Art Investment

The exhibition "Russian way. Pryanishnikov Hilarion and his disciples in Kaluga

The exhibition in the Kaluga Regional Art Museum is dedicated to the 170 th anniversary of the artist Hilary Pryanishnikova

Today, October 8, in the Kaluga Regional Art Museum opens the exhibition "Russian way. Pryanishnikov Hilarion and his disciples. " This year marks 170 years since the birth of IM Pryanishnikov (1840-1894), a native of the village Timasheva Borovsky District, Kaluga Province. Pryanishnikov - artist-innovator, a great master of art of narration. He is one of the founders of the famous Society of traveling exhibitions. As an artist, a realist, he sought to comprehend the essence of national life, to reveal the foundations of Russian spirituality - spirituality, Christian Orthodox.

  • ILLARION Pryanishnikov Zadvorki. 1880-e

Pryanishnikov many years was a leading teacher at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Virtually all of any significant master painting at the turn of the Moscow XIX-XX centuries - his disciples. Moreover, it charted Pryanishnikov that line of development of Russian painting, which was the backbone throughout the last century. And the main theme of the exhibition that opens today in one of the halls of the Kaluga Regional Art Museum - Pryanishnikov and his disciples. This exhibition and research. It does not purport to be complete disclosure of this topic is extremely complex and rich in content, but determines a range of events and issues that are important for understanding the entire course of the evolution of Russian art.

Painting himself Pryanishnikova represented at two works that are stored in the Kaluga Regional Art Museum: Study "Backyards" (1880-ies.) and a small view of the Black Sea, created by the artist shortly before his death. These landscapes provide modest, however, the representation of the structure of mature painting Pryanishnikov, its basic properties.

special place in the exhibition take work A. Corina and KA Korovin . Both of these artists not only students, but also relatives Pryanishnikova. Both of them are genuinely fond of his teacher. And at the same time very differently perceived his lessons. Corinne continues pryanishnikovskie tradition. Korovin, just became the first Russian impressionists, repelled by them, something rejecting and accepting something.

divers develop these traditions and the other students Pryanishnikova - such great masters of Russian painting, as VN Baksheev , , NA Kasatkin , KV Lebedev , etc. But they all were true cardinal principle of his art. Their art is meaningful, serious, thoughtful. It is these qualities to a large extent determined the identity and the main thrust of the "Russian way" in the art of modern times.

exhibition runs until November 14, 2010.


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