Julo Sooster on Prechistenka, 30/2
21 March in the gallery "vellum" opens to the public exhibition of "Hulot Sooster. Line of surrealism"
Hulot-Ильмар Ioganesovich Sooster (1924-1970) was born in the Estonian village Whtre on the island of Hiiumaa; in 1943 he entered the Tartu art school and a year later was drafted as an orderly in the German army, where soon deserted. From 1945 to 1949 he studied at the Tartu art Institute, after graduation, was convicted as an "enemy of the people" and the seven years he spent in the camp dolynka (Karlag). In the years of his imprisonment near Karaganda, he found the opportunity and strength to draw portraits of his comrades in the camp, secretly, camp scenery.
After his release in 1956 Sooster returned to Estonia, but later moved with his wife to Moscow, where their apartment became the center of meetings of the sixties. The house came Yuri Sobolev-Нолев, Ilya Kabakov, Victor Pivovarov, Ernst Unknown; his close friends and associates became Boris zhutovsky and Vladimir Yankilevsky. Julo Sooster participated in defeated by Khrushchev anniversary exhibition of Moscow Union of artists in the Arena.
the Main work Sooster was the design of books; he has worked with the magazine "Knowledge — force", but especially loved to illustrate scientific-фантастические works in publishing house "the World": here it was possible not to restrict the freedom of imagination.
Hulot Sooster can be called the most European of all the Soviet sixties: the Estonian education gave the artist access nesovetskie cultural and philosophical basis of promoting disclosure in his work a deep and multi-dimensional mythological themes.
"the exhibition Hulot Sooster. Line of surrealism" the main part of the exposition are rarely exhibited works of the artist, which fully reveal the craftsmanship Sooster-графика, energy and elegance of his drawings.
In the paintings Sooster, with its classic chilly-сдержанной color palette, you can see traditional for the artist's images — juniper and the egg: the first — reference to the native Estonian landscapes, the second — the image of the cosmos, the infinite universe, mysteries which have always interested the artist.
At the exhibition one of the brightest representatives of the Soviet and Estonian unofficial art will feature more than 40 graphic works Sooster, established in 1960-е years. They came from Russian private collections and the collection of the Creator of the gallery "vellum" love Agafonovoth.
Source: vellum.ru
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