"Zverev in the fire"
In the "New Manege" exhibition of 200 works is held by Anatoly Zverev, who survived a fire in the house of George Costakis Collector
MGVZ "New Manege", 14-30 June 2012
Moscow St George's Lane 3/3
at Moscow State Exhibition Hall "Manege" Exhibition "Zverev in the fire", organized with the support of the gallery and collector Pauline Lobachevsky Natalia Opaleva .
1976 , the home of the Moscow intelligentsia, but there were rumors talk: « Kostaki with the family is going to go to Greece. Take out the collection. " - "No, do not give the collection to remove." - "Give the Tretyakov Gallery Collection." - "No, the icons and the first vanguard of the present and the other avant-garde take out." - "Leave all if facilities, which will hang works from his collection, will be called by his name." - "The first avant-garde, the most valuable, pick up and throw this modern ...» And suddenly - sensation: All Fired! The fire at the cottage of the legendary collector of Bakovka! - « Who lit?" - "True, all burned? All-all? And the icons, and , and Goncharova , and , and Sveshnikov , and Plavinsky , and ? »
first came to the burning house of the son of George George Dionisovicha Kostaki Dmitry. The house stood eight fire engines without water and three cars KGB.
George Costakis in despair shouted into the phone Zverev, "Tolia, all burnt!" - "And no one was hurt?" - Zverev asked. "No". - "It's good. A new picture, I'll draw "- encouraged by Zverev.
According to the daughter of George Dionisovicha Kostaki, burned everything. All that was hanging on the walls in the rooms of the house. A preserved only paintings and graphic works that are stored in the pantry, - a collection of popular print and animals. Zverev of burned, but, surprisingly, the fire helped them a lot of decorating.
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After the death of his father most of the works of Zverev burnt house went to Natalia Kostaki. None of the work has not been sold, donated, given. Year after year, daughter and heiress of the prominent collector of Russian art sorting, sort, and refurbished, refurbished ... These masterpieces of surviving in a fire.
Natalia Kostaki entrusted to present them to Moscow public "Gallery Pauline Lobachevsky", which she knew the owner of Anatoly Zverev, collected his works, was one of the organizers of the exhibition at the Tretyakov master Gallery, the publisher of several catalogs of his work and produced a documentary film about the artist.
scale project, "Zverev in the fire," occupies the entire space of "New Manege". The exhibition presents about 200 works of Zverev. The exhibition catalog and printing products. Shown films on Zvereva.
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