Art Investment

Contemporary Art of Saudi Arabia for the first time show at home

The modern, straightforward and sometimes provocative work of Saudi artists show at an exhibition in Jeddah. This is the first such exhibition in the country, and many see it as the beginning of something new

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, January 19 - February 18, 2012

On the opening day of the exhibition "We need to talk»

Sami Al-Turki

usually determine the point of origin of a new artistic movement only by art historians. However, opened in January in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), the exhibition of contemporary art of this country most of the audience, including non-specialists, came to the unanimous opinion that they had seen the beginning of something new. And perhaps they are right.

Exhibition "We need to talk", organized by an independent artistic association "The Edge of Arabia» (Edge of Arabia), represents more than 40 works of art - video art, sculpture, photo - 22 young Saudi artists, more than half of them - a woman. The exhibition includes, in particular, work Abdulnasera Harem (Abdulnasser Gharem), Matera Ahmed (Ahmed Mater) and Manal Al-Dovayan (Manal Al-Dowayan). Almost all the artists of the past three and a half years were exhibited together in London, Venice, Berlin, Istanbul and Dubai, but never - at home. Can you imagine a similar exhibition in Saudi Arabia ten years ago? "Of course not - says curator Mohammad Hafeez. - We have not had time artists, so there was no art ...»

In those days, to modern art is treated with suspicion or indifference. Today, members of the royal dynasty of Saudis, including a young exhibitor Princess Johar Al Saud (Jowhara Al Saud), as well as fans of contemporary art staged at the opening day sold out. There were also visitors from other countries, such as Wolfgang Tillmans photographer (Wolfgang Tillmans), a former curator of the Biennale in Sharjah Persekyan Jack (Jack Persekian), Director of Art Dubai fair Antonia Carver (Antonia Carver). And even the director of the Tate Modern Derkon Chris (Chris Dercon) walked through the halls of the exhibition on the second day, after which the participants called it a "real intellectuals with good vision of form and content».

«It looks as a new trend, "- said London dealer James Lindon (James Lindon), first arrived in Saudi Arabia. The authors wish to express solidarity amazing art of moving in new directions, says Lyndon, in which the quality of work produced a great impression. Some artists are turning to the common Islamic heritage, such as Ayman Essri (Ayman Yossri) in their works on the Hajj, with most of the exhibitors refers to the problems of the modern Saudi society, and does so directly, deliberately, and sometimes even a little provocative.

In the video work of Abu Abdullah Sarah (Sarah Abu Abdullah) «Anees 9999," the artist, dressed in the abaya (long black garment worn by Muslim women), paints a wrecked car in pink, and then gingerly sat down on the driver's seat. "I'm going to go back to Saudi Arabia and began to think about what will never be able to afford ... I can not choose his own betrothed, few will be able to get a job, she can not drive a car, I can not afford to own a cozy apartment. I carried one of my simple desire, pretending to have my own car "- talked about his work, Sarah. And certainly she could never conceive that it will show the video in Saudi Arabia. Times have certainly changed.

Malluch Maha (Maha Malluh), whose work involved in the current Exhibition" Hajj "in the British Museum (April 15) , in his book" Food for the mind 7200 "uses religious audio recordings that were distributed in Saudi Arabia in the late 1970s. Audio cassettes, arranged on a baking-1970s for bread, continually scrolls individual words, creating a kind of roll of words such as "disbelief", "shame", "false", and others.

Each of the works proposed for the exposure, inspected Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information; test passed all but one. Project is funded mostly by private companies, which allowed the organizers to choose not only a risky operation, but also a risky place - in an unfinished and neon lights illuminated the shopping center wing Al Furisiya Marina & Mall.

Saudi artistic movement, most likely in the coming years will become serious patrons and sponsors. Auction house Christie's, supported the idea of ​​the exhibition, sent to an exhibition in Jeddah eight representatives. From Sotheby's had four. By the end of this year, the two auction houses will have their official representatives in Saudi Arabia.

«collectors have [here] have the means and interest," - said Paul Hevitt of Christie's, compares the growing market Saudi Arabia established in Russia and India. A specialist in contemporary art from Sotheby's Lazaar Lina (Lina Lazaar) believes that "every Saudi of those whom it knows or has started in the near future is going to start collecting contemporary art».

Nevertheless, this fledgling trend in art is faced with several challenges. There is no art college, there is the Museum of Modern Art, there is a special edition of the art, and innovative art space is also not in abundance, except Athr Gallery in Jeddah.

Another problem - Saudi bureaucracy, some of which are devoted to the exhibition. Photo Sami Al-Turki (Sami Al-Turki) «The Postman" tells us about the growing number of young Saudis who would rather communicate via email, rather than risk sending messages through the public mail. The same, in my opinion, is in many other areas: young people prefer to distribute their work and share their thoughts via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, and not through traditional channels. The exhibition, "We need to talk" is largely in keeping with this trend.

The fact that the exhibition was opened and running, its wide coverage in local media, opening the prospect of ten years the Museum of Modern Art in Jeddah prove us, the ice was broken. Today Saudi Arabia is ready for the arrival of the new art. And the troops landed on the contemporary artists fragrant shores of Jeddah night.

Pictures of exhibits" We need to talk "can be found at Edge of Arabia.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI


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