Art Investment

"There is a subway!" Winery

Exhibition Gallery "Proun" is dedicated to the artistic design of the Moscow Metro in 1930-50s. The works of A. Deineki, Manizer M., E. Janson Manizer, G. Motovilova, Ladies A., A. Dushkin, Alexander Labas, A. Shchusev I. Taranova Andreeva et a

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Proun Gallery , October 25 - December 25, 2013
CSI "Winery »
Moscow, 4 th BANKS . 1, page 6

Exhibition gallery " Proun " is dedicated to the artistic design of the Moscow Metro in 1930 -50- ies. Projects stations , development and sketches of monumental scenery, sketches and models , ceramics, sculptures and reliefs reveal the unique phenomenon of Moscow's " underground palaces ", celebrated worldwide . Moscow Metro - one of the most important achievements of the Soviet era - was a huge artistic and political endeavor . To create the unique look of the stations has been involved a number of prominent architects , painters and sculptors .

Exhibition Gallery "Proun " brings together works A. Deineki , Manizer , Janson Manizer , Motovilova , Ladies , A. Dushkin , A. Labasa , Schuseva , I. Taranova , V. Andreev , etc.

first ideas in Moscow metro construction dating back to pre-revolutionary period . However, if the projects have remained on paper without finding a real incarnation. After the revolution, the establishment of a metro arose again on the agenda , although the contemporaries the ability to move underground seemed rather distant dream. By the early 1920s refers famous poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky " A little bit of utopia about how metroshka go ." But it took only a few years , and dreams of " metroshke " materialized .

in June 1931 issued a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b ) the construction of the Moscow metro , and by the autumn metropliten was declared shock construction site . Subject subway construction was actively discussed in the press, and increasingly expressed a wish not only to catch up, to solve an important problem for the city transport , but also " catch up and overtake ».

plan was implemented in record short time : May 15, 1935 , opened the first line from the station "Sokolniki " station " Park Kultury ". In the words of his contemporaries, the underground " stormed ».

first station on the first stage of design were quite unpretentious . However, very soon began to be developed under a truly utopian space , become an iconic expression of the Stalin era .

Moscow metro stations are performed as a highly facilities . Making the subway was intended to visibly support the concept of a "new man ." The impression made on contemporaries " underground palace " was so stunning that the launch of the first stage was associated with the onset of a new " metropolitenovoy era" when, as in the newspapers , together " with the city improved and people who live in it ."

Classic Moscow subway station unique design of each individual. Underground rooms were conceived as public interiors , elaborating the smallest details with the utmost care .

Exhibition Gallery "Proun " seeks to identify the uniqueness of the metro , not only as an outstanding monument of architectural thought , but as a unique artistic program - monumental design .

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