Art Investment

From the Battle on the Ice to the First World War. The history of Russia in the works of Russian classics

March 29, 2012 - the Year of Russian history and the 770th anniversary of the Battle on the Ice - Gallery "Vellum" opens in the Central House of Artists exhibition of Russian painting and graphic battle

Gallery "Vellum", March 29 - April 16, 2012
Opening: March 29, beginning at 17.00
Moscow, Krimsky Val, 10, CHA, room number 3

March 29, 2012 - the Year of Russian history and the 770th anniversary of the Battle on the Ice - Gallery "Vellum" opens in the Central House of Artists exhibition of Russian paintings and drawings of battle. The exhibition brings together 40 rare historical works - the battle paintings, theater designs to historical productions, performed by Pavel Korin, , Michael , Peter Petrovicheva , , Ivan Vladimirov , Alexander Konovalov , , studio artists to them. Grekov.

2012 declared the Year of Russian history is no accident - it accounts for many anniversaries of the glorious events of national history. 400 years ago under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky gathered militia, 200 years ago, Russia went through the invasion of Napoleon's troops and won the Second World War in 1812. And in April 2012 marks 770 years of victory in the legendary Battle on the Ice on Lake Peipsi (1242), when combined Russian militia led by Prince Alexander defeated the invaders of the Livonian Order.

Key battles of the Russian army have been reflected in the works of famous Russian painters.

The collection galleries "Vellum" is a rare study of the great picture of Paul Corina "Alexander Nevsky" (of course painting is on permanent display TG). Show the public that work, have never been exhibited, - that in itself is an event of historical and cultural significance, especially in the context of this historic date. Art gallery director "Vellum" Love Agafonov art describes the history of most, perhaps, the famous triptych P. Corina: « In 1942, the Committee on the Arts invited Corina to paint a picture that inspired the image of the great ancestors of the Soviet soldiers and officers. All his knowledge of the spiritual beauty and qualities of the Russian people the artist has put into his triptych " Alexander Nevsky first." The impact of the image was created is that the reproduction of "Alexander Nevsky" adorned the front-line dugout and front-line newspaper. A copy of the huge painting made by a group of soldiers that stormed the Great Novgorod, was installed at the entrance to the city ».

Pavel Korin
Saint Alexander Nevsky. Study. In 1942. Oil on cardboard
Source: Press Release Gallery "Vellum»

No less significant in the exhibition of another prominent Soviet masters - of Alexander Bubnov, known worldwide as the author of landmark paintings, "Morning at the Kulikov field," which sketches can be seen on the show. Bubnov, like Corinne, - successor to the aesthetic ideal of "In Search of Russia," in which the heroes of Russian history, vested in the folk tradition traits of mythological characters, get their visible features. If in the prewar years and during World War II artists, addressing the theme of patriotism, often revealed through images of its ancient defenders of the Russian Land, the post-war period appears to us more poeticized - in particular, Alexander Bubnov created a picturesque suite on Pushkin's "Songs of Wise Oleg ", a few paintings from this series will be presented at the exhibition.

Young Alexander Bubnov Oleg in the campaign. 1 960 Alexander Bubnov
Young Oleg in the campaign. 1960
Mixed media on paper. 42 x 32
Source: Press Release Gallery "Vellum»
ALEKSANDR Alexander Bubnov
Tale. 1960
Oil on canvas. 158 x 165
Source: Press Release Gallery "Vellum»
ALEKSANDR Alexander Bubnov
At Constantinople. 1960
Watercolor and gouache. 12 x 32
Source: Press Release Gallery "Vellum»
Oleg Alexander Bubnov the banquet table. 1 960 Alexander Bubnov
Oleg the banquet table. 1960
Watercolor and gouache. 19 x 32
Source: Press Release Gallery "Vellum»

Among the exhibits - historical work of the master, "extolled by poetry realism" Mikhail Nesterov (so he called his style), Theodore Feodor, served for many years the chief artist at the Bolshoi Theatre; of battle painters of the War Artists Studio them. MB Grekov.

ends with a display of the recognized masters of the battle scenes of the first half of XX century - "Putting the Turkish soldiers captured by Erzurum" Ivan Vladimirov and "Cossacks in Galicia. Before Brusilovsky breakthrough "by Franz Roubaud (author's painting" Borodino Panorama "). On their canvases depict the events of World War I - the last in the history of the Russian imperial arms.

Ivanov Vladimir
Surrender of Turkish soldiers to Erzurum. In 1915. 1st half of XX century
Canvas, maslo.85, 5 x 128,5
Source: Press Release Gallery "Vellum»
Franz Roubaud
The Cossacks in Galicia. Before Brusilovsky breakthrough. Mid-1910
Oil on canvas. 60 x 90
Source: Press Release Gallery "Vellum»

Organizer - Gallery "Vellum»
Tel.: 7 (495) 776-33-31, 695-13-53 (ext. 147)

Source : Press Release Gallery "Vellum»

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