Art Investment

"Alexander Golovin. 1863-1930 "in the Russian Museum

The exposition consists of about 150 works of painting, drawing and theater and decorative art from the museum's collections of public and private collections in St. Petersburg

GOLOVIN AY Portrait of Fyodor Chaliapin as Boris Godunov in the opera
Mussorgsky. 1912
canvas, tempera, distemper, gouache, pastel, chalk, gold, silver foil. 211.5 x 139.5. Timing

State Russian Museum, the Benois Wing
June 20 - September 2, 2013
St. Petersburg, Griboyedov Canal Embankment, 2

In Russian Museum exhibition "Alexander Golovin. 1863-1930 ».

exhibition marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the famous Russian artist A. Golovin (1863-1930), whose works combined the tradition and modernity, the severity of neo-classical and Art Nouveau decorative sophistication. The exposition consists of about 150 works of painting, drawing and theater and decorative art from the collection of the Russian Museum, the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts (Museum Apartment Brodsky), St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music, the Russian Geographical Society and the private collections in St. Petersburg. Complement their authentic costumes from the collection Aleksandrinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg), made from sketches Golovin.

by the diversity of talent, diversity and brilliance of its manifestations, Alexander Golovin, comparable to the outstanding contemporaries - and Konstantin Korovin . He painted pictures and created monumental works intensively worked in the fields of theater and the arts and crafts, showing himself as an outstanding personality. Like most colleagues in the "World of Art", Golovin turned to the book and applied graphics. In the early years, the artist was engaged in wood carving and interior design. At the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 was awarded a gold medal for Section crafts and silver medals - for majolica.

Golovin entered the history of Russian and world culture as a brilliant stage designer. In his role as a decorative painter imperial theaters for many years he designed the production at the Mariinsky and the Alexandrine theater. In a creative collaboration with the director Vsevolod Meyerhold was created true masterpieces of theater and decorative and performing arts, among them: "Don Giovanni" by Jean-Baptiste Moliere's "Carmen" by Bizet, "Orpheus and Eurydice" K.-W. Gluck, "The Stone Guest" Dargomyzhsky, "Masquerade" by Mikhail Lermontov.

As a master of painting, Golovin took a prominent place in the arts through his portraits, artistic value is unquestioned. Golovin preferred to portray the people of creative or related to art - actors, singers, dancers, stage workers. Of particular significance in the gallery of portraits Golovin have theatrical portraits of the famous singer Fyodor Chaliapin. On display are three of them: the role of Mephistopheles in red (Gounod's opera "Faust"), as Farlaf (Glinka's opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"), in the role of Boris Godunov (Mussorgsky's opera of the same name). No less known and a series of portraits of the so-called "Spanish girls." Along with the portraits in the exhibition includes landscapes ("Forest River", "View of the park", "Autumn", etc.) and still lifes ("Still Life. Flowers and Porcelain", "Flowers", "Kupavki") by Golovin in different years.

GOLOVIN AY Portrait VI Kankrin. 1909
canvas, tempera and pastel. 89 x 89. Timing
AY Golovin portrait FM Sliozberg. 1921
AY Golovin Portrait FM Sliozberg. 1921
Tempera on canvas. 106.5 x 106.5. Timing

GOLOVIN AY Forest River. Between 1908 and 1910
Tempera on cardboard. 99 x 80. Timing

GOLOVIN AY Forest. Action II. Scenery sketch for comedy JB Moliere's "Don Juan" for Aleksandrinsky theater. 1910
Tempera on canvas. 72 x 113

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