Art Investment


Rodionov Mikhail Semenovich

1885 (village Mihailovskaya of the Don Army) - 1956 (Moscow)

schedule, painter

studied in Moscow in the studios F. Rerberg and I. Mashkov (mid-1900's), in MUZHVZ (1908-1910, 1915-1918) on painting and sculpture departments.

lived in Moscow. Many worked as a draftsman in the techniques of charcoal, sanguine, ink, pencil, watercolor, wrote, studied lithography. I created landscapes, portraits, genre sketches. Since the late 1920's turned to books, graphic, illustrated children's books. Has worked in publishing Academia, Detgiz. He performed the illustrations for books Valles J. "Youth" (1934), Tolstoy's "Strider" (1934), "War and Peace" (1935), "Prisoner of the Mountains" (1955).

Since the beginning of 1930, along with VA Favorsky and LA Bruni worked in the studio of monumental painting, studied painting at the pavilion VSHV. In the 1940's created a series of lithographed portraits of artists: painters VN Baksheeva, GS Vereisk (both - 1944), MS Saryan, an architect in . A. Vesnina, sculptors IM Gull, SD Merkurov (all - 1945), actresses AK Tarasova (1946), S. Hyacinth (1947) and others.

Member and exponential associations "Jack of Diamonds", "Makovets" (1922, 1924-1926), the Society of Moscow Artists (1928), AChRs (1932). Participated in the exhibitions "World of Art" (1921), the All-Union Printing Exhibition (1927), "Russian figure for 10 years, the October Revolution" (1927), the first traveling exhibition of paintings and drawings (1929) in Moscow, "Artists of the RSFSR XV years in Leningrad and Moscow (1932-1934), "The Soviet Image" (1929) in Kuibyshev, this exhibition of drawings (1930) in Perm, the group "L'Arena" (1925) in Paris, the exhibitions of Soviet art in Tokyo (1927), Amsterdam, Riga, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit, Winterthur (all - 1929), Konigsberg (1932) and others.

taught at the Art School tipolitografii Association Sytin (late 1910-s), Vhuteine, Moscow Institute of Fine Arts, the Faculty of decoration fabrics in the Moscow Textile Institute (the end of 1920 -- x - 1930), among students - VI Gubin, VA Koroteev, IG Nikolaevtsev, RS Boim, NA Gippius, and others.

Rodionova works are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin State Museum of the literary and others.

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