Exhibition of works by members of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of ARTS
Aidan Salakhova, Konstantin Khudyakov, Zurab Tsereteli, Tair Salakhov, Dmitry Zhilinsky, Boris Messerer in the MMSI on Gogol Boulevard
the Museum presents an exhibition of works by members of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of arts. At the site of the Museum shows paintings, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied art, architectural proekty@
exhibitors — the representatives of different generations. This younger generation (Aidan Salakhova, Konstantin Khudyakov, Vasily Tsereteli, Elena Tsereteli), uses in his works along with traditional techniques, new materials and technologies. The older generation of Russian Academy of ARTS will present Zurab Tsereteli, Tahir Salahov, Dmitry Zhilinsky, Boris Messerer, Alexey Shmarinov and Lev Shepelev (1937-2013). The creativity of painters and graphic artists, who started his way in 1970-80 years, will present Tatiana Nazarenko,, Victor Kalinin, Viktor Glukhov, Anatoly Lyubavin, Sergei Ossovsky and drugie@
the exhibition also shows works of Nikolai Mukhin, Evgeny Maximov, Vasily Nesterenko — masters-traditionalists, whose work is connected with the Russian Church art. A special place in the halls of the Museum is a work of sculptors Alexander Burganov, Alexander Rukavishnikov, Anatoly bichukova, albert Charkin, Andrei Kovalchuk and others, as well as works of decorative art, made with Love Savelieva. Attention will be paid to the division of architecture and design in the face of such architects as Mikhail Posokhin and Yuri Platonov@
Source: press release MMSI
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