Art Investment

Overview of the current editor of the Moscow exhibitions AI

Collection of Damien Hirst at Mumm retrospective Igor Shelkovsky, Kawarga Dmitry and Alexander Sokolov "Drummer"

In the Multimedia Art Museum until February 2 last exhibition of works from the collection of the artist Damien Hirst's " Freedom is not a genius ." Theoretically Collector Hirst exhibition could easily do without the work of Hirst artist. But , to everyone's delight , it just starts them . Visitors are greeted four giant paintings representing several main themes , - dot paintings, spin- heart collection of gallery owner Gary Tatintsian collage with butterflies of the family gatherings Tetruashvili (also through Gary Tatintsian Gallery) and effective spin Svetlana Maric ( auction house Phillips). The latter , as the name implies , is devoted to his owner directly .

Generally good artists - it is often people with a phenomenal ego . Therefore, when the artist buys works of other artists , this particular choice , combining high score and passed through a specific criterial themselves . In the collection of Hearst , as in art, the dominant theme of beauty and death. Stuffed , unbuttoned painting , philosophy and, of course , symbols of wisdom and frailty - the skull. They dedicate an entire room, and this is perhaps the most dramatic part of the collection. According to the structure assembly can be said that it is not formed under the names of , and under the idea. There are things cheap , but effective , which were bought with courage , even more drunk . And there are those that even such apparently hit the wealthy can afford. His Picasso skull likely was bought by German auction in 2004 for 760,000 euros commission. How much he paid for one of his Bacon , I do not know, but in 2002 this series of Bacon (Man in Blue) was worth more than a million euros, and is now worth more than five million . There he and pangolin skins , and reconstruction of the extinct dodo , and Sarah Lucas ( classmate ) , and Gary Hume , and Takashi Murakami and Banksy (with whom he is friends ) and Giacometti idol Warhol - in a word , look no reconsider .

only thing I did not do nothing before the show - not previously read the interview Hirst, curator of the exhibition this ( links to interviews in the lower right corner). I used to know a few things would have looked more closely .

More pictures from the show , see the reportage Forum AI .

In the Multimedia Art Museum until February 9 last retrospective exhibition " The Persistence of Change " semidesyatnik . Many people know and remember him as the publisher of the famous magazine " A - Z ", coming out in France since 1979, the magazine about contemporary art , including about unofficial art in the Soviet Union . The project was timely, important and resonant. The collection Kizevaltera " These strange seventies " Shelkovskiy recalled that with the second issue had to be printed in the magazine mock disclaimer : " The materials of the authors who are in the USSR , are printed without their knowledge ." It was awkward , but at least some way to formally protect artists from the claims of the authorities. But such claims were . For example , the artist Shablavin , recalls that after the first two rooms with their materials , he was for several years excluded from the Municipal Committee of graphs . But that was then .

And in the early sixties Shelkovskiy - a young graduate of the School name in 1905 , dabbled in expressionism (later , after the discovery of a sculptor , he gave away these paintings ) . Circle of friends and associates - , Boris Orlov , , Alexander Kosolapov , Sergey Yesayan . In the seventies - workshop on Sretenke ; craze tree - the good people of the starting material was discarded in abundance. Apartment exhibitions , informal competitive process , the competition of ideas. Hardly the first buyer in the Shelkovskiy sculpture - Costacis who " knew that among the unofficial artists must be even and the sculptor ." In 1976 - emigration , France - opportunity to fully engage in creative , rural workshop in a former monastery of the Templars, and a year later - the beginning of work on the " A - Z ».

IGOR Shelkovskiy package milk. 1975
Collection Alexander Sidorov
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
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IGOR Shelkovskiy Flags
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
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However, on display at the Mumm Igor Shelkovskiy does not appear as a prominent figure in the unofficial art , but as a strong original sculptor, protourbanisticheskih structures, reliefs , sculptural concepts and metaphors. I know that even for sophisticated Russian collectors this exhibition was opening the Shelkovskiy as strong sculptor. Perhaps the central work was nostalgic triangular milk package through which grows an urban design - work in 1975 from the collection of Alexander Sidorov ( he was once editor of the Moscow " A - Z "). Pack especially fond of visitors , most photographed it beside him. Well, I liked best conceptualist text reliefs from the series " Sayings " - charming " Coulda woulda ", " Neither here nor there ", " Yes and no", as well as branded " Suprematist " reliefs . In short, unexpected and interesting exhibition in the upscale modern museum space .

More pictures from the exhibition Igor Shelkovsky see the reportage Forum AI .

And until February 26, you can still catch the two exhibition in the center of "Drummer » - Dmitry Kawarga and Alexander Sokolov (1941-2009).

exhibition Dmitry Kawarga " at the very bottom black groupers " somehow opened suddenly and almost was not advertised , but in fact it is the biggest exhibition of one of our major innovators in Russian contemporary art : and on the area, and the number of the works and outreach material .

on " perch " presents not only branded biomorphological static, but dynamic sculpture, interactive works ( with biofeedback ) , photography, and painting, which shows a rather Kawarga rarely .

The paintings are often unusual dating , for example 1989-2009 . This time spread due to the fact that catchy black and white picture - it is a new work , inspired by the colorful paintings more than 20 years ago. In the new patterns used sometimes only a fragment of the old , plus they got sculptural continued , whereas the old was just a flat painting .

Under the " black bass " ( allusion refers to the inhabitants of the innermost depths human consciousness ) managed to put the main program Kavargi work , including my favorite and most spectacular project " End of the World " - a dying civilization on the islands leaving the soil under the feet of coal .

Dmitry Kawarga
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
Source :
 Dmitry Kawarga
Dmitry Kawarga
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov AI
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More pictures from the exhibition Dmitry Kawarga see the reportage Forum AI .

And on the ground floor " Drummer " is an exhibition of Alexander Sokolov (1941-2009) , sculptor , eighties , classmate Boris Orlov and . According to general grotesqueness and acute reaction to the political moment of the individual presented in tune with late sots-art , but they say that the sculptor himself did not approve of such parallels . A small exhibition from the collection of the works of Shalva Breus 1990s and 2000s - the dialogue with the great sculptors of the biblical cycle works and other objects .

Alexander Sokolov Do not remember me . 2002
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
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Alexander Sokolov

Melchizedek Calendar Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov , AI
Source :

More pictures from the exhibition Alexander Sokolov , see the reportage Forum AI .

Vladimir Bogdanov , AI

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