Art Investment

Vera Preobrazhenskaya Institute of art. Exhibition and open discussion

In ERGY in the Kozitsky lane, 5, opens an exhibition of one of the brightest students of Ely bielutin. April 10, opening day will be held an intellectual duel on a provocative topic "can a woman become a great artist?"

Vera Ivanovna Transfiguration (1919-2017) did not immediately come to art. First she studied at Moscow state University in the biology Department, she was promised a career in science. But the thirst for art in the end outweighed. Transfiguration went to study at the art room of the all, eventually joined the Committee of artists-графиков, started to carry out orders of the Plant Isopoda and eventually went to work in the publishing house "Moscow" (now "Education"). Was engaged in making scientific-популярной literature. A biologist, she especially managed illustration with animals.

a Turning point in her life was 1958, when the Preobrazhensky joined in the Studio "New reality" — experimental Studio Eliya Belyutina. She was 39, she was quite experienced professional-оформителем with your opinion and position. Argue and sometimes disagree. Not accidentally called the battle Transfiguration student of the founder of the "New reality". Velutina had it easy.

However it was not accented on the feminist rebellion. Researchers of creativity of the Transfiguration, I believe that she avoided appeals to their feminine essence and did not seek to revolt in the description of female experience. Her approach to the description of even the most feminine topics such as motherhood, this approach is the detached rational observer, which examines the phenomenon almost on the scheme: this — solution — response. Nevertheless, the Foundation of Russian abstract art offers to perform the work of successful Faith the Transfiguration as an example, which may be included in the global feminist discourse. Why? The artists of the Soviet system offered a very limited field for implementation. The most traditional way — job an Illustrator or a painter on fabrics for cotton-printing factory. Creativity for yourself — or with my husband-художником, or as part of a large group under the leadership of "master" and "guru." Transfiguration went through all the traditional stages, but not "dissolved" in their teachers and kept their identity.

the Exhibition "New Faith", the first after the death of the artist (Transfiguration died last year), built on the basis of the collection Fund of the Russian abstract art and the collection of the artist's daughter, Olga Gracheva. The exhibition presents mainly works 1980-х — early 2000-х years.

10 April 2018, the day of the opening of the exhibition at 17:00 in the Institute of art held an intellectual duel between a famous Russian businessman, collector and founder of RAI Olga Uskova and the French journalist, novelist and anthropologist Maureen Demidoff (Demidoff Maureen). The topic — "worker and artist, or if a woman is Able to become a great artist?".

Participants will discuss the most acute and uncomfortable questions relating to the modern concept of feminism in Russia, in Europe and the world:

— does a woman Have to choose to be a woman or to be an artist?

— How to play on an equal footing inthe male world of artists?

— Same evaluation criteria male and female art?

— is it Possible to be a successful artist without touching on the topics of feminism?

— required to operate your body?

— is a point of view on these issues in Russia from the position of art-феминизма Europe and the world?

the discussion will be moderated by art historian, critic, curator Cyril Fireflies.

"the collection of Russian abstract art" was founded in 2013 in Moscow. Its founder and Chairman of the Board —, the President of group of companies Cognitive Technologies Olga Uskov collector. The basis of the collection are paintings, drawings, archival materials by members of the Studio "New reality".


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