"Book graphics VA Tabor" in the Literary Museum
Tonight, the opening of the exhibition and presentation of the same name of the book - the first complete catalog publishing graphics artist
House Ostroukhov, 2-23 February 2012
Moscow, Trubnikovsky lane, 17

On exhibition includes prints and preparatory drawings, sketches and engravings copyright board, rare books and magazines, aktsidentsiya. The exposition acquaints viewers with little-known works and rare editions, but at the same time reminds us of famous works of VA Tabor , classics book art.
particular interest is the section devoted to publishing projects, the one reason or another are not effected by the artist's life.
«Book graphics VA Mount Tabor" (New York: Contact-Culture, 2012) - this is the first complete catalog publishing graphics of the famous artist contains an annotated list of all the decorated them books and other works to be printed, published and unpublished for the period from 1907 to 1964. The catalog includes 182 illustrations, both known and forgotten, or first published, they are provided with detailed comments. cataloguer - Chairman of the Moscow club bibliophiles L. Chertkov. Output directory and marks the anniversary year of completing the 125 th anniversary of the artist.
Curators - NK Rebrov and I. D . Shakhovskoy.
At the book launch and exhibition opening speeches are assumed: the artist's daughter-MV Shakhovskoy Tabor, head of the Agency for Press and Mass Communications of Russian Federation MV Seslavinsky; art , the largest national expert in the field of book graphics Y. Gerchuk; member of the Academy of Fine Arts DD Zhilinskis.
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