Art Investment

Evgeny Chubarov in NCCA

Tonight opens the exhibition on the 80th anniversary of the artist at the Festival of contemporary art collections

Tonight at the NCCA opens a personal exhibition Eugene Chubarova as part of the annual festival collections of contemporary iskusstva@

", To some extent, the artist has always lived in the madness. In order to discover the true image of reality, it is necessary to turn off the mind. And then I say "I fall into its own", discover in himself and pure nature, and potential future" (Chubarov).

Art Eugene Chubarova belongs simultaneously radical and archaic cultures, where expressionism is becoming a key strategy. It is addressed to "relic of memory" — a form of historical consciousness, where the person was inseparable from nature, and art existed in the form of ritual@

In his drawings, the artist persistently drawn to the scenes of rural life, the witness of which he was in childhood, generalizing them to the canonical stories, symbolic acts of struggle and fertilization, when a person becomes a facilitator is in continuous dialogue of Earth and Neba@

the Exhibition includes works from different periods, donated to the collection of the NCCA widow of the artist Lyudmyla Chubarova and gallery owner Gary Tatintsian@

read More about Eugene Chubarov read our article in the category "artist of the week".

Festival collections of contemporary art has been held since 2007. The festival, recognized as one of the most exciting summer events for Moscow's cultural life, is private, corporate and public art collection 2-nd half of XX — beginning of XXI century. Festival collections of contemporary art gives viewers a unique opportunity to get access to works from private collections and the museums. Simultaneous demonstration of exhibitions allows to build a dialogue between them, revealing the creative basis of the collection activities, to show that each collection is determined by the identity of the collector, its orientation is not yet clear processes of artistic movements, intellectual and socio-cultural contexts prostranstvo@

Source: press release NCCA

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