Vladimir Migachev. Internal migration
The exhibition, which opens January 25 at the gallery ARTSTORY, will introduce the audience to the works of the Krasnodar artist Vladimir migacheva
the exhibition "Inner migration" has made landscape paintings Vladimir Migacheva (1959) over the past two years. The artist has done in that time long way, from the point of view of the geographical: he traveled 6 regions of Central Russia, and from the point of view of creative evolution, having made a kind of "internal migration" immersed in culture "tracts" (as on modern maps indicate the locations of the disappeared villages and hamlets), the vanishing culture of the Russian village.
Exhibits "Internal migration" — is a multidimensional, complex, recognizable landscapes. The author's painting technique involves the use of ash, quartz sand, coal, clay, kuzbaskaya and often even the ordinary black soil: for an artist it is very important that the paint has become not only light and color but in texture, in matter, in flesh.
the Artist asks questions, leaving this important dialogue with the audience right to respond or not to respond and giving the viewer an opportunity to understand the author's meanings.
One of the main issues — on how changing rural landscape, the main object of attention of the artist. The country becomes quite different. The landscape that surrounds us is also changing rapidly. Many problems, including social, is expressed in the landscape through the space in which we exist.
the Beginning of the project "Internal migration" laid easy looking at topographic maps. The term "tract" they marked the territory of the former settlements. In our country the urban population is more than seventy percent, and villages continue to disappear from the map of Russia: for the last twenty years disappeared thousands of villages. As predicted by some demographers, by 2025, ninety-six percent of the villagers will become city dwellers. In other words, the rural population will disappear completely. These statistics are directly reflected in the space of the landscape. Every time the destruction of the structures of everyday life leaves scars into the surrounding landscape.
At the exhibition "Internal migration" will be presented three works with the same name "the hole". With a low horizon line and big sky, — there is nothing, emptiness; and only glued the bandages on the places — "scars", — where he was when-то structure. Migachev recalls how in the spring of last year, went to the Middle Zelenchuk river near Krasnodar: "I met a family who were returning from the cemetery. Talking. It turns out that the woman his whole life was lived in these areas. In the mid 90-х in connection with social-экономической situation in the country leftthe last inhabitants. When we said goodbye she asked me to photograph them in the background, “farm”, on a background of grass, abandoned gardens, that is, against the background of emptiness. As a background — just the background and no root system. Hence our “Ivana-не-помнящие-родства”. Then came the name of the project, there was an experience on this occasion. Maybe this is my personal internal migration".
says the artist, who explored over the last two years the Rostov, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tula, Kaluga and Orel region in Central Russia, scars — is what remains from the landscape as a result of this internal migration.
When-то, 1980-е, he read this statement by the famous geographer Vladimir Kagansky: "Russian landscape is incredibly not comprehended, it exists separately from the person and often in spite of him". Migachev agree, the main thing — to feel the mood, and it's not nostalgia and anxiety, and that-то close to disappointment.
yet every one of his works you can see a bright spot, because "hope to be". It may not look promising, but there should be some-то question. At least what is happening and where we go?
Vladimir Migachev was born in 1959 in the village on Orlovschine. After graduating from artistic-графического faculty of the Kuban state University remained in Krasnodar. In the mid 1980-х worked in the style of classical realism. Then there was a period of fascination with abstraction, which ended in the late 1990-х, after three years the painting of the Orthodox Church in Krasnodar. In the genre of landscape painting Migachev has become a recognized master of contemporary art, or rather, "art", — that is the wording he prefers. Solo and group exhibitions of works by Migachev are regularly held in Russia and abroad. The artist's works are well known in the Russian art-сцене, and also increasingly in demand outside of Russia.
the Gallery ARTSTORY: Moscow, staropimenovskiy lane., d. 14 (m. "Tverskaya", "Mayakovskaya"). Every day, cu. Monday, from 12:00 to 20:00. Admission is free. Tel: 8 495 650 13 43. info@art-story.com.
Source: artstorygallery.art
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