Art Investment

Erte and the Golden Age of Hollywood

June 15 in the gallery "Art Deco" opens a new exhibition devoted to the era of "Golden Twenties"
Favorite King. Bronze and enamel. Height 37

Zaza. Seriography on paper. 75 x 45

Heat. Bronze and enamel. Height 49

Gallery Art Deco, June 16 - July 20, 2011

June 15 in the Art Deco gallery vernissage of the exhibition will be devoted to the era of "Golden Twenties" and one of its iconic figures - an artist whose work can be considered a reference embodiment of Art Deco style, the unsurpassed master of Hollywood chic Roman Petrovich Tyrtova known worldwide under the name Erte . The exhibition will be presented to decorative sculpture, graphic works, in the technique serialographic, as well as early sketches created for the theater and music hall - more than 30 works by masters, supplemented by home furnishings and design of the XX century.

Erte - one of the most vivid characters in the art scene of the twentieth century. The era of the interwar decades, has found a unique expression in the creative preferences of the master - a combination of elegance and luxury, aesthetics and graphics holiday splendor. Artist fashion, graphic artist, author of theatrical costumes and sculptor, he stayed in art history as an exemplary representative of the Art Deco style, and his name - as a sort of "brand" of bourgeois aesthetics 1920.

Erte-way artist is unique. He was a contemporary of Cubism and Futurism, Surrealism and Pop Art, but never changed Deco equally well to put it in the set design and graphics, and plastics. Moreover, just after the Second World War, in the heyday of abstract art, no longer a young artist once again became wildly popular. Erte work exhibited with success in Paris, London, New York and Tokyo, as it made films and wrote books. In 1967 with his exhibition at one of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art galleries, bought all 170 works. "It was an unprecedented event for the museum - to buy a full exposition of the artist's surviving" - recalled Erte.

In 1915, twenty-two artist signed long-term contract with the magazine «Harper's Bazaar», to whom he had formed a 250 covers. At the same time as a fashion designer, he collaborated with «Vogue», «Cosmopolitan», «Women's Home Journal». Very soon, Erte became truly famous. Every fashionista on both sides of the Atlantic knew him and unconditionally believed his taste.

creative energy and diversity of the master fully manifested themselves in the field of theatrical costumes, scenery and kinodizayna. Since the late 1910's Erte has collaborated with leading cabarets and music hall of its time, in particular «Folies Bergère», «Ziegfeld Follies», «Le Bal Tabarin», «La Nouvelle Eve», «Lido», and rightly bore the title King of the music hall. In 1925 he received an invitation to Hollywood, the studio «Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer», for which clearance has created dozens of films.

In 1960 Erte turned to a new for themselves art form - sculpture. Painter admitted: "I feel a sense of excitement whenever I see and touch the bronze from my collection of sculptures, because through it I can see how my drawings come to life, my ideas, my thoughts, my dreams, which had never happened" .

Erte sculptures were inspired by his early graphic work, they often have a direct analogy with the works of 1918-1933 years. Working on a three-dimensional shape, he often recalled how his suits looked live in theatrical performances. For example, his sculpture «Bamboo» had a prototype suit character, created for one of the numbers of the Broadway revue "George White's Scandals» («George White's Scandals»), 1924. Materials and techniques, which were selected for the bronze figures were truly luxurious: cold and hot patina, filigree and chasing, a variety of varnishes, enamels and paints, gold and silver plated, crystal and imitation of precious materials. Only in patinated Erte invented a few new colors and compositions, "branded" enamel artist became Verdi green and Mauve.

With incredible commercial and artistic flair, Erte in the works of drawing, sculpture and design teetered on the brink of sophistication and luxury, self-restraint and permissiveness, creating attractive images, do not leave indifferent even the most discerning viewers. Artist admired not only the public: his work is highly appreciated king of pop art of Andy Warhol, theatrical sketches, wizard admired the legendary dancer and choreographer George Balanchine. Today Erte works are the subject of passion of many collectors, and their placement in the interior of transforming even the most low-key atmosphere.

Source : Press Release Gallery "Art Deco"

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