Art Investment


KITTENPLAY Vladimir Petrovich

4 (16) June 1878 (Moscow) — no earlier than 1916

painter, graphic

the Son of an architect П. А. Дриттенпрейса. Studied in MUZHVZ (1898-1908) first on architectural, 1908 — in the painting Department. For the architectural projects were awarded minor (1906) and largest (1907) silver medals. In 1908 he received the title of class artist-архитектора. In the early 1900-х together with А. А. Араповым made a trip to Rostov, Yaroslavl province; in 1903 вместе with А. А. Араповым, Н. П. Феофилактовым, Н. Н. Сапуновым visited St. Petersburg, where he met С. П. Дягилевым. He continued his education at the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture, (1909-1911) at the architectural Department, in the workshop Л. Н. Бенуа.

he Lived in Moscow. In 1908 he made a trip to the Crimea. Included in the group of symbolists; was influenced О. Бердсли. Worked in the St. Petersburg journals "Golden fleece", "Libra" (1906-1909). Author still lifes, landscapes, portraits, allegorical compositions, decorative panels: "Puppet Comedy" (1907), "To spring" (1907), "Bakhchisarai" (1908), "Masquerade-фантош" (1907), "Fountain of tears" (1908). The sketch decorative design of interiors of the "Russian hunting club" (1909) and hall Literary-художественного mug for the society "Free aesthetics" (1909).

Served as a supernumerary Building technician for the Department of the Moscow provincial Board (1911-1915). The author of the project of a country house Н. Ф. Горелина in Ivanovo-Вознесенске. In 1915 in connection with the events of the First world war, he entered the Aleksandrovskoe military school and asked for permission to take the mother's surname — potters. The further fate is not known.

From 1898 — participant of exhibitions (student MUZHVZ). A member and Exhibitor associations: "Blue rose" (1907), "Garland-Стефанос" (1907-1908), New society of artists (1908-1909), "World of art" (1911); member-учредитель the society "Free aesthetics" (from 1907); participated in the activities of the Society of arts (1913-1916). Participant of the exhibition "Salon В. А. Издебского" in St. Petersburg (1909-1910). The author of the article "plastic music. Motifs Italy (Travel impressions) "(Art, 1905, № 5-7).

Creative work is presented in the State Tretyakov gallery.


1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Painting of the late XIX — early twentieth century. Moscow, 2005, vol. 5. S. 136.

2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. S. 460.

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