"Heirs of the Russian East" - the brothers Volkov
The State Museum of Oriental Art opened an exhibition of Moscow artists Valerie and Alexander Volkov - sons of the great Russian painter Alexander N. Volkov
State Museum of Oriental Arts, June 9 - July 8, 2012
Moscow, Nikita Boulevard, 12a
The State Museum of Oriental Art opened the exhibition "The heirs of Russian East", dedicated to the work of Moscow artists Valeria and .
The sons of the great Russian painter well-known to Moscow public. They are often exhibited in Russia and abroad, and their works are in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of the East, the Russian Museum, the Museum of the "New Jerusalem", Gallery Gregory Zimmerli Art Museum (USA) and other well-known collections.
Alexander Volkov Red Vase. 1970 Hardboard, oil. 84 x 60 Property of the author Source: orientmuseum.ru | ![]() Valery Volkov Red Spot. 1963-1964 Hardboard, oil. 95 x 121.5. TG Source: orientmuseum.ru |
This exhibition project is interested in the breadth of its scope: the exhibition includes works from various years - paintings and graphic works of both artists, as well as a sculptural . Volkov.
Following the imagination of artists, you find yourself at the intersection of the spaces: Central Asia - an unforgettable experience of childhood, have become an integral part of the universe Volkov, Moscow - the new-found home and family, France - first contact with modern Western art, Italy - great heritage of the Renaissance, Spain - flamenco, bullfighting, Egypt, Palestine - the images of "the other" East. East and West, man, bazaar, dance, music - all mixed up and merged in the flow of pictorial images, and then came down on the viewer.
by fate, they were destined to become artists. From the first days of life surrounded by pictures of the brothers of his father, the great master "Pomegranate tea house", which stood at the origins of the National Fine Arts of Uzbekistan.
the Stories of the sons, the father never specifically taught them painting, but always became their unquestioned authority in the art and moral guidance in life.
the second half of 1960 the two brothers live in Moscow, but until the collapse of the Soviet Union every year, they returned to his native Tashkent, and then with his friends E. Kravchenko and Damir Ruzybaevym have traveled throughout Central Asia. They see themselves as inheritors of the creative team of AN Volkov, also calling themselves the "Gang". Images of Central Asia have gone through all the work of Valerie and Alexander Volkov.
Valery Volkov Paris . 1967 Oil on canvas. 116 x 134. TG Source: orientmuseum.ru | ![]() Alexander Volkov flight. 2010 Oil on canvas. 100 x 90 Property of the author Source: orientmuseum.ru |
In 1960 Volkov interested in current trends in Western art, especially works by French artists of Russian origin Lansky and Nicolas de Stael .
For Valery Volkov has played a crucial first trip to France in 1966. In Paris he met with Lansky over time acquaintance grew into friendship, visited in Provence Marc Chagall .
on Alexander Volkov had a great impression of the exhibition of contemporary Western art, which in the late 1950s-60s proschli in Moscow. After the American Industrial Exhibition in 1959, he fell in love with art of Jackson Pollock, who was nicknamed "Jack the sprinkler." Alexander decided to try to paint himself in the same manner. On the formation of the young artist has affected the environment in which he immersed himself in his student years. Trips abroad for Alexander began later. In 1978 he first visited France as part of a group of artists, and in 1981 returned there to study contemporary art.
Over time, the geography of the creative journeys of brothers Volkov expands to almost the whole world. There are new themes and images. Passion for abstraction, understood as a reflection of "reality of his vision," does not break due to figurative art. The most important thing for Volkov - the ability to sense and transmit valuable paintings in their life. One thing remains unchanged - a picturesque view of the world bequeathed by his father, boundless love for his sons who carried through his life.
Source : orientmuseum.ru
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