Art Investment

"Current Russia environment". The first exhibition of ROSIZO and PRSI

The project can be seen as the software exhibition, illustrating a new approach the newly arrived heads of relevant government agencies to cutting-edge art in the country

"All waited, we were cooking! Actual Russia! 18 Nov! Friday!" — announced on Saturday at the Facebook Ivan Demidov.

"Current Russia: habitat" at the State Central Museum of contemporary history of Russia will be the first large-scale exhibition "aktualschikov" for the United state ROSIZO (after the absorption of the NCCA). And the first exhibition for the new of the development Fund of contemporary art (it just and is headed by Ivan Demidov). Therefore, the project is not only about art. Many definitely expect him also a clear political message. Maybe even "reset" of relations between the state and the community of contemporary art.

works for the exhibition were collected not only from museums but also from galleries and even private collections. The curator made Arseny Steiner. From the galleries to the project were connected, in particular, the Galerie We, Today, "11.12", "Triumph", Pop/off/art, "Gridchin-холл", Gallery Marina Gisich, AnnaNova, X-MAX (Ufa) others. Artists are, Pavel Pepperstein, Nikita Alexeev, Gor Chahal, Alexander Dashevsky, Dmitry Kawarga, Vitaly Pushnitsky, Oleg Khvostov, Rinat Voligamsi, Valery Chtak himself, Mikhail Rozanov, Sergei geta, Igor Pestov, Azat Basyrov, Ustina Yakovleva and others. Officially while it is known that the exhibition includes more than 60 works by famous Russian artists. But unofficially — that the organizers get something really impressive: huge paintings, objects, video art.

This was the information.

it is Now the opinion. Which means this exhibition in addition to the exhibition itself?

From the composition of participants and the names of institutions can be assumed that this exhibition performs an unofficial peace mission. Indeed, indirectly, such a project could contribute to not let the disappearance, but to reduce the intensity of confrontation between the various informal "clubs", "subculture" and trends in the world of contemporary art. The situation there for many years already is not easy. And it's not only about the eternal struggle for "access to a body": that Commissar, curatorial, oligarchic. Even before the dismissal of the leadership of the NCCA (which is even more polarized system own — is a stranger) the circles of our small art-мира began to form and in their relation topolitical Affairs: "pussy rayot", to the Crimea and beyond. The growing confrontation between "liberals" and "patriots" confrontation "is not with us is against us" had a negative effect on artistic life. Suffered relationship between the members of the art-процесса, acute manipulation of administrative and financial resources and decreased exposure opportunities, there are "private clubs", not to allow to the resources of the "outsiders". "Habitat", as I understand it, aims to show that a place in the sun and resources enough for all. That the state will provide grounds on which to fight for the brightness and depth of artistic expression. Informal message "Actual Russia" it reads: "Quiet! You should not be afraid of the happened changes. “Liberals” in contemporary art to drive for Mozhaev, no one will. Look at the Demidov on the cover on Facebook Pepperstein".

So it is seen from the side, and then we'll see. I don't think this approach is who-то immediately persuaded, but the competition of creative ideas to keep it allow. And still allow at least a meter to push policy and make a feast for artists. It would be extremely stupid, if 2010-х years of art from-за clumsy actions of the state again would be shared at formal and informal.


What else to read on the topic on AI:
the NCCA will be part of the ROSIZO;
Michael Mindlin will lead the Museum of ancient art;
Leonid Bazhanov NCCA leaves.

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