Lot 15
Estimate: 1 200 000-1 800 000 pounds
Result: 2,729,250 pounds
HAIM Chaim Soutine
Flayed bull
Oil on canvas. 129,8 x 75
Christie's. 06.02.2006. Lot 68
Estimate: 4 200 000-4 800 000 pounds
Result: 7,848,000 pounds

Portraits of it without losing the similarity with the original, the most similar to the view through the lens or the still image, captured in a moment of strong person, but uncertain for the individual emotion. Hence - the sense of the rapid changes of emotion on his face here - the voltage and slightly blurred motion features. The portraits Soutine most approaching the picturesque manner of execution of his friend by Modigliani - the same simple, often dark backgrounds, simplified colors and shapes, elongated, flowing proportions. Only where Modigliani model reduces to almost mask, polished to a shine using a system of images with more or less the expected result, Soutine whenever finds new ways to fully convey the distorted inner emotional movement, but recognizable features of the model and its nature and features.

Chaim Soutine
A man in a red scarf. 1921
Oil on canvas. oil. 100 x 70
Sotheby's. 05.02.2007. Lot 40
Estimate: 3 500 000-5 000 000 GBP
Result: 7.8 million pounds
Chaim Soutine
Valet. Approx. 1927-1928
Oil on canvas. 109,2 x 63,2
Sotheby's. 22.06.2010. Lot 24
Estimate: 7 000 000-9 000 000 GBP
Result: 7,881,250 pounds

School of Paris knew a lot of geniuses, but the monument has received only one Soutine - in 1963 in Paris, was a monument to the sculptor Blatas arbitrage , today located in the plaza next to the National Museum of Modern Art.

ARBIT arbitrage Blatas
Chaim Soutine. 1963

the West Soutine well known to the public and researchers. His works are in major museums and galleries in the world, and every appearance in the auction catalog is of great interest: many would like to have in your collection work so unlike other artist whose painting is on a par with the works of Van Gogh, Munch, Picasso. It should be noted that the growing interest in Soutine and Russia: in 2009 he published the first monograph about him famous art critic M. Herman, in 2011/2012 Pushkin Museum. Pushkin almost the first time in Russia has shown his work at an exhibition of artists of the Paris School.

on the art market Soutine can not be called a rare guest in the database were more than two hundred of his works. At the auction of these for the most part prohibitively expensive. At Christie's in the early 1990s, the price is measured in millions of dollars in recent years - the tens of millions. May's recent record (which, judging by the state of the market Soutine, is unlikely to last long) - proof. However, Soutine's paintings and drawings have good investment potential: their prices are in the range of 200-300 thousand to nearly two dozen million dollars.

Indeks Index Artist's ARTMIX

interest in the artist's work, with constant overall growth, has experienced several notable spikes, each time to raise the price of his work to a new level - in 2001, 2006/2007 and, of course, in 2013 - m The highest results occur in the years 2005-2013. The greatest success painting 1920-25 period. According to the index Artist's ARTMIX, from April 2013th profitability of his works has increased by 75%.

In three of the most expensive works of Chaim Soutine sold at public auction, in addition to "The Little Pastry" includes: canvas 1921, the "man in the red scarf" sold for 7.8 million pounds at auction at Sotheby's February 5, 2007 year (by the way, at Christie's in 1997, this work sold for 1.4 million pounds), and the painting "Flayed ox ', for which 6 February 2006 buyer paid at Christie's auction 7,848,000 pounds.

Maria Kuznetsova, AI

Sources :
1. School of Paris. Exhibition catalog. M., 2011
2. M. German Modernism. Art of the first half of the twentieth century. M.: ABC, 2008

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