Art Investment


SHEMYAKIN Mikhail Fedorovich

October 21, 1875 (Moscow) - December 3, 1944 (Moscow)

painter and graphic artist.

occurred from a merchant family, was in a distant kinship with VE Borisov-Musatov and Sorokin. Original art education in the 4-th Moscow gymnasium at AR Artemiev. In 1890 he took private drawing lessons with VI Achueva. In 1892 entered MUZhViZ, worked Sorokin, S. Korovin, IM Pryanishnikova, VD Polenov, Leonid Pasternak, A. Arkhipov, K. Savitsky, and in the workshop by Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. In 1897-1898 and 1898-1899 was awarded two small silver medals. In 1899 he graduated from college with the rank neklassnogo artist.

In the same year, continued his education at the School of Aschbe in Munich. In 1901 he returned to Moscow. Since 1904 has participated in exhibitions TPHV (since 1908 - Member of the Association), the Moscow Society of Art Lovers, from 1906 - the Czech association "Manis" (from 1908 - an honorary member). In 1905, for a portrait of the singer NV Salina won first prize in the Moscow Society of Art Lovers.

in 1906-1914 has visited the Czech Republic. He married the daughter of a professor at the Moscow Conservatory AI Grzhimali, in 1908, son Michael.

In 1913 founded his own art studio in Moscow. In 1914-1915 he taught drawing in the school of painting and drawing Stanislav Zhukovsky.

After the revolution, has consistently taught in the State of free art workshops VHUTEMAS, VHUTEINe (1918-1929). Actively participated in organizing workers' school of Arts in Moscow, where he headed izootdeleniem and kept drawing and painting. In 1929-1934 he taught at the Moscow Higher Engineering-Construction Institute, Moscow Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Military Engineering Academy of the RKKA. Since 1934 - the Moscow Polygraphic Institute and the Moscow State Art Institute. Worked on a training manual Methodological manual on drawing and painting ».

continued to work hard in the field of easel painting. In 1922 he participated in the First Russian Art Exhibition in the Van Diemen Gallery in Berlin. In 1927 he joined the Society of Moscow Artists. In 1928, exhibited his paintings at the exhibition of the Association youth AHRR. In 1938, in the halls of MSSH at the Kuznetsk bridge held the first exhibition of Bioorganic Chemistry dedicated to the 35 th anniversary of his creative and 25 years of teaching.

During the Great Patriotic War he was evacuated to Tashkent, where he headed the Department of the figure in the Moscow Architectural Institute, also transferred to Tashkent, he worked at the refresher training of young Uzbek artists. In 1943 he returned to Moscow and resumed teaching at the Moscow State Art Institute.

Retrospective exhibition of Bioorganic passed in 1955 in the Exhibition Hall MSSH, 1967 - Central House of Writers, 1971 - at the Central House of Artists in Moscow, 2006 - in Nizhniy Tagil Museum of Fine Arts.

the creative manner Shemyakina greatly influenced by learning from Korovin and Serov. His art combines the features of "peredvizhnicheskogo" realism, impressionism and modernism, and after the revolution, he remained loyal to the previously found artistic techniques. Undergone some evolution of the themes of his work: in the 1900's - 1910-s attention to the artist took simple household plots ( "the window", "By the fireplace", "For watering flowers, Vecherkom for some tea", "Mother and Child" ), in the 1920 - 1930 painted on the themes of Soviet reality, close to the program of socialist realism ( "agitator in the collective farm family", "Pioneers on holiday", "A woman police officer in the family"). Many worked in the portrait genre.

Works Shemyakin are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin, as well as a number of regional museums - Nizhniy Tagil Museum of Fine Arts, Art Gallery, Tula and others.

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