Modern and post-war art at auction in London. Comes whether «the February revolution»? Part 2. The Old Guard. The post-modernists in the Sotheby's and Christie's
In the auction of modern art including a large number of postwar artists. Prices are deprived of the extent of speculative, what is peculiar to modern art, and the efficiency of investment more predictable
In the auction of contemporary art often include the work of the organizers of the post-war artists - foreign «Sixties». According to AI, their work is already a separate stratum. They have firmly entered the history of art, defined by their artistic value, but in terms of commercial pricing for their work is already happening under the laws of antique market. The ideas they are modern, but the talk of the post-war artists need to do so separately.

Mark Rothko Green, blue, green on blue 1968. Paper, acrylic. 102,9 x 67,3. Estimeyt: 2,5-3,5 million pounds. Lot number 17. Christie's. 11.02.09. Forecast AI: estimeyta below or «not sold»
In the post-war section of the Christie's most expensive painting is composed of two «pillars» of modernism - British expressionist Francis Bacon and the American abstract expressionist Mark Rothko Russian origin. What unites them is that both artists are included in ten most expensive works of authors in the world . And also the fact that on February 11 at Christie's, they will be presented multimillion works, but not masterpieces. Rothko, 1968 - later, colors, devoid of high-aggressive, not like it all. As the media - paper. Just decorative identifiable Rothko with estimeytom 2,5-3,5 million pounds - the logic of the acquisition is, but grieve for this picture is unlikely to become customers.
Around the same can be said about the «Men in Blue VI» Francis Bacon. On the canvas (it is now plus) shows regular «Muse» passionarnogo artist with whom he met at the Hotel Imperial. Anger and passion - neither in color nor in the plot. However, someone can order and searches. Estimeyt - 4-6 million pounds. Opinion AI - is unlikely to, or care closer to the bottom border.
Portfolio ideologue «spatsializma» (spatial dialogue), the Italian abstraktsionista Lucio Fontana, often appear on the bid. Standing, they are usually more moderate than requested for Sotheby's 5-7 million pounds for «Spatial Concept» (1961). There is an explanation. Despite the fact that a good half of all the works the artist is called «Spatial Concept» and bears traces of physical penetration through the canvas, the picture is different. It turns out that it belongs to a very rare Venice Fountains cycle. And not only belongs, but, according to experts, is it better. 1961 was rich in events. The election of Kennedy, Gagarin flight, hope, change - all these serve as food for the new philosophy of spatiality and an inspiration to her provozvestnika. Connoisseurs of creativity Fountains polutorametrovy feel very decorative canvas masterpiece in the works of Italian abstraktsionista. ARTinvestment.RU no reason not to believe them and shared approach to tsenobrazovaniyu. Museum importance weight of the exhibition, 45 years of existence in a private collection. Projected - 6.5 million pounds, but can be any surprises. It seems that the reason for the back of the painting the artist has written the words: «Gold is as beautiful as the sun».
fans of Fountains of creativity, do not have multimillion budgets, is to wait until the next day. February 6, the day Sotheby's will put more than the usual outwardly «Spatial Concept» 1968 brand cutting slots. There is, of course, too much. But a comfortable size, bright yellow vodoemulsionka - Fontane this will be seen for a hundred meters. A estimeyt - 20 times below 250-350 thousand pounds. I think that much will depend on the outcome of the previous day. If all goes well the day before, the upper yellow estimeyt «Fountains-light» to submission in the first minute of bidding.
Art by Gerhard Richter at the February auction will be presented in the two most famous hypostasis - and its very recognizable color abstraction and moving blurred photorealism. Recall that the work of Richter «candle», closing five of the most expensive works of living artists, completed just in the aesthetics of photorealism with Superimposed effect linen cloths. Lucky ones who saw her alive, agree that the work of 1983 turned out to be so impressive that the buyer of last February, not in vain for her lost 7.97 million pounds. Encouraged by the success of the Sotheby's auction last year and this time presents photorealism - «Troisdorf» 1985, a large fotoizlozhenie on films taken in the same city in North Rhine-Westphalia. Estimeyt at this time, more modest - 1,5-2 million pounds. In the works, plus a lot. The fact that similar work is in the New York Museum of Modern Art. And the fact that it Richter demonstrates his skilful handling of color and light. And its a great meditative. But all this can not mask a simple fact. All - not «candle». But on the other hand, there is a Richter Richter, and the younger he becomes. Forecast for AI «Troisdorfa» - 2,5 million pounds.

JEAN DYUBYUFFE Geologist. 1950. Oil on canvas, cm 98 x 131 tons. Estimeyt: 200-300 thousand pounds. Lot number 134 Sotheby's. 06.02.09. Forecast AI: in estimeyta
Works by Jean Dyubyuffe steel ornament daytime sections of trades as Sotheby's, and Christie's. French artist, thinkers and theoreticians of art world the term is required «Al brut», and discuss the removal of «ill art» at the museum level. Large canvas «Geologist» may be for bidding with estimeytom 200-300 thousand pounds. The painting dates back to the artist's fascination study textures of land, soil texture, the period of attempts to look at the macro-micro. Zadran extremely skyline, pridavlenny «neprichesanny» character - the embodiment of beautiful original allegory and irony of the artist. For collectors «ill art», naive art and outsider art (and interest in these areas is growing) work Dyubyuffe - support in the assembly. Therefore, would always be in demand. Forecast AI - in estimeyta. Interestingly, one week later at Christie's will sell the picture Dyubyuffe «Miss Arayni» of the same in 1950, similar to the technical and decorative options, but estimated at 400-600 thousand pounds, twice the price «Geologist». Who knows why there was such a difference?
Normally, if this work will be a long ripple in the eyes. Acryl «Celebration» Bridget Riley is considered one of the turning of things into her work. According to her biography, in 1974, the curves as a form of the line firmly entered the lexicon of art. Paradoxical optical abstraction, which did not deter sight, estimated at 600-800 thousand pounds. That price, of course, not the visual puzzle, and as a result of the intellectual work of one of the most daring artists in the post-war British art. If so the approach to work, the result may be very close to a million pounds.

Robert Indiana Red Love. Concept 1966, manufacturing 2000. Proof. Painted aluminum. 183 x 183 x 91,5. Estimeyt: 400-600 thousand pounds. Lot number 23. Christie's. 11.02.09. Forecast AI: 650 thousand lb
In conclusion I would like to note a copy of «Red Love» Robert Indiana. According to AI, this lot is worth fighting, even beyond estimeyta 400-600 thousand pounds. Sculpture with four letters LOVE, made of aluminum, it is very well known. In a sense, this is the product of legend. And never mind that the run - there are already 10 of its copies (six conventional and four-authorship). A specific instance of the way, from the artists proof. Forecast AI - 650 thousand pounds. Such positive effects must be charismatic valued at all times.
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